#dev 2020-11-09

2020-11-09 UTC
KartikPrabhu, [Raphael_Luckom], geoffo, [chrisaldrich], [tw2113_Slack_], nickodd, nolith, [tantek], gxt, [Rose], swentel, schmudde and [jgarber] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
has anyone started playing around with avif (the av1 image format)?
i haven't, but i know windows (10) natively support it, alongside with ogg, vorbis, theora, webp, vp9, hevc (paid), raw, heif, mpeg2
but it's still too new, people haven't agreed whether to use av1f, apg, heif (hevc), heif (avc), jp2k, jbg, bpg, webp, jpegxt, flif, jpegxl, pik, daala, etc...
(all of them are meant to be alternatives to jpg with hdr support)
(most of the time i just directly use imagemagick, so i don't really care about the exact file format)
(or ffmpeg if it's a video and not an image)
exr / pgx / jpegls too
[Cyril Concolato] AV1 Image File Format (AVIF)
ShinyCyril, geoffo, [Murray], schmudde, [chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks], [tantek], [Rose], swentel, KartikPrabhu, [Raphael_Luckom], [spieper], [jgarber] and jjuran joined the channel
For the cost question relating to cloud vs. shared hosting as an example, Jim Groom had a nice post a while back about their Reclaim Cloud services and how it compared to pricing for a relatively straightforward WordPress install: https://bavatuesdays.com/costs-in-the-cloud/
[Jan_Lukas_Else] joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
Next.js & Google are advocating for a "best practices" approach to web development, rather than sticking with web standards. Latest e.g.: Next.js is *replacing* the HTML <img> tag with its own React-based image component, <image> 🤔 See also: WebP > PNG 🤔 https://thenewstack.io/next-js-and-google-best-practices-bad-news-for-web-standards/
ugh what? is this like an AMP 2.0 Electric Imageloo?
well that makes me want to explode with rage
allow me to distract you with something nerdier and more entertaining so to speak: https://www.bbc.co.uk/rd/blog/2020-10-sustainability-radio-audio-energy-streaming-broadcast - the IndieWeb question here is is there an IndieWeb (or just web, or http or IP for that matter) equivalent to very low power access / broadcasting our content / sites?
ok, joke aside: do these devs never talk to someone who doesn't have a power plant running in their laptops and phones?!
this will make things SO bloody slow
that, beyond the wtf are you thinking?! reaction
oh, these are for the <image>
I have been learning about Cloud some of the highest levels of security.... Makes you feel better US federal gov just as bad as your average WordPress user
@akashrine, maybe the domain contains www ou https:// ?
(or both)
(i've seen it before on other sites, domain depended on scheme and subdomain)
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I've not looked into it 100% in depth but I think that next.js <image> thing is probably a bit overblown. It's not replacing html. I'm sure it still ends up and standard static html that works without js. But it does a bunch of good things that can be a pain like setting up srcsets and optimizing files.
sebbu: that thing from Loqi is a tweet; as far as I know, one can't respond from here.
Loqi should be a bridge, not mandatorily a tweet
that article is a bit much but I understand the sentiment
that if this was some move, it would be 'nicer' to see it come out of WHATWG since that's the only true representative of Web standard discussions in a classless way
I think Richard has it a bit confused, as React components can look like html macros.