#dev 2020-12-15
2020-12-15 UTC
gxt and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
aaronpk so notiz.blog does the indieauth flow starting with the user-entered pfefferle.org, and the result will be https://pfefferle.org/, so it works out fine

[chrisaldrich], [tw2113_Slack_], [KevinMarks], geoffo and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
gRegorLove, geoffo, ShadowKyogre, gbmor, strugee, lahacker and hirusi joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
hirusi Is there something that takes in raw data, converts it to a suitable Micropub friendly data and then can forward it to a Micropub server to publish?
hirusi Preferably in Node?
hirusi Tall ask, but wanted to try my luck. :D
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] What kind of raw data?

hirusi Good q. So I already have a Micropub client I'm building where I'm receiving form data from a user, I'd like for a module to take the "mapping" (my variables -> its internal micropub-specific variables) from me, and generate MP friendly data... so if I have a title field called 'name', I'd say name is the title, and it'd make sure everything is taken care of. Similar for all other fields invovled in post creation...categories, syndi
hirusi cate to, etc.
hirusi does that make sense, I wonder...
jamietanna[m] !tell Beko https://github.com/indieweb/Micropub/issues/4 may be of interest ☺

jamietanna[m] Hirusi that's similar to how I've done it - I've got properties exposed in my https://www-api.jvt.me/micropub?q=config that map directly to what's in my server. Then I process them in terms of the Kind that is discovered

hirusi jamietanna is your implementation re-usable if I wanted to "drop it in" into my project?
jamietanna[m] Sorry no it won't be as I'm a Java project, whereas I see you asked for Node

jamietanna[m] I'll be unhelpful and say it'd be awesome if, in the case you do it yourself, you package it up for others to use! 🤞🏽 You can reuse bits from other clients - I'm sure there's a micropub package on npm

hirusi Yeah, if not, I want to ideally make mine reusable... but let's see how this plays out. I'm currently working on making my indieauth implementation reusable. 😅
hirusi So Micropub would be next, I think.
schmudde and [tantek] joined the channel
Loqi beko: jamietanna[m] left you a message 1 hour, 38 minutes ago: https://github.com/indieweb/Micropub/issues/4 may be of interest ☺

petermolnar question: should I use SVG or imagemap + a tiny amount of JS if I want an imagemap that can be dynamically sized to viewport?

beko !tell jamietanna[m] Error reporting is hard. Not showing this to a user makes sense when the message is provided from the remote server for various reasons like not translatable (as the client can not know before) and it may hold variable data and/or placeholders. There should however always be an _easy_ way to obtain it for purposes like bug reporting (read: without switching to a dev mode). There are

beko various ways to solve this issue and personally I like the approach of providing an error code(!) that can be looked up from a list. The Micropub is very why on this. jamietanna[m] see https://jsonapi.org/examples/#error-objects-error-codes for an example how this could look. I also like how this avoids any camel/snake casing (so PHP and Java devs can bear it too xD)

ohthecode and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Svg is naturally scalable and you can associate links with arbitrary shapes more easily - it depends on what you're doing exactly, but I think it is likely clearer.

jamietanna joined the channel
jamietanna but as this is all user-provided data it can be much more problematic, and doing client-side validation isn't the best

jamietanna So I guess on my side, I've got some detailed error messages detailing what's wrong with a differnet field. The only solution for that is for me to get it standardised what all those field errors are, or have the Micropub client fetch some error details from some location (i.e. in my Micropub server via a q=) which then draws us back to why not use the `error_description` which is already there. In OAuth2 there's a bit less that can go wrong,

petermolnar I was leaning towards svg as well; imagemaps, while wonderfully oldschool, are not a good fit in the random screen size era.

@mekarpeles ↩️ That we can't use something like the Web Mentions spec to allow websites or services to know which other sites or "registered" individuals are mentioning them elsewhere on the web.
https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/ (twitter.com/_/status/1338793085526917120)
petermolnar it seems like nobody did an imagemap to svg converter yet

petermolnar back to hand writing html then

gRegorLove, swentel, ShadowKyogre and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
[Raphael_Luckom] svg is fantastic
hirusi, geoffo and jolvera joined the channel
petermolnar it would be if I was able to get svg "imagemaps" working

petermolnar so far, no luck

petermolnar yes, they can, I even went through multiple tutorials on "svg image maps", yet I'm failing to produce one that works as expected

[Raphael_Luckom] ```<svg viewBox="0 0 240 80" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
[Raphael_Luckom] .small
{ font: italic 13px sans-serif; }
[Raphael_Luckom] <style>
[Raphael_Luckom] .heavy
{ font: bold 30px sans-serif; }
[Raphael_Luckom] * fill property, the color property is for HTML only */
[Raphael_Luckom] /* Note that the color of the text is set with the *
[Raphael_Luckom] .Rrrrr
{ font: italic 40px serif; fill: red; }
[Raphael_Luckom] </style>
[Raphael_Luckom] <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/"><text x="20" y="35" class="small">My</text></a>
[Raphael_Luckom] <text x="40" y="35" class="heavy">cat</text>
[Raphael_Luckom] <text x="55" y="55" class="small">is</text>
[Raphael_Luckom] <text x="65" y="55" class="Rrrrr">Grumpy!</text>
[Raphael_Luckom] <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/"><circle cx="120" cy="30" r="10"/></a>
[Raphael_Luckom] </svg>```
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] It doesn't work if you embed them as img AFAIK

[KevinMarks] You need to inline the svg

ShadowKyogre left the channel
petermolnar o

petermolnar h

petermolnar that's a rather big difference

sp1ff and [schmarty] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu yeah the SVG DOM is not accessible from the main one. When the SVG is inline, it is simply part of the main DOM

[Raphael_Luckom] i never knew that...whenever I've tried to do tricky things with svg, I've always been doing JS stuff so it was more natural to just stick it in the dom than into an img element. interesting!
KartikPrabhu it is same reason. you won't be able to access the img SVG DOM with JS either

[Raphael_Luckom] I haven't found that to be the case--you can indeed manipulate embedded svg with JS: http://rluckom.github.io/jsGameOfLife/
swentel joined the channel
[Raphael_Luckom] which is what I was describing before I got well actuallyd
KartikPrabhu no that is what I meant. If you want JS access, you have to embed the SVG, you cannot put it in an img tag

[KevinMarks] You can iframe it, but then you need to be careful about link target.

petermolnar ok... I'm lost. What is wrong with the svg in this? http://petermolnar.net/note/my-image-wall/index.html

petermolnar why are the xlink rects not clickable?

petermolnar (that note is not done)

[tantek] joined the channel
[Raphael_Luckom] mdn says xlink is deprecated: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/xlink:href
KartikPrabhu no, it is the fill:none on the rect

KartikPrabhu so basically the rectangles have zero area to click on

KartikPrabhu xlink needs to be used for cross-browser stuff

KartikPrabhu so it seems to be a combination of things

KartikPrabhu your <image> is the last element so it goes on top of all others in the SVG. that blocks the clicks from going through to the <a>

KartikPrabhu so put the <image> on top

KartikPrabhu then secondly, the rectangles are empty because of the fill:none so there is no clickable area

petermolnar I was moving the image around to see if it makes a diff

petermolnar originally it was the first element

KartikPrabhu I think you need to fix both issues

petermolnar thank you

KartikPrabhu maybe look for a way to do transparent fill

petermolnar <defs><style>rect

{fill: transparent;}
</style></defs> works#
KartikPrabhu ok, yeah it works as CSS but somehow transparent did not work for me as a direct SVG attribute

petermolnar fascinating; pandoc really doesn't want to render this properly from markdown

[KevinMarks] give a fill colour with 0 alpha?

KartikPrabhu yeah that should also work

KartikPrabhu rgba(0,0,0,0)

hirusi and gRegorLove joined the channel
schmudde aaronpk: Hello - this is what I'm working on https://yorba.co/
schmudde Thie site is pretty vague, currently.
schmudde Thanks. That's kind of why I got involved. They are a UX/design/product-first team. Not an engineering team.
schmudde Yeah - Yorba is a public benefit corporation in the USA
schmudde Well - they want to work on the identity problem. And you all know the problem very well. I am definitely pushing them to support IndieAuth early.
schmudde It's easy to implement and the community is super smart. You'll tell us if our product sucks.
schmudde Not yet. Just bootstrapping now.
[KevinMarks] getting the to do the rel-me thing is good too if you're linking identities

[KevinMarks] is this going to have profiles

schmudde Indeed. I don't want Yorba to invent the wheel. I'm pushing them to integrate existing and emerging technologies and win on UX.
schmudde They want to have profiles... but it's currently now a very strong concept.
schmudde The current idea is starting with identity management across platforms. So knowing what services you're paying for and what newsletters you're subscribed to.
schmudde Not easy problems, but problems that other companies have tackled.
[KevinMarks] well the profiles with ux thing is linktree or about.me

schmudde Totally.
schmudde We cant' get that traction at the beginning. So we'll have to win on services.
schmudde I have to jump on a call - but will check back in here later. If anybody wants to chat a bit more, I'm also at schmudde@yorba.co. I might have met a few of you virtually at this year's Internet Identity Conference.
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Yorba" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Yorba is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[KevinMarks] hm. Linktree could do with rel=me support http://www.unmung.com/mf2?url=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Fkevinmarks&html=&pretty=on

[KevinMarks] sure, I use my own site, but it's nice when the silos support it too.

[snarfed] joined the channel
leg joined the channel
lahacker aaanything to put an end to "just use RSS"
lahacker i can't believe how often it's still used
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
petermolnar fyi: pandoc inserted a random <p> in the middle of the svg when "-markdown_in_html_blocks" option is added for conversion from markdown to html5. I don't know, why, but that was the reason why I couldn't render it - should anyone ever wonder about unexpected <p> tags in their pandoc converted documents.

[KevinMarks] Ah right, that would be a problem for svg as it wants it to be strict xml, so would want a <p></p> (unlike real html). There's probably a way to tell pandoc to do that for the svg blocks, but getting it to not imply <p> would be good (is 2 newlines a <p> in CommonMark?)

[tantek] snarfed, this is what I'm talking about, this feels quite impenetrable: https://github.com/google/data-transfer-project/blob/master/Documentation/Developer.md

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
lahacker tantek, i just want to say "just use IndieWeb" but that's not a good equivalent.. realizing now that maybe the correct response is "just use h-feed", not something i've considered before
lahacker and re: git.. i learned the other day you can use your website/domain as your "email" in .gitconfig
lahacker exactly
lahacker i've been looking into it lately
lahacker blog archive format seems to have been deprecated as of recent in favor of a JSON feed + MF HTML zip/GitHub sync
lahacker i'm going to be doing similar and i'll try to run with whatever of his that i can
lahacker it was the first thiing i thought of when you said "social network portability"
petermolnar [KevinMarks]: I'm still looking why Pandoc did what it did; if I find the reasons, I'll share them.

[jgmac1106], ShadowKyogre, KartikPrabhu, [eddie] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
[tantek] speaking of interop, this looks interesting: https://twitter.com/matrixdotorg/status/1338924188782956548

@matrixdotorg Incredible news from the EU: mandating open interoperability for communication silos, or face a 10%(!!!) fine of worldwide turnover. @facebook, @slack, @microsoftteams, @whatsapp, @twitter - you know where to find us... :) 🙋🏼♀️ https://twitter.com/EU_Commission/status/1338870807561461762 (twitter.com/_/status/1338924188782956548)
petermolnar yeah, right. Is it going to be enforced in Ireland, just like GDPR?

petermolnar that whole thing is an anti-piracy package in disguise

mayakate[m] [I have precisely one hope for this kind of thing](https://maya.land/responses/2020/07/29/effs-legislative-proposals-for-internet-interoperability.html) that probably won't see any kind of daylight
[KevinMarks] The less good pay is this is the encryption stuff

Loqi [hawx] relme-auth: An implementation of http://microformats.org/wiki/RelMeAuth

[KevinMarks] Good occasion to remind linktree et al of their roots

@luka_harambasic Awesome article by @m_ott on @css. Somehow I spend the last hours reading about webrings, webmentions, blogrolls, and thought about the time I started web development... And having just relaunched my website, I couldn't agree more.
https://css-tricks.com/make-it-personal/ (twitter.com/_/status/1338995797346684930)
ShadowKyogre left the channel