#dev 2021-02-03

2021-02-03 UTC
[KevinMarks], AkyRhO_, rhiaro_ and [schmarty] joined the channel
the big users of AS were the silo monitoring apps, which ended up very B2B, yes.
nertzy joined the channel
wow I've spent like an hour trying to make a Web Component to render a face pile lol
and I failed lol
there is no "fail", there is only "not yet succeeding"
ShadowKyogre joined the channel
lol at this rate, that might be my permanent state :P
btrem, beko, [KevinMarks], [schmarty], [chrisaldrich], [benatwork], [Emma_Humphries], [pfefferle] and [indieweb653] joined the channel
Whoops, @simonhearne noticed `h-entry` and `p-author` in the links pages made http://brid.gy believe that… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1354697969522630663
deltab joined the channel
Look like webmentions from comments is now working! Now to make sure they are working everywhere else
So. If I write a post on http://micro.blog that mentions my own blog will it work? Look like webmentions from comments is now working! Now to make sure they are working everywhere else - Me https://gr36.com/4693-2/
↩️ Funnily I thought about a GitHub alternative built on top of WebMention. Can I reuse some of your thoughts (with proper credits)
↩️ Cool, I’m very much behind on the development within this space for the last 4-5 years, so this is great info! So I guess I could do some things to my WebMention endpoint to push it to have a wider support as well?
↩️ The site of @aaronpk can also be seen as a node: https://the-federation.info/node/aaronparecki.com I think he was also the first to introduce #webmention as a federation-protocol: https://the-federation.info/protocol/webmention :)
↩️ Sure! @schnarfed also built a bridge that translates between #Webmentions and #ActivityPub or #OStatus https://fed.brid.gy/
↩️ Sure! @schnarfed also built a bridge that translates between #Webmentions and #ActivityPub or #OStatus https://fed.brid.gy/
Am I right to assume that timezone for this is CET? https://fosdem.org/2021/schedule/track/open_research_tools_and_technologies/ I can't actually see it explicitly anywhere.
Some of it looks tangentially interesting to me.
yeah, fosdem often has interestng things. although I personally tend to go through the list afterwards, not much one for watching synchronously
paul3 joined the channel
Especially if things have been prerecorded in the first place.
[pfefferle] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Is he being deliberately misleading, or is he actually unclear of the distinction? https://twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/1356930147207831552?s=20
@balajis Turning products into protocols does make sense, but entangling them with cryptocurrency doesn't do that. A platform is easier to use than a product. A crypto entangled protocol is harder. You're adding friction, not removing it.
Saphire and [schmarty] joined the channel
KevinMarks: I lol'd at "carrots of crypto". I feel his tweets are coming from some macroeconomic view where the only players are state-level actors.
he's a VC so he really like financializing things
beehiveth and gxt joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-change-password-url is one of the few .well-known URL specs I can totally get behind. Via https://adactio.com/journal/17794
[w3c] webappsec-change-password-url: A Well-Known URL for Changing Passwords
wow iOS safari has already implemented it?
Ooh. Is there a list of .well-known things?
aaronpk: I think it is one of more widely supported things due to various password managers rallying behind it?
it's unusual for Apple to be the first one to implement things in safari :)
tries to think of a place he has with a password dialog to try this out
IESG/IANA I guess keep a list of .well-known things, as far as any official registration of them is concerned. But I would not have a link at hand
ShadowKyogre joined the channel
has managed to successfully not have passwords for most sites he runs thanks to OAuth/IndieAuth
I have always found these IANA registries a little magic. People add it to an RFC with a little IANA section, and then … submissions to age old mailing lists I guess?
yes, it says right at the top who to contact :D
Oh hey I know person who published sshfp
Guess we did not bother for IndieAuth, which doesn't seem to be listed on https://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xhtml ... aaronpk is that something we should do?
To actually list authorization_endpoint as a link relation, that is, and not just have it as an IANA Considerations section in the IndieAuth spec
ShadowKyogre left the channel
is surprised to see micropub on that list
i don't remember doing that
ShadowKyogre joined the channel
I am actually surprised how common rel="me" is
Because I have noticed it for years before finding indieweb >.>
Zegnat: i think if we do that we're going to have to finally come to terms with this: https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/17
[Zegnat] #17 Link relations in HTTP Link header conflict with RFC 5988.
Ah, right, forgetting about my own issues :P
i do think my latest comment there might be the best way to handle it
ShadowKyogre left the channel
especially since it means fewer things to register as link relations
ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
aaronpk: any idea how far along pushed auth extension is? Saw they issues a new draft just yesterday. Is there any worth in tryin to do those two simultanious as part of a breaking-change modernisation, or no?
i don't think there will be a last call any time soon on that
also ugh i hate all this namespacing "urn:ietf:params:oauth:request_uri:..."
What is that params supposed to mean? urn is easy, the protocol. Then ietf for the standards body. But surely you could follow that up with oauth immediately?
IIRC it has to be a URI because it's actually building on this draft which uses UDIs https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-jwsreq-30
functionally the only significant part is the string at the end
oh good, missed this before: "The format of the "request_uri" value is at the discretion of the authorization server"
...for some reason I am now thinking of C's UB
request_uri=mailto:martijn@zegnat.net - I love it when things are at my discretion
lol well
"...it MUST contain some part generated using a cryptographically strong pseudorandom algorithm..."
but as far as i can tell, technically PAR doesn't say it *has* to be a URL or URN
Also, https://age-encryption.org/ looks neat
[Murray] joined the channel
request_uri=mailto:martijn@zegnat.net?title=cc80a3e8be641076abff93e0f0ebcb82 - there you go, added some bytes :P
oh right, but request_uri is actually defined in JAR
ah, darn
age is nice, Saphire. I think I would feel fine recommending it to people if they wanted to encrypt some files or other blobs.
JAR says it has to be an https URI or a URN
i still don't like it
Zegnat: if you add a scheme like mailto: to your example i think it counts :)
The best part is that age encrypted things have a link to explain what the heck it is
oh wait no it says specifically https or urn
Hmm, alright, so either use an HTTP-resolvable-URL or use a completely-made-up-URL. Gotcha.
i just want to use a random string, i don't see why i have to namespace it into urn:
Saphire: I first read about age back in 2019 when it was mentioned as an alternative to PGP for file encryption: https://latacora.singles/2019/07/16/the-pgp-problem.html#encrypting-files
aaronpk: I guess forcing it to follow an URL/URI/URN standard means it can be more easily expanded to other things besides https and urn in the future without clashing with the random strings people have been picking?
i guess
Time to register urn:indieweb ? :P
I kinda liked the tag URIs for naming. Rather than having to register a namespace with IANA the namespace is instead your email address or domain name combined with a date that you own that domain at.
[tantek] joined the channel
Zegnat, the link registry for HTML rel values is specified by the HTML spec, which links to the microformats rel-registry and it's been that way for ages. The IANA one is only for HTTP headers
so don't be "surprised" when things are missing from it
this is for HTTP Link headers tho
the IndieAuth ones are in HTML though right?
Not sure if they were added to the wiki registry?
The aforementioned relation name issue is also specifically re HTTP Link headers. HTML rel values are more lax in their definition of allowed values, it turned out
you or anyone with edit permissions can! no need to email someone and go through some ancient process
yeah the indieauth ones have been on the microformats wiki for ages
Oh, curious, is there any kind of thing that adds HTTP header with a link to a "rich" content page, when looking at direct links to files (photos, etc)
what's interesting to me is as far as i can tell, HTTP clients have no trouble with the technically disallowed underscore in header names
micropub, webmention, and indieauth (except redirect_uri) are all on the wiki. microsub is not.
which suggests that maybe the http spec should be updated to reflect reality
I guess HTTP spec is "minimum must support"?
HTTP clients I think have no issue because none of them validate (or do anything, actually) with the contents of a Link header. It is a valid HTTP header.
It is just not a valid value for a Link header per the spec on Link relations
And who bothers to implement that spec to the tee?
Yep. That is the Web Linking spec, not the HTTP spec. So I am guessing HTTP clients do not care ;)
also "Note that extension relation types are REQUIRED to be absolute URIs..."
sure, my point is clearly the specs do not reflect the reality of most implementations, so something is wrong with the specs
yes. But in this case "extension relation types" = unregistered types.
#100DaysOfCode R3|D4 Still struggling with comments. I have decided that I'll display the old ones in plain html (they are from 2013-2017, a Staticman and previous disqus bunch) so the discussion will always be part of the post For the future, I think Webmentions is the way
Was that not why webmention originally used a URL as rel, aaronpk?
That is what I always thought ...
it originally used a URL because sandeep decided to use a URL, i don't know why he chose that option
Oh, I assumed it was because of that RFC, because that is what you do until you register
could be
I think because he had been exposed to some RDFisms and eventually we worked together to simplify it to a keyword because it reality that's all you need
i never asked
in* reality
Mmh. Kinda currently unsure where to go and what to implement on my site.. Kinda would love some tips?
Saphire: you might find some ideas here! https://indieweb.org/IndieMark
Maybe try to compile a nice annotated master list of all the currently used microformats/etc. And then look over it to see what to implement..
aaronpk: oh yeah, that page ^^' Lack a blog so that might be a good thing to try and make in first place, hm.
Saphire, best place to start with what to implement is to ask yourself what do you want to use your site to do? And if you don't know and want ideas, you can start with: How can I use my site instead of social media?
interestingly enough we used to answer this question on our "Getting Started" page, that is, it was more implementer-centric, but we've subsequently edited for folks who want to primarily setup and use the IndieWeb rather than implement
And then yes, IndieMark is a way to implement simpler steps first, along the paths that you want for your own site
Honestly, want to mess around with all the microformats and such. But lack content to use it with. Hm..
Indiewebify.me will nudge you along too
Well, it suggests to check posts markup. Posts I need to make in first place? Hm..
[arush], [benatwork], ShadowKyogre, DanC and KartikPrabhu joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
that's a bug imo
but also expecting indiewebify.me to be a "wizard" of sorts is a bad assumption (the one we give for it)
[schmarty] joined the channel
Does anyone know of an easy way to be alerted of 404's with a netlify site?
Or at least be able to check 404s
aciccarello[m]: I used to use https://updown.io/ for this
which reminds me to bring it back lol
ShadowKyogre left the channel
Nice, that seems good for checking a server. I'm more-so thinking for when I link incorrectly or accidentally change a page URL.
[snarfed] joined the channel
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
People really like to nuke this from their WordPress head for some reason x3
[Rose] and ShadowKyogre joined the channel
re: RSS removal
[calumryan], KartikPrabhu, ShadowKyogre, miklb_, lahacker and jamietanna joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
hey aaronpk - is https://php.microformats.io/ working for you? seems to be timing out for me, wasn't sure if it was related to the bump to PHP 7.4 you mentioned?
that one is actually on heroku
huh not sure what's wrong
same code lives at https://pin13.net/mf2/ on a different server tho, can't fix it right now
re: those sites
if I spun up something, could it be CNAME'd to something like https://elixir.microformats.io?
or is there only a PHP one and more isn't needed
yea for sure
scribbles another note
that's the goal with the domain, there's a bunch of them already: https://microformats.io/
if it can be run on heroku i can launch it on our account there, otherwise you're welcome to run it and we can CNAME it
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
oooh that's even better
(and would be easier tbh)
because then that's a subtle incentive for me to finish working on the Rust parser
[benatwork] and [tantek] joined the channel
re: "expecting indiewebify.me to be a "wizard" of sorts" <-- perhaps file an issue to turn IndieWebify.me into a Micropub client? Then it could optionally post a "badge" for you to your site when you achieve a certain level of support 🙂
Saphire, do you use any "social media" or any other content silos?
Uh, very much yes
Nog even snel een #blogpost op de woensdagavond, want mijn blog ondersteunt nu ook #webmentions. https://doenietzomoeilijk.nl/archief/webmentions-en-isso
well that's a great place to start! pick one (maybe where you only post "notes") and start building the ability to do so on your own site instead!
so on my walk with Stella, I was thinking about my site
and how I wanted to test how different post types could render
I was wondering if a tool could send a request to post content of a particular type and then conditionally delete it when needed
the thing about it that I was thinking about the most was having it pull the list of known post types from the wiki and doing deeper introspection on what kind of markup to use
(the latter half is a bit much and would probably read from #How_to_Markup)
but I can imagine that being handy for people who want to not only test their site but also use the wiki as a source of test cases!
gRegorLove and [arush] joined the channel
jacky, does your system allow for mutability of "post types" based on the presence or absence of some number of properties?
alex11 and ShadowKyogre joined the channel
I can't see why not
tbh it would be as simple as picking a post type, picking a set of properties and then sending it to a site
tbh it'd be _amazing_ if it was like how StackOverflow allows you to run code snippets in the browser to test answers
gxt and [snarfed] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
[Zegnat] did that for authorship, maybe he’d do it for PTD too