#dev 2020-12-01
2020-12-01 UTC
[jgmac1106], [fluffy] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I dig photostack for my image optimization PWA but has a native android app (that just links you to website)

ethanyoo, khimaros[m], geoffo, [tantek], GWG and nickodd joined the channel
@theprincessxena So far the only site that is sending me webmentions is @lobsters :( (twitter.com/_/status/1333634738943299584)
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
ethanyoo, jacky, [tantek], blade82, schmudde, swentel, [KevinMarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
@theprincessxena ↩️ I specifically mean these: https://indieweb.org/Webmention (twitter.com/_/status/1333747591574671363)
superkuh, [Raphael_Luckom], [tantek], [eddie] and geoffo joined the channel
petermolnar request access token to read story, access token revoked 24h after first use, unlimited use within that 24h?

petermolnar why would we, though?

petermolnar Shouldn't we first find a use case? :)

[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] how are stories different from a normal h-feed apart from presentation?

[KevinMarks] what do yours look like?

[Murray] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] stories isn't a category on your homepage

[KevinMarks] and presentation is a choice, yes, you could use something like reveal.js to give a story view

[KevinMarks] this autoplay presentation I made a while back is close http://slides.kevinmarks.com/hict.html#/

[eddie] Also, I like the idea of the rel link, because it can point to the same file that the JavaScript on their site points to so you have the same file powering the UI and the Social Reader, which is the goal of the original microformats, that the thing you build for your normal display is also used by readers

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Fleets don't work on the web, And as I use the web site on mobile too, l haven't seen them

[schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] here's a bit of unasked for finger-waggling but silo design and usage patterns are a bad reason to make stories inaccessible to blind and screen reader users

[schmarty] screenshots of text still deserve a screen reader friendly alt, silent videos deserve descriptive transcripts, etc.

ethanyoo, [chrisaldrich] and [tantek] joined the channel
[Ana_Rodrigues], maxwelljoslyn, gRegorLove, swentel and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
[Raphael_Luckom] test suites are the most useful and least sexy software artifacts ever.
[Raphael_Luckom] that should be the punishment for any company that has a data breach that exposes customer information: they should be required to sponsor the development of a test suite for an open standard
[KevinMarks] if you do build a test suite you'll be more comfortable replacing indieauth.com too

[tantek], ethanyoo, [jgmac1106] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[tantek] hah was reading scrollback and just going to say this is unnecessarily limiting "Image or video only, no text content for one", and incorrect in terms of how people actually use IG stories. they also post audio "only" posts (as in the image is an album cover usually on a background, likely semi-automatically generated)

[tantek] first try to prototype something that actually respects the 24h / expiring nature across two sites. If you can't do that first, you really have no idea what the actual hard parts are for coming up with a protocols, format, JSON etc. and are futzing around with likely trivia (borderline bikeshedding)

[tantek] like one idea, start with: don't depend on other sites having to actually trust other sites to respect 24h / expiring content, and come up with some other way of displaying/syndicating that content. e.g. perhaps an iframe on the canonical version of it, so then only that one site has to get the 24h expiry etc. right, and it has incentive to do so since that's the author's site!

gRegorLove actual text content in stories (vs images of text) would be an accessibility improvement, too

[jgmac1106] my idea of the best stories aren't drawn from Instagram and Snapchat, I liked the html layering tools of Mozilla Popcorn and Zeega

[jgmac1106] can you use a movie with a poster in video and then after 24 hours delete link to video and replace poster with "this story no longer available. Sorry, not sorry"

leg and schmudde joined the channel
petermolnar sidenote from main chat: we keep calling that page /now but it sounds so much like doing a .well-know/now, which would be horrible. Is there a way to "properly" link a /now with some kind of rel=?

[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] so if the reader ignores older content that is effectively expiring from the user pov?

[KevinMarks] there's a timezone shaped nightmare in here somewhere

[KevinMarks] so story means 'don't store me'

[Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
schmudde joined the channel
[KevinMarks] so if the story reader deletes anything more than 24 hours old, thats easier than propogating 410s

[KevinMarks] that will replicate the instagram 'what a cool picture; wait where did it go?' experience as you update after polling

[KevinMarks] and RSS feeds are only supposed to have 15 entries anyway

[KevinMarks] I think it was relaxed later, but some feed readers still enforce it

[snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] https://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/202x/2020/12/01/Bluesky-Identity nails much of the federated social bingo card: keypairs, ledger and blockchain, new identifier syntax (domain@user), crypto based protocol, new namespace and org to mint names in it, no mention of existing standards except OAuth/OIDC, in passing.
[KevinMarks] I know far too much about feed formats

[KevinMarks] how about you register a domain and then Cert Transparency puts it in a ledger for you?

[KevinMarks] I posted a comment for tim

@timbray 1/ Suffering from disorientation and cognitive dissonance around blockchain and Bitcoin. It’s time to stop the craziness. (twitter.com/_/status/963115533825527808)
mayakate[m] I don't think I understand what he's trying to solve. It sort of reminds me of https://scuttlebot.io/more/protocols/secure-scuttlebutt.html but there, I can see what desired properties the complications get you, and here, I don't
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[KevinMarks] interesting techy stuff https://slack.engineering/scaling-datastores-at-slack-with-vitess/