#dev 2020-12-27

2020-12-27 UTC
[asuh], [tw2113_Slack_], geoffo, [KevinMarks], nickodd, deathrow1 and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
I'm looking at https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth#Implementations to find an example indieauth implementation to read because I might be interested in making one myself. Are there any caveats about versions / recent changes I should keep in mind while I'm looking?
There have been a number of updates to the spec this year, [Raphael_Luckom], and I am not sure people have been documenting on the wiki if/when they have done updates
So there may be implementations out in the wild that do not match the current version of the spec.
Or implementations that still have some PRs pending to get them up to spec again.
ok, I'll start with the spec. https://aaronparecki.com/2018/07/07/7/oauth-for-the-open-web is a readable overview linked prominently on the wiki, hopefully it's still largely accurate?
I think that is still accurate. Especially as it seems to describe IndieAuth mostly from an OAuth 2.0 perspective. And that relation has not really changed.
cool, thanks! that's the level I'm trying to make sure I understand rn.
https://aaronparecki.com/2020/12/03/1/indieauth-2020 is a really nice write up about changes that were made to the spec in 2020. But I am not sure how informative it is if you do not already have a baselevel of understanding of IndieAuth.
[Aaron Parecki] IndieAuth Spec Updates 2020
ok, that seems like a place to go next, that's perfect
I was very much involved in the spec updates so it is hard for me to gage what is good information and what is not. Happy to answer any questions that arise here though !
[jgmac1106], gxt and shoesNsocks joined the channel
Morning Zegnat. I have the chartist legends plugin working fine if there is only one chart on the page, or if it is only called for one chart. If I call it for two separate charts, I see it flash momentarily in the first chart, and then it appears properly for the second. I'm wondering, is there a way to ensure that once inserted into the first chart, it stays there even after it is inserted (with different data) into the
I would have assumed that would just work. Can you share code? Of course it could be that the plugin itself is written in a way that it does not support this...
Hard to share code as I am doing all this locally and there are lots of dependencies while I get it working.
To be honest, my main worry now is that the plugin looks to be fairly neglected, so I wonder whether I should continue.
ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
I can't really help you out with that worry, I am afraid
Looking around, it seems that the problem is with the bower install. I'm going to reinstall. https://github.com/CodeYellowBV/chartist-plugin-legend/issues/17
[paul-apacio] #17 When there are multiple charts on a page, only 1 legend gets rendered.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Oh, there are two versions of the plugin with the exact same name?
That thread is a good example of developer despair. Multiple people coming in to report the same bug, and none of them able to tell the developer how to reproduce
Yes, but to that I would counter that chartist and all the plugins should get rid of all references to Bower!
That repo does not mention Bower as an install path at all though
So it seems people are using bower because of something else. And then later finding that repository. Extra confusing.
It does in the chartist examples.
So, not his fault.
I has that with shoelace - I was linking the build on their CDN, but when they went 2.0 they deprecated 1.x and I had to host locally, and all my pages were unstyled for a bit. (They had wanted me to use some packaging thingy to do it)
using `npm` to reinstall everything, it works as I expect. Almost ready for production ...
Not sure what if anything to do. Maybe an issue at chartist.js to suggest removing all mention of Bower.
geoffo joined the channel
I've learned that not using a CDN is not as scary as I thought it would be, which is a good opportunity to go for a brief walk.
that's a very good thing to learn. opens up a lot of doors
ShadowKyogre left the channel
I am beginning to understand that. Even though there are more moving parts, you can actually control them better.
yeah, one of the great mysteries: sometimes it's _better_ to have two problems than one. 😄
At least having things on hand allows you to poke around with a bit more direction.
pauho joined the channel
kinda like applying the concept of "economies of scale" to system complexity. When you try to do more things yourself, you have a bigger complexity budget to spend, which lets you do some things more efficiently
also falls into the category "hell of a drug" 😄
Do I need to use npm to install afresh on the production site, or can I copy over the `node_modules` folder to where it needs to be?
copying will _likely_ work. I would assume that part of the question is "do I need to install npm on myprod system"?
if you aren't using node on the server, then there's no reason I can think of that copying wouldn't work
and if you are using node, it will probably work
That's more complicated, because I develop my site and write for it locally, then upload to production via git and a webhook. So, need not enter into it.
npm is not "installing" anything in your case. It is just downloading the JavaScript files. You can copy those wherever you want for deploymeny, no need to go through npm.
yes it's very common for a build system (in this case, your local machine) to run npm itself and then upload artifacts to a prod server
You do not really have a reason to go through npm in the first place if you can find the javascript files yourself. Just that people tend to no longer give that option and only tell about the npm name...
Cool. That's one less thing to worry about. One more thing to figure out (tomorrow) and that will be how to load the js and its associated css conditionally only when needed. But I think I know how to do that.
Following up on that, zegnat, when I actually went to look at npm for chartist, there are a whole lot of other things there that may (or more likely may not) be useful in future.
exactly. As Zegnat implies, it's a sloppy practice for library authors to assume that consumers will want to use npm. There are plenty of good reasons not to want that
Anyone can publish anything to npm
npm is basically a package manager. It is like installing software with homebrew on macOS, or getting PHP packages with composer. So there ar eprobably a lot of things in there that would be nice looking into
I am not too sure how easy npm is if you only want to use it for front-end js files though. I normally only use it in conjuncture with node projects.
It's plausible that it could work indefinitely, so if you're happy with it for now there's no reason to switch
schmudde, nickodd, geoffo, [chrisaldrich] and swentel joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
npm for only frontend isn't too bad (nowadays)
there used to be a tool dedicated for that (bower) but it's now deprecated
ideally, building everything to 'targets' (kinda like C++? lol) helps
[tantek] joined the channel
this vacation is sorely needed
hoping to reduce some tech debt with my site and simplify things a bit
ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
Ugh. So looks like I now need to write a full on YouTube app with OAuth 2.0 flow, to be able to extract my subscriptions.
p.s. the way they handle refresh tokens is really annoying
I do not think I am even going to care about that. Get the token just long enough to fetch my subscriptions and then get out again.
gxt and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
When the problem is not the OAuth but Google's error messages, is when it gets real frustrating. Apparently I have exceeded my quota ... on a development key I created 2 years ago and do not remember using since.
[Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
clearly there is an idle time quota smh
If there is, I can find no reference to it.
Requesting new set of keys now for further testing
sorry, meant as a joke.
Completely new set of credentials, still exceeded my quota. Total of 3 requests shown in the Google API dashboard in the last 30 days.
Guess this is where I give up on using the API and dive into scraping with a browser extension instead.
Loqi and [KevinMarks] joined the channel