zack1Hello, all. I have a question sort of related to microsub. I'm building a client for myself and some entries have a category field. Is there any standard way to query a site to get the link for each category?
aaronpkit would actually need a microformats representation first, which interestingly isn't really a thing. most people include just the category name in the microformats value. you _could_ publish a URL value instead, but there's not really a way to provide both
zack1On my site, tags are marked up like <a class="p-category" href="/tags/tagName">. Couldn't microsub servers check if a p-category is on an anchor tag with an href?
aaronpkbut parsers aside, most consumers of the value expect it to be a string right now, which was my other comment about there not really being a way to provide both a name and URL for the category property in microformats
noliththank you aaronpk and [grantcodes]. I was not looking at the micropub extensions, that's way I could not found anything usufull. I'll read the specs and see if I can implement it in my endpoint
[manton]@nolith Every once in a while I see issues like that, but I think it’s outside my control… I just tested downloading your feed on my own laptop (works) and from one of the servers (times out).
jamietanna[m]Last couple of days I've been slowly starting on my indieauth server implementation - been taking note of a lot of the conformance features as Cucumber if we go that route for indieauth test suites