#dev 2020-11-24

2020-11-24 UTC
gxt and [tantek] joined the channel
wow spicy in the dev channel today lol
how not to help someone as a developer, e.g. as a developer helping someone setup their IndieWeb site: https://twitter.com/EmilyKager/status/1331028582232072192
gxt_ joined the channel
みんながサイロの中でしか発言してないとせっかくのWebmentionもあまり機能しない、当たり前だけど。FacebookはAPIでどうもできないサイロ中のサイロなので困るね。 #indieweb
KartikPrabhu and dhanesh joined the channel
what are webactions
A web action is the interface and user experience of taking a specific discrete action, across the web, from one site to another site or application https://indieweb.org/webactions
I was looking specifically for the protocol prefix used
that seems to be `web+action://`
[chrisaldrich], jjuran, tinfoil-1, swentel, [KevinMarks] and petermolnar joined the channel
Looks that way on a quick read.
Although my eyes are bleeding a little.
petermolnar: I dont't think so. He's just dowloading his twitter bio and location with an javascript call that goes trough his "proxy"
He's not dowloading the tweets, not providing a permalinked copy on his site
and it's all dynamic, into client browser
speaking of twitter API, finally they re-enabled my app yesterday
schmudde joined the channel
https://seirdy.one/2020/11/23/website-best-practices.html and recent talk about microformats testing made me think if it is possible to have a test that ensures reader mode works correctly on a page
My immediate gripe with that site is that the line length is too long. As in, too long for me to continue trying to read it.
yeah, ~150 chars here
but it works with reader mode :D
There's an argument about not expecting the visitor to have to do anything.
I did not suggest the site is good that way
Of course not. But it does suggest that the author is actually less concerned about making the site a good experience for someone reading it. Or maybe just doesn't know about usability.
gxt and [Murray] joined the channel
Which is unfortunate, because they are apparently employed as a front-end UI/UX... so usability should be the foundational expectations 😄
!tell jacky yes on web_action, were you maybe looking for / remembering this page? https://indieweb.org/indie-config
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
It's fast; the rest is just baubles. ;)
Maybe there is also something to say for better default CSS (e.g. linelength) in browsers.
If I write HTML with no CSS, people are not going to like reading it, like jeremycherfas just said
[jgmac1106] and zootella joined the channel
did we release a new indieauth snapshot yet?
Countdown set by sknebel on 2020-11-22 at 1:18am CET
Answer: no
what is an indieauth snapshot?
It looks like we don't have a page for "indieauth snapshot" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "indieauth snapshot is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Is it a snapshot of the doc?
Snapshot of the specification
https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/ is a living spec, but it is “versioned” by date
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
There was a push over the weekend to clearup some stuff around profile URLs and making the security check a more core part of the spec. But we haven’t actually released it on the main spec yet
thanks Zegnat++
Zegnat has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (92 in all channels)
reed, [Raphael_Luckom], [fluffy] and [tantek] joined the channel; nolith[m] left the channel
slowly getting back into https://invent.kde.org/jalcine/activitydesk and the need for a mf2 parser in Rust grows
jacky: Zegnat left you a message 2 hours, 58 minutes ago: yes on web_action, were you maybe looking for / remembering this page? https://indieweb.org/indie-config
yup that's it Zegnat
if I can get that project working, I can push away from using my Android phone for a lot tbh
I could lean on Firefox + 'installed' Web apps to handle other things
but the e-mail, SMS and call functions are solid; this would just give me everything else (social feeds + rss reader)
lahacker and nickodd joined the channel
Does anyone know how to calculate the cloud cover fraction by comparing the actual mean solar radiation to the clear sky radiation?
Followup, does anyone know how to estimate the actual mean solar radiation using illuminance?
Or, simpler...who here knows a meteorologist?
This is all in my attempt to figure out if it's cloudy outside to display the right icon on my site
Is there a difference between metric cloudy and imperial cloudy?
The UK have 200 words for rain
[Raphael_Luckom]: Not that I know of, why?
I spent time last night standardizing my units of measurement
For example, storing rain in mm/hr vs cm/hr
Storing wind in m/s vs km/hr
Weather APIs are not consistent so I had to decide
But my weather station doesn't have a way of calculating cloudiness
I should be able to estimate it with the other sensors
I just need a formula
[KevinMarks]: My Met office code works very well. Although they don't record as many parameters as some stations
Met office makes a distinction between mist and fog, but doesn't have a 'mizzle'
[KevinMarks]: Do you want your website to report mizzle?
Really enjoying the FONTS talk from Beyond Tellerand (online session)
Oliver is going through the use of different type for different fundamental purposes, e.g. Display Text (for headlines, larger text, smaller bits of text) vs Body Text
Is anyone else watching? I posted a while ago about it
picking the typography for your site based on the vibe you want to convey feels very IndieWeb, like very much an advantage of IndieWeb over any silo
Oliver is claiming there's no difference in readability of body text (on screen presumably) between sans and serif text.
Curious if anyone here takes special care in what type / fonts they choose for their personal site headings vs body text etc.
the link earlier claimed that the difference is in low-res screens. I'd be interested to know what % of low-res screens actually attempt to render markup-specified fonts.
curious what kind of low-res screen use-cases there are these days (beyond very low res like LED big pixel displays)
Old school nokias will outlive us all 🙂
haha true
Wow Gill Sans is pretty bad on iOS apparently
It is? Makes note to check. I use it in print all the time.
interesting, for body text, larger x-heights are preferred (more readable at smaller sizes, e.g. counterexample Gill Sans)
I think I'm going to use Tufte's style in a redesign: https://edwardtufte.github.io/tufte-css/ . I think his choice of serif it a bit precious, but the layout stuff all seems perfect to me
jeremycherfas, yes iOS meaning on screen in particular. print is quite a different medium obv!
Obvs! I don't think I am using it online, but it can't hurt to check.
feels like the kind of thing a client-side validator could check too, e.g. by checking the computed style of elements in your page
I'm just waiting for the tufte marginal footnotes to work again with pandoc before attempting a redesign. Or rather, a re-layout. Not much else will change.
interesting, now he's talking UI fonts, which have different constraints as well (fonts for menus, buttons etc.)
Helvetica is bad for that because of its tight "counters" (the open edges), Lucida is better. Apparently MacOS 10.10 Yosemite switched to Helvetica for menu fonts and it was a lots less readable
"Functional text" (broader term for UI text I think)
[schmarty] joined the channel
GWG: do you know the name of one unit of cloud cover? :D
aaronpk: Yes, I do. I assume because of your affiliation you do as well
is it cloudenheit?
you guys should really switch to cloudcius
I was about to make that joke, KartikPrabhu xD
🛑 :P
[tantek] joined the channel
[Raphael_Luckom] I made a Tufte Hugo theme with microformats in
I use Gill Sans as a display font on my blog for headings
KevinMarks, I was just informed of how problematic Eric Gill was (see his Wikipedia entry) and it's gross enough that I can't use any Gill anything any more
On a positive note, now the FONTS session as moved onto the next talk, by Ulrike of LiebeFonts
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
lots about variable fonts and handwritten fonts (good ones where repeated letters use different variants etc.)
[fluffy] joined the channel
also aside this is a beautiful personal site (from a hand letterer) https://www.seblester.com
Gill was horrible, yes. Maybe I should change my default for Apple.
Liked Sending your first webmention by (Alessio Caiazza) ...interactions across the decentralized social web. https://abisso.org/stream/2020/11/24/webmentions/
schmudde joined the channel
more awesome typography sites:
[KevinMarks] and schmudde joined the channel; nickodd left the channel