#dev 2021-01-23

2021-01-23 UTC
what is bluesky?
It looks like we don't have a page for "bluesky" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "bluesky is ____", a sentence describing the term)
bluesky is a project proposed by Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO, to “develop an open and decentralized standard for social media – The goal is for Twitter to ultimately be a client of this standard.”
bluesky << tweet thread announcing the project https://twitter.com/jack/status/1204766078468911106
Twitter is funding a small independent team of up to five open source architects, engineers, and designers to develop an open and decentralized standard for social media. The goal is for Twitter to ultimately be a client of this standard. 🧵
ok, I added "tweet thread announcing the project https://twitter.com/jack/status/1204766078468911106" to a brand new "See Also" section of /bluesky https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=74337&oldid=74336
ok, I added "announcement of their report into “relevant work” https://twitter.com/bluesky/status/1352302818418446337" to the "See Also" section of /bluesky https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=74338&oldid=74337
One of the goals when we announced bluesky was to develop a grounded understanding of relevant work that many talented people in the decentralization community have been doing. Today, we want to share an update on this. https://twitter.com/jack/status/1204766078468911106
bluesky << announcement of their report into “relevant work” https://twitter.com/bluesky/status/1352302818418446337
[tantek], [fluffy], KartikPrabhu, petermolnar, [jeremycherfas], nickodd, dhanesh, leg, deltab, marinin[m], voxpelli, drhitchcock[m], jbove, fredcy_, zootella, aciccarello[m], khimaros[m], Salt[m], smacko[m], malaclyps_, cbradford[m], nekr0z, Caleb[m]1, schmudde, jamietanna[m], astrojl_matrix, swentel, JackyAlcin[m], BudaDude[m], antonio[m] and [colinwalker] joined the channel
OK. Any thoughts on why my Likes are being recognised as only standard mentions would be appreciated. I’ve put the comparison markup at the following: like markup The only real difference is that entry-content is on the <entry> tag rather than a div within it. When looking at how mf2-php reads it the u-like-of is not being found
I’ve stripped out the unrelated stuff like dt-published
hm, you are referencing something, but that does not make it into IRC I'm afraid.
[sebsel] joined the channel
hmm, if I paste that snippet into http://php.microformats.io/ I do see a "like-of" attribute.
Yeah, I don’t see why it’s not being recognised.
Is that across all sites, or are you trying to target a specific site?
The mayor difference seems to be that you wrapped it in a p-summary. Is that on purpose too?
It’s when I’m testing to my own site. If I send a like from the old WordPress site it is recognised but not from the new site.
That was for testing - it was the same without it
I think I need an external page to test on as well to see what that picks it up as
okay, so the source is your new website or your old website, depending on the test, and the target is... your new site?
I’ve got my endpoint to echo back the mf2 so I can see what it’s returnign when I do a test in Postman
Hmm, okay, so now it worked. I removed the p-summary and it now sees the u-like-of. It didn’t before with or without the summary.
I’m confused lol
yea, with this setup, my initial comment about it does not work: it can be in a lot of different places ...
I think it's easier to also use an external site?
Then you'll have a better understanding of what part you are actually testing.
Also what are you using to test this? What are you looking at to say it worked or not?
Cause different receivers might handle things slightly differently
I'm pretty sure my site and webmention.io would recognize that as a like even with the summary property there
I’m using my own endpoint which uses mf2-php to return the json - then I was creating a like and looking at the json as I have my endpoint echo it back for testing - the [u-like] wasn’t listed but, now for some reason, it is.
Yep, definitely seems to be okay now.
Thanks anyway
maybe some tag was broken in your actual code and not in your example and now you accidentally fixed it?
it happens
good it works now
Who knows. Ah well. Yes, good it’s sorted. Thanks for looking.
I was actually quite surprised by how simple an endpoint could be.
yes, the parsing of the microformats is the most complex part. The actual webmention is quite simple.
Yeah. I thought it was going to be complex but then read the spec and had a look at the old version of the WordPress plugin
↩️ Have you considered webmentions?
Glad you got it sorted
yeah I think a broken html tag is the most likely explanation
Maybe. Anyway, I so pleased to sending and receiving now both working on the new site. mf2-php makes life so much easier.
blade82, silo, [schmarty], nickodd and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
what are web components
It looks like we don't have a page for "web components" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "web components is ____", a sentence describing the term)
schmudde and leg1 joined the channel
experminting with implementing a Custom Element for my site
to do client-side rendering of embeded posts (like in a reply-context)
if this works, I might expand it to do even client-sided hovercards from inline h-cards
'progressive' enhancement
Has anyone ever tried to self-host a reverse geocoder?
lahacker joined the channel
I'm wondering if I should try the crazy idea of hosting that and a map tile server at my house, as the VPS costs for doing so wouldn't be economical.
do they tend to run that high?
I figure most of the cost is bandwidth
The 200GB or more of data isn't so bad.
It's the search has a recommended 16GB
RAM is a thing
Besides, if it is just for me and a few friends...
You can also, I suppose, only load certain parts of the world.
jacky: I might just do it as a fun project
omz13 joined the channel
[pelias] pelias: Pelias is a modular open-source geocoder using Elasticsearch.
maxwelljoslyn and gRegorLove joined the channel
yeah that's not light
_this_ is the kind of stuff that IPFS / Hypercore should be working on
omz13-, leg, [fluffy], [tantek], [chrisaldrich] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
I am thinking about making map tiles in UK ordnance survey grid format for a project
New post: fluffy rambles: webmention.js 0.4.0 https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/12555-webmention-js-0-4-0 #Webmention #Indieweb I’ve just released v0.4.0 of webmention.js, which adds the ability to coalesce comment-type responses into the “reactions” section. I’d been considering it for a while but finally got …
fluffy has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (64 in all channels)
fluffy++ that was fast 😆
It was an easy change 🙂
leg and jamietanna joined the channel
So the problem with expiring tokens is that you may forget to re-auth an app that needs them to be long lived. Oops! When I implemented my IndieAuth server, I added expiring tokens, but yep, forgot to update two of my apps which need tokens (preferably without interaction from me)
schmudde, [Raphael_Luckom], Seirdy and javed joined the channel
jay graber from the dweb, posted two days ago, related to today's Respectful Responses
jamietanna: refresh tokens ftw
TFW you can't use xray for a client side request D:
something something webassembly </troll>
what is xray
XRay is an open source API that returns structured data for a URL by parsing microformats and following other indieweb algorithms, and is part of the p3k suite of applications https://indieweb.org/XRay
sknebel: lol
tbh for what I'm working on, hitting XRay was just a test
I'm aiming to see if I can have my site do some client side parsing of reply contexts (in the event that it's missing)
Jacky yep! Just not implemented them yet 😅
[jgmac1106] joined the channel