@voxpelli↩️ Cool, I’m very much behind on the development within this space for the last 4-5 years, so this is great info!
So I guess I could do some things to my WebMention endpoint to push it to have a wider support as well? (twitter.com/_/status/1356920408268824576)
@kevinmarks@balajis Turning products into protocols does make sense, but entangling them with cryptocurrency doesn't do that. A platform is easier to use than a product. A crypto entangled protocol is harder. You're adding friction, not removing it. (twitter.com/_/status/1356930147207831552)
[schmarty]KevinMarks: I lol'd at "carrots of crypto". I feel his tweets are coming from some macroeconomic view where the only players are state-level actors.
ZegnatIESG/IANA I guess keep a list of .well-known things, as far as any official registration of them is concerned. But I would not have a link at hand
ZegnatI have always found these IANA registries a little magic. People add it to an RFC with a little IANA section, and then … submissions to age old mailing lists I guess?
ZegnatTo actually list authorization_endpoint as a link relation, that is, and not just have it as an IANA Considerations section in the IndieAuth spec
Zegnataaronpk: any idea how far along pushed auth extension is? Saw they issues a new draft just yesterday. Is there any worth in tryin to do those two simultanious as part of a breaking-change modernisation, or no?
ZegnatWhat is that params supposed to mean? urn is easy, the protocol. Then ietf for the standards body. But surely you could follow that up with oauth immediately?
Zegnataaronpk: I guess forcing it to follow an URL/URI/URN standard means it can be more easily expanded to other things besides https and urn in the future without clashing with the random strings people have been picking?
ZegnatI kinda liked the tag URIs for naming. Rather than having to register a namespace with IANA the namespace is instead your email address or domain name combined with a date that you own that domain at.
[tantek]Zegnat, the link registry for HTML rel values is specified by the HTML spec, which links to the microformats rel-registry and it's been that way for ages. The IANA one is only for HTTP headers
ZegnatThe aforementioned relation name issue is also specifically re HTTP Link headers. HTML rel values are more lax in their definition of allowed values, it turned out
SaphireOh, curious, is there any kind of thing that adds HTTP header with a link to a "rich" content page, when looking at direct links to files (photos, etc)
ZegnatHTTP clients I think have no issue because none of them validate (or do anything, actually) with the contents of a Link header. It is a valid HTTP header.
Still struggling with comments.
I have decided that I'll display the old ones in plain html (they are from 2013-2017, a Staticman and previous disqus bunch) so the discussion will always be part of the post
For the future, I think Webmentions is the way (twitter.com/_/status/1356995865773297670)
[tantek]I think because he had been exposed to some RDFisms and eventually we worked together to simplify it to a keyword because it reality that's all you need
[tantek]Saphire, best place to start with what to implement is to ask yourself what do you want to use your site to do? And if you don't know and want ideas, you can start with: How can I use my site instead of social media?
[tantek]interestingly enough we used to answer this question on our "Getting Started" page, that is, it was more implementer-centric, but we've subsequently edited for folks who want to primarily setup and use the IndieWeb rather than implement
jamietannahey aaronpk - is https://php.microformats.io/ working for you? seems to be timing out for me, wasn't sure if it was related to the bump to PHP 7.4 you mentioned?
[tantek]re: "expecting indiewebify.me to be a "wizard" of sorts" <-- perhaps file an issue to turn IndieWebify.me into a Micropub client? Then it could optionally post a "badge" for you to your site when you achieve a certain level of support 🙂
[tantek]well that's a great place to start! pick one (maybe where you only post "notes") and start building the ability to do so on your own site instead!
jackythe thing about it that I was thinking about the most was having it pull the list of known post types from the wiki and doing deeper introspection on what kind of markup to use