[tantek]jacky, by "single binary" do you mean single file? like I use one file falcon.php for handling all viewing of all my posts / archives / home page / atom feed. and the only thing it includes is the cassis.js library
[tantek]my authoring side has an index.php for the rendering of the sign-in/posting UI and a separate PHP file for all the logic/storage of handling posting, which also includes the cassis.js library
[tantek]the "binaries" that I maintain each have fairly independent purposes so I can nearly always work on and upgrade one without touching the others.
nickodd, [fluffy], fauno, [chrisbergr], [grantcodes], fauno_, geoffo, [KevinMarks], OhTheCode, KartikPrabhu, jeremych_, djmoch, [tantek], [Hideo_Minami] and gRegorLove joined the channel; nickodd left the channel