#dev 2020-11-06

2020-11-06 UTC
geoffo, gRegorLove_, nickodd and [snarfed] joined the channel
[jacky] out of curiosity, why couldn’t private feeds go through granary? are you depending on a token in an HTTP header instead of query param? or is it more policy that you wouldn’t want granary accessing private data?
maxwelljoslyn, gRegorLove_, cweiske, swentel and Danielstaleiny joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
hey all, I have a question, in the example under Backward compatibility there is example with multiple classes, are both classes needed or only the first ones ?
Tantek Çelik
schmudde, DanC, [jgmac1106] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
for maximum compatibility both - most mf2 parsers support mf1 as well, but obviously an mf1 parser won't.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ schaue und bei denen ich gerne mal was antworten würde. Geht aber nur noch selten. Und da auch Webmentions nicht dort aufschlagen, lässt man es dann halt ganz sein. Schade. (2/2)
schmudde joined the channel
Kevin what is the shortcut you taught me for adding a space without using an HTML entity? Been away from poetry so long I forgot
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
no break spaces is A0 in unicode, which is option+space
[snarfed] is there a reason a new twitter list might be returning 404 in granary? my existing ones work fine, but i'm trying to add a new one and it just says "Sorry, that page does not exist"
[snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk huh, i don’t know of a reason, no
hrm, then...bug report :)
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Fell at the first hurdle. The monitor I was planning to use is so old it does not have an HDMI slot. But maybe I can use my video capture card. Worth a try.
KartikPrabhu, leg, [Raphael_Luckom], [tantek], schmudde, fauno and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
!tell [snarfed] I'd want to pass a token to Granary and I woudln
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell [snarfed] I'd want to pass a token to Granary and I wouldn't want to pass it as a query param tbh
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
granted, I think I wouldn't want Granary processing private data (like if I could send it a stub URL with info that I wanted to parse, I probably would, like a proxy)
I just noticed that the Micropub spec has no concerns with a client that sent both `text` and `html` in the payload
granted this is extreme but I can see a client sending some extra cruft (Powered by MyMicropubClient) and saying it's okay b/c the spec doesn't stop them
there's the obvious "don't use that client again" but I wonder if there's reason enough to surface such a mismatch as an error from the server to the client
there is nothing suggesting a client even look at "content":"text", is there?
not to my knowledge :/
eh, I mean a server looking at "content":{"text":"xxx"}
I think this is an edge case that won't come up for some time
(tbh that's what I figured you meant :P)
I only noticed it because I'm cleaning up the seed data for Koype
I guess there is some argument that if a server saves everything it gets evne if it doesnt understand it it could cause confusion
but even then, I'd want servers to save everything
I kinda see micropub as the querying tool for one's site and their posts/site content as the data at hand
and then URL being the addressable facets of one's site (leaning into the p2p language here)
generally yes, not sure how I think about stuff that colides with conventions/data formats like that
tbh it's room to say "screw it, store it all" lol
like I can see someone building a client that'd be able to detect this (somehow, maybe if they pulled the mf2 for a site from a side-file and noticed a difference)
^ that wouldn't even work for my site b/c I first use the HTML before any plain format of a post
this might also be hinting at the fact that by having different representations of content stored internally, I've introduced a world of pain lol
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
does the monitor have a DVI connector? that's pretty much HDMI with more pins