maxwelljoslynIn I said I'd be done with the dynamic version of my site in Sept, week 4 - well, I'm a month late, but my new Flask-y website is up and running! :^) for help and support major props are owed to lahacker++
maxwelljoslynA month late from that prediction, but still 2 months ahead of the schedule I set myself in August. Win some lose some :) Now time to think of dumb things to do with a whole server instead of a Bezos Bucket
sebbuJamietanna, ideally, i'ld want to make a site that allows users to "connect" to their account on a few sites, but not all of thoses sites have (public?) API
sebbuie, i'ld want to list the books you're reading on kindle/goodreads, read the position (which might be synced as a googledocument on your googledrive in a specific folder), then update your library on goodreads/other with the reading position
[Denver_Prophit]Does anyone know of a ruby gem or api integration that tells to delete spam after filtered from say Akismet or something similar to reduce webmention spam?
sknebelin WP comment filtering applies to WMs by default, but I know at least some people opt them out of it because it's likely to cause false positives
[Denver_Prophit]Sknebel: I just wanted to get ahead of the game now that my code is now accepting and posting mentions. Last thing I want is a linkback from p0rn lol
[Denver_Prophit]Are there any jekyll devs in here rn? I'm thinking out a liquid process to have multiple named anchors in a post. Each with their own source url and twitter syndication id. I use and already have some assigns filtered by `wm-property`. I name the anchors using `{{forloop.index}}.
[Denver_Prophit]So, thinking through the logic to have each section match the source url with named anchor and spit out another forloop from the json that only applies to that sections tweet id syndication. Makes sense?
[Denver_Prophit]My intentions are to keep editing post with new section and tell to post to twitter to make a twitter chat work. Just the process I'm thinking through.
[schmarty], [tantek], [grantcodes] and sp1ff joined the channel
oenonehi, I'm trying to use my domain on, but get the error "cURL error 61: Unrecognized content encoding type. libcurl understands deflate, gzip content encodings." - any idea where I could start looking for errors?
Loqi[mahagr] To reply to your questions, I fixed the code to close the connection properly for you (php-fpm).
`Content-Encoding: none` is used in all the examples on how to prevent mod_deflate from compressing the PHP output. I don't think there is a better wor...