marinin[t]we started a thing where we spontaneously translate some pages on wiki to Russian; is there a list of "most important articles"? iirc, has something like that.
ShadowKyogre and joshghent[m] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
petermolnarbut in essence, it is extremely simple: you have to accept POST requests in your desired endpoint. The incoming data will have a source=$SOURCE and a target=$TARGET , and that is all the webmention itself. From there, one can go and fetch the $SOURCE and save it as a comment for $TARGET.
marinin[t], [Rose], gxt, KartikPrabhu, ShadowKyogre, voxpelli_, willnorris, genehack, themaxdavitt, cjav_dev, jimpick, stacktrust, mitchell, mattl, ludovicchabant and jbove joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
bhavin192saptaks, I was thinking about doing something similar, have checked I haven't tried finding deployment related docs yet.
saptaksbhavin192, I did check. That That's more a solution to accept webmentions for any site. It's great! But I am kind of looking into more self contained endpoint.
@raymondcamdenof course, since I said I was going to remove Disqus, I checked my stats, and it looks like I actually had 236 comments last year. I still think I'd get more "responses" via webmentions though (
aaronpktbh this is one of the strengths and weaknesses of the indieweb right now, a lot of the most exciting functionality is provided by very few services (bridgy,, and we actively acknowledge it and try to advocate for more alternatives to be created. whereas in the mastodon world it's extremely focused around individual projects and there tends to be less excitement around plurality of a
aaronpkparticular project type. I'm thinking things like "*the* youtube alternative" and "*the* instagram alternative" rather than having a bunch of projects all pop up with similar and overlapping functionality
aaronpki say it's a weakness for us only because we *could* position it that way instead and likely grow more excitement around it, and i *could* try to actively improve instead of intentionally limiting it to encourage others to build better ones
aaronpke.g. the webmention analytics project, i think it'd be super if that were actually a full webmention receiver project that also provided those analytics
[KevinMarks]I feel like we could maybe converge the 'received webmentions api' format a bit more for the receiver services, but for a library designed to be inside a dev env those may be less relevant
petermolnarit's sort of shocking for me how many people are looking for ready baked solution for "receiving webmentions" whereas in reality all it takes to "receive" is to accept an incoming POST. The rest is not strictly part of "receiving", is it?
[Murray]also, because Webmentions are frequently presented as the indie alternative to things like Disqus. Disqus works that way (a "drop it in and it works" service) so surely webmentions do to, right?
jamietannaThat's fair - I've left it as I wasn't sure how quickly certain apps (including my own) would take to move, so didn't wanna force me out of being able to use a thing
@joshghent↩️ Oh nice that’s cool! I don’t have micropub setup (what is it for?). Main remaining tasks are setting up twitter ~> site syndication and visa versa. I think can do it but think I need to write custom code to create new posts for it? (
jackyI guess my next thought is like when your site sees a `mp-syndicate-to` that points to, it checks it to see if it has a Micropub endpoint shown on it _or_ a Webmention one and acts with that
jackyin order to do it like that, you take the original post, destruct it into mf2 and then use that as the properties to send to the syndication endpoint via Micropub
aaronpkyep and if your storage isn't based on mf2 then you don't even have to worry about mf2-ing it at all, just treat as an API and read the API docs for it
jacky(although going mf2-y seems to make it a bit easier to abstract; depending on the resilency of the syndication endpoint's ability to resolve things)