#dev 2020-12-26
2020-12-26 UTC
[dmitshur] joined the channel
# [dmitshur] Oh, I just learned IndieAuth the protocol has been updated to have a response_type=code.
# [dmitshur] I see it's new at https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#authorization-request.
# [dmitshur] Gotta update my implementation.
strugee joined the channel
# vilhalmer probably useful: https://aaronparecki.com/2020/12/03/1/indieauth-2020
# [dmitshur] Thanks!
geoffo, [tantek] and gRegorLove joined the channel
plenglin, [chrisaldrich] and [dmitshur] joined the channel
# [dmitshur] yay, did a successful deploy from darwin/arm64 to the https://dev.dmitri.shuralyov.com staging instance (I'll take it as close enough to completing the task I set out to do at the start of IWC Create Day).
[KevinMarks], nickodd, nekr0z, blade82 and Daniel joined the channel
# Daniel I am trying to set up indielogin on my website, but I am running into issues. any info would be helpfull. I added my own domain to client_id but it errors out with `This client_id is not registered (https://rafaj.dev/)` Where do I need to register my domain ?
# Daniel I am trying to set up indielogin on my website, but I am running into issues. any info would be helpfull. I added my own domain to client_id but it errors out with `This client_id is not registered (https://rafaj.dev/)` Where do I need to register my domain ?
# Guest76300 So far I am only able to sign in with indieauth to wiki page for example, however I haven't set up any endpoint on my domain yet. this was not clear to me, if I need to.
# sebsel Daniel: Guest76300: I don't think registration is open yet. At least, it seems like a form for it is still in progress: https://github.com/aaronpk/indielogin.com/issues/20
# sebsel Would be nice if there was a warning about that on https://indielogin.com/api
# Guest76300 yea, that one is confusing a bit. So, I am not able to use indielogin on my own website for auth, and I need to roll my own indielogin solution/host it ?
# Guest76300 yes, that is correct. I am trying to figure out which peaces I need to host and which I don't have to. and first is login, so webpub and websub can use that. am I correct in thinking that ?
# Loqi Micropub is an open API standard (W3C Recommendation) for creating, editing, and deleting posts on websites, like on your own domain, supported by numerous third-party clients and CMSs https://indieweb.org/Micropub
# Loqi WebSub (previously known as PubSubHubbub or PuSH, and briefly PubSub) is a notification-based protocol for web publishing and subscribing to streams and legacy feed files in real time https://indieweb.org/WebPub
# Guest76300 yes, sorry. I still haven't got hang of the correct terms.
[Rose] joined the channel
# Guest76300 I am running my website in netlify for now, and building it with SSG so I am trying to find out if I need to host other small services to make socialreader on my website work.
blade82 joined the channel
# Guest76300 exactly, on my own domain.
# Guest76300 I will integrate https://github.com/alltogethernow/web together reader into my website.
# Loqi IndieAuth is a federated login protocol for Web sign-in, enabling users to use their own domain to sign in to other sites and services https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth
# Guest76300 Could you tell me what parts do I need to host ? if any ?
# Guest76300 I do have indieAuth implemented and working.
# Guest76300 yes, I will dig into that, I will first try to use, then selfhost most likely.
# sebsel okay! So, then if you got IndieAuth working, you should just be able to log in to https://aperture.p3k.io/ using that, to try it out
# Guest76300 on together github page ```To use it, you'll need a website that supports Micropub, IndieAuth and Microsub.``` After Aperture, only part missing is MicroPub which I will host, so I can post content from different apps/websites.
# Loqi Static site generators are programs that take a set of flat text files on disk and transforms them into a set of static html files ready to be served by a standard web server, or some variation of this example https://indieweb.org/SSG
# Guest76300 don't worry about that part, I already found something very similiar to what I need, I might tweak some things for it to work but I will work that out.
# Guest76300 I made work, now I can read in external reader, :))
# Guest76300 I will try to integrate one of the js reader to my website. is There specification for that ?
# Guest76300 what is reader
# Loqi A reader in the context of the indieweb is the portion/feature integrated into an indieweb site that provides a way to read content from other indieweb sites and respond (like, comment, repost, etc) inline on the site itself directly while reading posts https://indieweb.org/reader
nekr0z joined the channel
# Loqi Microsub is a proposed standard for creating a new generation of social readers that decouples the management of subscriptions to feeds and the parsing/delivering content from the user interface and presentation of the content https://indieweb.org/microsub
# Guest76300 okey, thank you for very helpful assitance.
# jeremycherfas Exciting or scary?
# jeremycherfas Indeed. Is there any reason not to load e.g. chartist.js in the HEAD rather than in the body? I got an error because it was loading after the script that called it, but I know I have also seen advice to lead things at the end of the BODY
# jeremycherfas OK, I think I understand. And, to be a further pest, when the instructions say "Once you have included a plugin in your project" is there a specific method to include the plugin?
# jeremycherfas And that is where I get lost ... Because I am essentially cargo-culting. So, I did the Bower installs for chartist and a test, simple plugin. Copying the example code exactly, I get an error `Uncaught TypeError: Chartist.plugins is undefined`
# jeremycherfas Ah, so I have to load the plugin. Right. Let me try that. I thought Bower might do that.
# jeremycherfas I think maybe I have to have a `require` statement somewhere in chartist.js
# jeremycherfas Because the two different example codes use a different name for the plugin. One has `ctPointLabels` and the other has `Chartist.plugins.ctPointLabels`. Neither works, and I am guessing that somewhere I need to define the plugin name.
# jeremycherfas I just load it.
# jeremycherfas Yes Sebsel, I call it it like that, with a secrtion for plugins, and that is where I get the undefined error
# jeremycherfas Yes.
# jeremycherfas Which, I think, it does, because I have ` <sscript src="/bower_components/chartist-plugin-pointlabels/dist/chartist-plugin-pointlabels.min.js"></script>`
# jeremycherfas Ooops.
# jeremycherfas bangs head on desk
# jeremycherfas Well, now I get a different error that I can explore after lunch
# jeremycherfas sebsel++
# jeremycherfas zegnat++
# jeremycherfas See you in a while.
# jeremycherfas Woohoo. No tears. Big smailes.
# jeremycherfas smiles.
enpo joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Does it make any difference whether you install with Bower or npm?
# jeremycherfas Darn.
# jeremycherfas Everything was going well with an "official" chartist plugin, and then I installed the one I want to use and I get an error because it uses `root['Chartist.plugins.legend'] = factory(root.chartist, root.jquery);`
# jeremycherfas Not sure I am installing jquery. Better check that.
# jeremycherfas Yup, that was it. WooHoo, again.
# jeremycherfas Very tempted to call it a day now as a solid, local success.
[davidmead] joined the channel
# [davidmead] [grantcodes] Together is down with a NGINX 502 error
# jeremycherfas If I want to use this with Grav, I have to figure out where to install the components; Grav has an `/assets` folder that might be the best place, because I can address it from the Twig templates.
# jeremycherfas I'm pretty sure it does not update thta, and will investigate.
# jeremycherfas But there is also a whole thing called the Asset Manager that I am reading about.
# jeremycherfas Yup. Looking into that too. Ideally, it would only be loaded on pages that need it.
DanC, nickodd and geoffo joined the channel
# @oluoluoxenfree ↩️ Your thoughts are really useful lol!
Yeah that's a good point, even when like two people were reading my blogs the comments were super super useful.
I should probably enable webmentions on my blog posts, I heard disqus isn't great privacy wise, but yeah, very true. (twitter.com/_/status/1342862353981956097)
# @AndreJaenisch ↩️ Oh, you're on Twitter?
I couldn't tell from your website :(
My current project is running with ProcessWire. I'm afraid, I won't be able to add Webmentions there anywhen soon. (twitter.com/_/status/1342863052253884420)
# jeremycherfas What the heck is https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei and why is it looking at my site?
# jeremycherfas And then what? seems nefarious to me.
# jeremycherfas Heh
# jeremycherfas That is largely my attitude too, after having taken some basic precautions.
[snarfed] joined the channel
alex11 and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# [jeremycherfas] Right. But then it wouldn’t be a surprise in my logs.
cweiske and [fluffy] joined the channel
# vilhalmer it'd be funny to have a special case for /2020/march/NNN
# Zegnat https://aaronparecki.com/2020/03/301/ does not work :(
# aaronpk alright this works now :D https://aaronparecki.com/2020/03/300
# Zegnat Awww, it is not universal? https://aaronparecki.com/2019/03/300 = server error
# Zegnat So I think this is univeral? https://gist.github.com/Zegnat/070f888f732733ce5e7284d5dd8a0d51
[Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
# [Raphael_Luckom] "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." - Knuth
# sebsel but then I remembered PHP 8 actually does this. https://stitcher.io/blog/php-8-named-arguments
# [Raphael_Luckom] one of my favorite uses of destructuring in JS is that it gives you named-args for function callers, but the syntax is basically the same number of characters as positional arguments: `function a(b, c, d}` (positional) vs `function a(
{b, c, d}
)`(named)# [Raphael_Luckom] using that pattern you can add arguments at arbitrary places without having to correct every call site
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# @TomLisankie ↩️ Trying to build this into the next version of @RoamanPub. Take a look at linkback protocols like Webmention btw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linkback (twitter.com/_/status/1342929703603204097)
craftyphotons__ and geoffo joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
# [KevinMarks] Wrapping behaviour?
cweiske, DanC and KartikPrabhu joined the channel