[snarfed]would continue to entrench bridgy as an SPOF, but the vast majority of the hard work iw already done (syndication to a bunch of silo APIs, web interface, lots else)
Loqi[alecm] WANTED: public review of the v2.0 draft of “A Year of DNS over HTTPS over Tor” ; includes absolute and comparative performance measureme...
themaxdavitt, stacktrust, jolvera and [Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
@raymondcamdenGot the final bits of "Disqus to static HTML comments" done for my blog at lunch. Webmention support will come next week. Tonight I'll write about how I did it. Or I'll watch TV. Or both. Tune in to find out... (twitter.com/_/status/1359240392407924742)
jamietannaBack to the Micropub for syndication - how would that work re access tokens? When the app sends a Micropub request to i.e. post a note, would the Micropub server send the access token through to the bridge that syndicates to Twitter? If so, how would it know which IndieAuth server to verify the token against?
jamietanna[m]I'm interested in looking into this as a thing as I've thought about it on and off for a while and would like to have an idea of how to solve it for a central service
jamietanna[m]I guess in the Micropub use case it doesn't have to be a user access token it could be a token issued by the Micropub server, which when redeemed at the micropub server (which could then be a basic IndieAuth server) would allow verifying the token's `me` as the user
jamietanna[m]Or maybe we don't need that - as the user is already known, their auth server would be too, so as long as the `me` is sent too, that should be fine? I'll work through some thoughts tomorrow