#@schnarfed↩️ Sorry, just noticed that Chris retried it. Looking at Bridgy records, Bridgy did originally see it on 2020-06-17 23:17:44 UTC-7. I don't have more detailed logs from that far back, but maybe it hit a transient error discovering or sending to your webmention endpoint? Not sure. (twitter.com/_/status/1347932658127437825)
KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#GWGWeather backfill capability is available on my website. Time to update some old posts.
#aaronpkbut i also wanted the collections to be easier to maintain on disk, so it made more sense to have only one place where the canonical ordering of the posts is stored
KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks], [Raphael_Luckom] and [snarfed] joined the channel
#[tantek]Case insensitivity of parts of a path seems like something webmention receivers in general may want to handle explicitly, though again this may require keeping a solo-domains list
#Loqi[webjay] sgNodeMapper: "The Social Graph Node Mapper is a community project to build a portable library to map social networking sites' URLs to and from a new canonical form (sgn:// URLs)." The project was originally hosted on Google Code.
KartikPrabhu, swentel, [chrisaldrich] and [colinwalker] joined the channel
#[colinwalker]Hi all. Pretty sure I know the answer (and it’s no) but just wanted to double check. When parsing the mf2 in response to a webmention the first h-entry on the page will be taken right? For a post where the permalink is in the format url/#2 (a post doesn’t have a page of its own) is there any way of specifying the nth h-entry?
#aaronpkthat's a kinda advanced thing for a webmention consumer to do but there is a way
#aaronpkif the webmention source URL is also the fragment, and the u-url of that h-entry matches, then it's technically possible for a receiver to match it up
#aaronpkbut like you said, some webmention consumers are probably just looking at the first h-entry on the page
#[colinwalker]It all matches. indiewebifyme only picks the first h-entry (i suppose that’s working according the spec)
#[colinwalker]ah good point, just checking for a h-entry
#[chrisaldrich]If I'm not totally misreading it, wordpress allows sending/receiving Webmentions using fragments from comments sections like this, right?
#[colinwalker]This isn’t WordPress Chris, I’ve moved to my own custom cms
#[chrisaldrich]I saw that [colinwalker]. And congrats! Just wanted to provide the example, and where you might find relevant code examples. As well as sites to test against. :)
#[colinwalker]While I’m here, any pointers towards creating a PHP webmention endpoint?
#[chrisaldrich]colin, if you look at the early versions of the WordPress webmention stuff I think they're all raw php before they were converted to support a more wordpress specific code base.
#[chrisaldrich]I think the Drupal implementation is all php for another example.
#[chrisaldrich]I don't remember which camp, but I'm pretty sure there are one or two camps that recorded sessions of aaronpk building a webmention endpoint in 45 minutes. 2018 Baltimore maybe?
#aaronpki have to check all the libraries that each project uses, update to a version that supports php 8, then check for any backwards incompatible changes in the libraries
[Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
#lahackeraaronpk curious why token verification uses an authorization header to convey the token while revocation uses form-urlencoding
#aaronpkbecause "token verification" isn't the right phrasing, it's actually using the token in that case
#aaronpkusing the token to fetch data about the user, which like any time you're using the token it's provided in the header
#lahackeri can see that; then why not revoke with the same flow?
#aaronpkbecause revocation has the option of the client also including its own client authentication, which would be put in the header
#aaronpk(that's mainly an oauth thing cause we don't give credentials to indieauth clients)