#dev 2020-11-05

2020-11-05 UTC
[fluffy] joined the channel
maxwelljoslyn, dbucklin, Gardner, superkuh, [chrisaldrich], [tantek], nickodd, lahacker, geoffo and [tantek]1 joined the channel
ちゃんとTwitterでのLikeやRetweetがオリジナル投稿にWebmentionされている。なるほど、こうなるのかぁ。 どこで参照されてもオリジナルにフィードバックがくる、これがIndieWebの世界なんだなぁ。 https://bit.ly/2Gt1kdZ
geoffo, [schmarty], smacko, [tantek], swentel, schmudde and swentie joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Reading https://indieweb.org/Disqus and https://brid.gy/about#disqus I don't understand if I can reply to a post that is not on Tumblr but that uses Disqus and let bridgy convert the webmention into a Discus post on that site.
なるほど誰かがwebmention対応のサイトの記事をtwitterでメンションしても通知がいかない。当たり前だな。http://Brid.gy 使うとTwitterからwebmention飛ばせたりするので皆使おう! #Indieweb http://brid.gy
なるほど誰かがwebmention対応のサイトの記事をtwitterでメンションしても通知がいかない。当たり前だな。http://Brid.gy 使うとTwitterからwebmention飛ばせたりするので皆使おう! #Indieweb http://brid.gy
KartikPrabhu, DanC, schmudde and [snarfed] joined the channel
nolith sorry, no, bridgy doesn’t currently do that
[snarfed]: ok. It makes sense
[tantek], schmudde, zack1 and geoffo joined the channel
Hello, all. I have a question sort of related to microsub. I'm building a client for myself and some entries have a category field. Is there any standard way to query a site to get the link for each category?
not really, there's no guarantee a website will have a link for a category
does anyone know which technology should I implement to see my own posts under "My posts" in https://alltogethernow.io/ ?
huh i don't actually know what it's doing there
[EdwardHinkle] #4 Query for Post List
and there's no guarantee categories (or genres, or tags) will be the same between 2 sites
i guess the other way to ask that question is: if the website does have a link for category pages, how could that be exposed in microsub
it would actually need a microformats representation first, which interestingly isn't really a thing. most people include just the category name in the microformats value. you _could_ publish a URL value instead, but there's not really a way to provide both
I was thinking something like a micropub query that would give a template url https://example.com/tags/%s
micropub query implies you're querying your own site, is that what you mean?
ah, duh. you're right. No i was just thinking about it wrong
On my site, tags are marked up like <a class="p-category" href="/tags/tagName">. Couldn't microsub servers check if a p-category is on an anchor tag with an href?
Or is overloading the p-category class a bad idea, since the p-* implies plain-text property
right, a microformats parser will return only the plaintext value for p-*
if you were to use u-category there, the value parsers see would be the URL
but parsers aside, most consumers of the value expect it to be a string right now, which was my other comment about there not really being a way to provide both a name and URL for the category property in microformats
ah, gotcha. The only microformats that have both a name and a url are all h-* types and that sounds like way more work than its worth for this
[grantcodes] joined the channel
@nolith [aaronpk] was right, to get your posts to show up in Together you need to support micropub queries
thank you aaronpk and [grantcodes]. I was not looking at the micropub extensions, that's way I could not found anything usufull. I'll read the specs and see if I can implement it in my endpoint
nolith has 1 karma over the last year
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Give me a shout if you have any issues with together
Thanks I'll do. I'm at a very early stage in my indieweb journey.
DanC, [KevinMarks] and gRegorLove joined the channel
I'm trying to feed my Atom file to micro.blog, but the only outcome I can get from my settings page is `Error: request timeout`.
My atom feed xml downloads in less than a second so I can't believe it's a timeout problem on my end of the connection.
Do you have ideas on how I can get my posts on micro.blog?
[manton] joined the channel
@nolith Every once in a while I see issues like that, but I think it’s outside my control… I just tested downloading your feed on my own laptop (works) and from one of the Micro.blog servers (times out).
maybe a user-agent thing on the request from microblog?
Maybe, but I just tested using curl on both machines… Unless it’s a combination of user-agent and something else.
I can ping, but HTTP requests just hang, which does sound like it might be a security thing.
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
thanks [manton], that site is statically generated and hosted on GitLab pages. Where are hosted Micro.blog servers?
swentel and [schmarty] joined the channel
haha woah i got bit by a bug where recent mariadb causes PHP 7.2 and below to fail to connect! https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-24121
ahaha i already had php7.3 on this box but my ngnix config was passing requests to 7.2 😒
really interesting to see folks rushing around shouting past one another to figure this stuff out on stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64677836/sqlstatehy000-general-error-1835-malformed-communication-packet-on-laravel
[fluffy] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
is deploying a breaking version of his site and hopes it doesn't break completely >_<
I do need to move data outside of my database and into the files
bwaha it's broken! lol
[manton] joined the channel
@nolith Linode.
had to move about 15,000 files due to a bug I had with discovery but I think my new build is coming along nicely
it's a lot faster
schmudde and [schmarty] joined the channel
15,000 files!!
jacky++ sounds like a major relaunch!
jacky has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (113 in all channels)
it's mainly my site data files (all of my precious likes)
but now all of my feeds are kaput lol
Hehe yeah I tried to look at your posts and articles feeds and they were gone but I figured you were aware. 😅
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
I'm aiming to let granary work on them by taking the h-feeds on the page
I do want to self-host those feeds in the future tho
one big thing I'm working on are private feeds and I wouldn't be able to pass that through something like granary
Last couple of days I've been slowly starting on my indieauth server implementation - been taking note of a lot of the conformance features as Cucumber if we go that route for indieauth test suites
geoffo joined the channel