#[fluffy]Finally got around to adding a webmention endpoint `Link` header to my site, so that incoming webmentions will work on private entries. (Modulo the fact that private responses also won’t be visible to the endpoint for validation.)
#[fluffy]oh, except… phooey, I just realized it can’t provide the rel=“canonical” without leaking information.
#[fluffy]Oh well. I’ll still see the mentions on my webmention.io dashboard/feed, just not via webmention.js
#[fluffy]Yet another reason I want to make a GUID-aware webmention endpoint. :)
digiSal, nsh, swentel, sebbu, nekr0z, samwilson, jalcine[m], hirusi[m], JK_na, khimaros[m], Rixon, Salt[m], smacko[m], fredcy_, aviraldg, jamietanna[m], mayakate[m], Pete[m], [chrisbergr], [chrisbergr]1, jeremych_, Alex13, leg, geoffo, [bthooper] and [Rose] joined the channel
#jackyI've been doing some changes to my site (locally)
#jackyand I'm thinking about moving some endpoints to _only_ exist on the page that my representative h-card lives at
#jackylike I kinda don't see the point of printing it out on _every_ page
#jackyand especially if I need to find it, I usually hunt for their rep page and then look for endpoints there
#sknebelwhat do you have an every page outside the WM endpoint?
#jackythings like my endpoints for micropub, microsub etc
#jackylike webmentions make sense to have on every page that needs it
#jackybut realistically, I only can see one's rep h-card page having/need more endpoints