#dev 2020-11-10

2020-11-10 UTC
ShinyCyril, gRegorLove, lahacker, GWG, OhTheCode, [tw2113_Slack_], [chrisaldrich] and geoffo joined the channel
Is anyone here running their services on both ipv4 and ipv6?
only 4
wish I could roll onto 6 :(
[Jan_Lukas_Else] joined the channel
Yes, both
[Jan_Lukas_Else]: any problems you've encountered so far?
No, I use Alpine Linux on the server and I think it was just a matter of changing a config file to get an IPV6 address and add a reverse DNS entry in Hetzner Cloud Console.
And of course an AAAA DNS entry on my domain
schmudde joined the channel
Fetching my IndieWeb mentions with HTTPie and Requests Using the http://Webmention.io API #Python #Indieweb #FixingMySite #Blog https://randomgeekery.org/post/2020/11/using-the-webmentionio-api/
willnorris, jeremych_, genehack and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
laughs chaotic evil, because he added back Atom - inside the RSS feed with XML namespaces!
[KevinMarks], ShinyCyril, KartikPrabhu and [snarfed] joined the channel
IPv6++ my site and projects all serve on IPv6 as well as 4
IPv6 has 1 karma over the last year
schmudde and geoffo joined the channel
jeremycherfas: I am, unfortunately, aware of the label vs image width. I wanted to avoid using js for that gallery, and so it's pure CSS. Trouble is, the image sizing in CSS is kind of a mystery, because, unlike the label, it has a height limit as well; as a result, the width parameter is not trivial. I am yet to figure out how to size the label correctly to follow the image size.
but I'm tempted to write a tiny bit of JS to overcome this limit
I didn't look in detail at the CSS, but if the caption div were flex contained within the image div, that might just work.
that's the problem; it's not the caption, it's the h3 of the h-entry
the whole gallery view is just a mere CSS whack on top of the normal view
I saw that. But could it not, on the gallery page, be something else? Or is that not DRY enough?
there is no gallery page :)
it's the same thing as everything else
hence the whack with CSS
Well, the presentation obviously differs, but I see what you're saying.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
What's the goal with the image sizing? I'd be surprised if you couldn't do it with modern css.
Particularly `object-fit` is really useful for images if you don't want to mess with html stucture
[tantek] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[grantcodes]: In the h-entry div there's a h3 for the title and the link, and a figure with an img inside. The gallery css sets the whole thing to be a flexbox, with limit on the h-entry width. simultaneously there's a max viewport height % on the image, making it fit nicely into any orientation and aspect ratio.
trouble is that now the img width is unknown to the sibling and I can't make the parent follow it either, because then the flexbox collapses
if there's a better way, I'm all ears
if you go to https://petermolnar.net/photo/index.html you'll see the default layout; once the "toggle gallery" is pressed, the CSS inside the inline CSS with id css_gallery and css_gallery_light activates
that's all I do for the gallery view
🤔 so you'd want the caption to shrink for photos that have a portrait orientation?
Yes. Without JS :D
I changed `figure` `width: 23vw` to `max-width` and it sort of works but it shrinks in a strange way
↩️ No worries, it was my fault (forgot IWC), will attend Social CG, just thought, if and @aaronpk would not be hungry then he/iwc-people could attend as well… @aaronpk Had no luck in irc, question is : Do you feel a rel="me" like https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/#h-endpoint-discovery would be helpful f AP too?
gallery view fixed with ~20 lines of JS, I caved in
still uploading though
i’ll hate myself in the morning for saying this, but if javascript gets the job done, use it
unless you need huge library + 20lines then…yeah 😄
gRegorLove joined the channel
Sorry I made you do that.
no, it was bothering me as well, I just kept postponing a fix
[tw2113_Slack_]: 20 lines of vanilla js
But at least now you are free to do something spectacular on Sunday.
right... back to the hunt for what to do on Sunday
schmudde, KartikPrabhu, [tantek], leg, [grantcodes], [tw2113_Slack_], [chrisaldrich], [Raphael_Luckom] and ShinyCyril joined the channel