#dev 2020-09-29

2020-09-29 UTC
geoffo and nickodd joined the channel
I've been reading the new IndieAuth spec.
On paper. It's a change
nickodd left the channel
But in practice, it is not, GWG? ;)
No, I literally printed it
I sometimes need paper
Aah, haha
I do not think I have ever printed a spec
This is my first time, but I needed to get some clarity
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I also have to reread my code to remember how I did certain things
getting off the computer to read is really helpful, too many distractions, etc. on the screen
swentel, KartikPrabhu and dckc joined the channel
I've done some spec printing this year for work to walk through some new work with a colleague - it really helped tbh
I used to work in a print shop, I avoid printing at all cost
fLaMEd, moppy, [Murray], [James_Gallaghe], jeremycherfas, KartikPrabhu, joshghent and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
there are some many lovely caveats in this spec that have long stories and lots of drinking behind them. like how if you have unicode in your color name, every unicode character turns into a 0, unless it's outside the BMP, then it turns into 00
jeremych_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
That part of the spec is amazing, [KevinMarks]. Never really thought about it
Does that only apply to HTML colour values, or CSS colour values too?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[James_Gallaghe], jeremycherfas, dckc, [schmarty], geoffo, KartikPrabhu, lahacker, [Ana_Rodrigues], [chrisaldrich], [tw2113], [tantek], nickodd, [Murray], swentel, j605 and VioletPixel joined the channel
Have we ever captured which IndieAuth implementations support token revokation?
[snarfed] joined the channel
myfreeweb, danyao, cjav_dev, zootella, jbove, mattl, jimpick, dietricha, craftyphotons_, mitchell, ludovicchabant, peterrother, [chrisaldrich], themaxdavitt, chrisaldrich, skalnik, [tonz], kitt and shakeel joined the channel
GWG: I only know mine supports it...
jmac joined the channel
But that is not very helpful, hehe
As I am not aware of anyone actually using mine in production
[fluffy] and [James_Gallaghe] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[Emma_Humphries], [tantek], themaxdavitt, ludovicchabant and lahacker joined the channel
They are repeating the "wallet names" fallacy.
What is the wallet names fallacy?
It looks like we don't have a page for "wallet names fallacy" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "wallet names fallacy is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is a name?
A name can be an important part of one's online identity and can be almost anything one chooses to represent themselves https://indieweb.org/name
Let me look for similar pages first to see if it's covered elsewhere on the wiki, but the gist of it is that the assumption that if you make everyone use the name they have on state mandated/approved identification, it will prevent abuse and other malicious behavior.
who is? (did the slack bridge loose a message again?)
Ah, yeah, [Emma_Humphries]' first line never made it to IRC. Maybe because bot wake-up time.
somehow that's happening more often recently
oh it had an image... wonder if they changed how images come through again
And it also included a screenshot of what the reaction was to. So losing even more context to us on the IRC side
i just did a bunch of work to update the bridge to handle their new image format 🤦
Have y'all considered migrating off of IRC to Matrix or another open source alternative?
the philosphy is bridge all the things
I think there are several people connected to this chat through Matrix. That seems to generally work well. Whenever they share images or longer texts that is usually instantly translated to links for IRC and the public logs.
Slack feels like the harder one to bridge :(
aaronpk++ for all the Slack work. I should probably look into how to help out with that sort of upkeep
aaronpk has 73 karma in this channel over the last year (249 in all channels)
because Slack is a proprietary service that they don't really expect anyone to bridge, they feel like they can just make changes whenever they want
which, to be fair, they can
[Murray], [tw2113], gxt, ludovicchabant_, [KevinMarks], [jeremycherfas], mitchell, craftyphotons_, peterrother, jimpick, jmac, dietricha, themaxdavitt, mattl, cjav_dev, genehack, danyao, voxpelli and jbove joined the channel
Matrix has the slowest web UI of all of them unfortunately. Until that's fixed, IMO Matrix is not a solution to prefer.
[fluffy] and [Murray] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] that's a really neat highlight effect you mentioned, had a look in the source and it's being done with a set of styles like this: `p:nth-child(6n+5)::selection { background-color: blue }` Basically, for every `<p>` element in the main body of text it just cycles through 5 or 6 possible background colours, using the `::selection` pseudo selector (?) to only appear when highlighted and `nth-child` to target each paragraph
differently. Cool little idea, may need to make a note of it at some point 😄
Maybe something to spice up one's fragmentioner?
Or one could do it to add some flair to their holiday theme? red/white for candy cane highlighting or orange/black for Halloween?
Red, white and blue for fourth of july?
What is holiday theme?
Holiday theme is a temporary custom CSS or other change in a website typically meant to visually indicate the celebration of a holiday or special occasion https://indieweb.org/holiday_theme