#dev 2020-11-11

2020-11-11 UTC
[snarfed], geoffo, [scottgruber] and ShinyCyril joined the channel
↩️ this is my webmention comment
cweiske joined the channel
And today I woke up with a twitter email announcing me that my twitter app is suspended. I guess I'll use bridgy to publish in the meantime
schmudde, jeremych_, gRegorLove and Crtn32002 joined the channel
nolith, what did you do for getting banned ? :p
sebbu: nothing special, I was only syndicating my own notes. I suspect the reasons lies in the fact that I had ~10 apps, I've build them at my previous job, and when I left they never made the ownership switch. All of my apps got suspended, so either they did something with those apps or I simply triggered some check because of the number of apps.
BTW I deleted all the old apps and only left the one I'm using for my site, and asked to unblock it. I hope to get it sorted out as soon as possible
it usually takes a few weeks
wow. I will survive thanks to bridgy
petermolnar and jeremych_ joined the channel
vika_nezrimaya, KartikPrabhu, [Raphael_Luckom], nickodd and geoffo joined the channel
Had so much fun talking about Webmentions + Eleventy at 11ties with @JAMstackTORONTO! Slides and more posted here... https://sia.codes/posts/webmentions-eleventy-talk/
nickodd left the channel
indieweb-endpoints (5.0.0): Discover a URL’s IndieAuth, Micropub, Microsub, and Webmention endpoints. https://rubygems.org/gems/indieweb-endpoints
[schmarty] joined the channel
[jgarber] joined the channel
jgarber has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
Thanks! Small release updating some dependencies.
5.0.0 feels good!
5⃣ • 0⃣ • 0⃣
schmudde, cweiske and [tantek] joined the channel
jgarber++ whoa!
jgarber has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
↩️ Yeah in this case it was for Webmention data
treora, Ruxton, jacky, rhiaro, j605, Kongaloosh__, lanodan, bear, ludovicchabant, [jgarber], geoffo, dopplergange, superkuh, ben_thatmustbeme, timotimo, [tantek], GWG, gbmor, blueyed, mayakate[m], gxt, jjuran, AkyRhO, fauno, dansup, tinfoil-hat, geman, enpo, lahacker, myfreeweb, jimpick, cjav_dev, vilhalmer, skalnik, themaxdavitt, peterrother, mitchell, nloadholtes, nolith, aaronpk, MrHyde, smacko, globbot, oenone, omz13, kiero, petermolnar, Zegnat, beko, sknebel, jeremycherfas, kitt, dietricha, gRegorLove, Kaja, raucao, OhTheCode, KartikPrabhu, willnorris, craftyphotons__, schmudde, mattl, shakeel, deltab, deathrow1|absnt, DanC, sp1ff, IWSlackGateway1, wagle, sebbu, nsh, Pete[m], Salt[m], jamietanna[m], JK_na, smacko[m], khimaros[m], nolith[m], aviraldg, fredcy_, jalcine[m], samwilson, nekr0z and zootella joined the channel