#dev 2020-10-21

2020-10-21 UTC
geoffo, nickodd, leg, swentel, [fluffy], deathrow1, jeremych_, [KevinMarks], [Murray], IWSlackGateway1, [KevinMarks]1, [Murray]1, [capjamesg], aaronpk and KartikPrabhu joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
↩️ Having a declarative fallback is good, and saying which takes priority matters. The way webmention defines endpoint discovery works well. https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/#sender-discovers-receiver-webmention-endpoint
geoffo, [schmarty], [fluffy], sebbu2 and jamietanna joined the channel
Hey folks, any thoughts on https://github.com/w3c/Micropub/issues/122 and how to improve the UX of errors with Micropub?
/ shall I move this to the new repo?
[jamietanna] #122 Providing hints to the user of errors on their part
[jeremycherfas] and swentel joined the channel
A7: Not So Much! WebMentions can be short notes in reply to an external link. Creating conversation in a contextual relationship. See https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/ and https://schema.org/interactionStatistic #serpstat_chat #contentcreation #SEO #webmention
leg, KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich], lahacker, [KevinMarks], [chrisbergr], [fluffy], Lionir, paulrobertlloyd and [snarfed] joined the channel
Trying to debug a Micropub issue with the author of a client, and finding it would be useful to have either a way of by-passing IndieAuth flow or have a shared login (authentication not important as test Micropub server and website). Are there any good options for this?
paulrobertlloyd: I manually issue a token
so on pronoun stuff (cf #indieweb) does anyone have an idea of what the most common pronouns microformats are? There’s rather a lot of them.
I forget who but someone (I think Zegnat?) has them labelled on their profile
and when I get to adding mine on my site, I was going to follow that approach
[tantek] joined the channel
yeah I was looking at Zegnat’s, which uses a bunch of u-pronoun ones, when that’s kind of weird to parse by consumers
I don’t want a URL that the pronoun cites, I want a text label I can float up to users
on my h-card I use a p-pronouns that wraps p-pronoun-* sub-things
`<span class="p-pronouns"><span class="p-pronoun-nominative">she</span>/<span class="p-pronoun-oblique">her</span>/<span class="p-pronoun-possessive">her</span></span>`
so an mf2 parser sees a `p-pronouns` of `she/her/her` and also specific broken-out parts-of-speech forms
Those were acegiak's original labels - I remember some concern about translation but not the nuance
I like that syntax. I think I'll use that as a template for my own adaption.
I've got pronouns on mine, too https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/04/10/pronouns-microformats/ but I think mine uses `p-x-` not `p-`
[Jamie Tanna] Marking up my pronouns with Microformats
But I should move away from `p-x-`
Yes, similar syntax, but without container. I think the idea of the container as described by [fluffy] is great.
By the way Jamie, I love the layout, colors and hover state of the elements on your website. Very well done!
is the practice of explicit publishing of personal pronouns an English-only phenomenon, or are there examples in other languages that could be cited on /pronoun or the microformats page exploring it?
I'm wondering about the publishing burden, how many languages do you want to publish your pronouns in? and how does a consuming application connect which pronoun to which language?
In germany, popularity for this topic started to grow about 5 years ago (outside of the lgbtq bubbles) and in 2020 there are a lot of (serious) discussions about language even in huge media outlets.