[Raphael_Luckom]AWS doesn't charge for any SSL cert that's in use on an endpoint (possibly only public ones, I forget). I see that as being directly due to competition from efforts like this. It's great.
@ambrwlsn90↩️ Hey, Max! Thanks for your post on webmentions with Eleventy. It let me get a quick start while I learned more about them. I'm working on tweaking my webmention UI a little this evening. And I'll be crediting you in a blog post coming soon ☺️ (twitter.com/_/status/1330937543412609025)
[Raphael_Luckom]Is there a way that people feel about URI templates as described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570 ? They look like a good option for something I'm doing--wondering about opinions, experiences with using them.
sebbu[KevinMarks], reminds me i've checked WKD (as an alternative to using 3rd party keyservers), but... the main requirement is about using a mail hosted on my own domain
[schmarty]ah and that write-up is from 2017! which is (ironically for me) about when i let my namecoin registration expire (got snapped up 8 months later by a squatter)
[schmarty]i would set a calendar reminder for "about every 4 months" to go load up my namecoin wallet and let it sync and then spend a teeny amount of namecoin to keep my entries updated
[schmarty]knowing that any name that gets registered and then expires will be squatted. but eventually i forgot and it happened and here i am not really worse off, haha.
[schmarty]i don't think anyone in this room is saying namecoin is better than anything in particular, if that is what your questions referred to, aaronpk :}
[schmarty]but with the main namecoin client it was all the problems of a cryptocurrency (run your own wallet, sync a ton of network history, buy some tokens from _somewhere)_ plus a no-interface textbox for actually registering data, where updates are rate limited and take like an hour to get confirmed each time.
[schmarty]but the namecoin chain itself just lets you jam whatever in there and spammers / squatters just jam text and URLs and emails for how to pay them to unsquat or where to get scammed out of bitcoin
[schmarty]i _think_ i had found a tool that let me put in some common records and it would spit out JSON to paste in, but that was a huge missing part of using it at all
[schmarty]there was very little (and no "official" or "supported") documentation for turning simple needs like "how do i make it so browser or client X shows the content i want at <myname>.bit?" into practical steps
@AmyVernon@estherschindler With a really long story first that I desperately try to scroll fast to find the actual start to the recipe but I’m on mobile and have to scroll up and down five times before I finally find the temperature I’m supposed to heat the oven to? (twitter.com/_/status/1330972256118460420)