[tantek]or narrow it down to why you might want to use it. I can't think of any reasons because AFAIK there are no consuming services that parse for rel=syndication
[tantek]no it says "Previously, this page recommended" (which is pretty much the rough definition of deprecated) "... using the `rel="syndication"` attribute on the syndication URLs"
btremWhich actually makes sense to me. u-syndication for part of a page (e.g., a single h-entry in a list); rel-syndication for a page that is exactly one h-entry.
[tantek]using both depending on context like that doesn't make sense due to greater complexity for publishers and consuming code, when using only u-syndication works fine
[tantek]btrem, sorry, to be clear, definitely don't feel bad about any of this! This stuff is hard to always keep everything up to date and discoverable, and appreciate the surfacing of this inconsistency
jacky, miklb, ben_thatmustbeme, JackyAlcin[m], aciccarello[m], khimaros[m], Salt[m], reed, antonio[m], nekr0z, bw3, smacko[m], wombelix[m], astrojl_matrix, Caleb[m]1, jamietanna[m], joshghent[m], fredcy_, batkin[m], [KevinMarks], willnorris, voxpelli_, genehack and mblaney joined the channel; jacky left the channel
mblaneyhi [snarfed] I had a go installing the brid.gy facebook extension, it's given me a user page of brid.gy/facebook/mblaney.xyz which doesn't exist.
peterrother, [jgmac1106], themaxdavitt, jbove and ludovicchabant joined the channel
ludovicchabant, themaxdavitt, jbove, shoesNsocks, [Ana_Rodrigues], bw3, aciccarello[m], fredcy_ and [snarfed] joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
sebsellol I did a yolo update to PHP8 for my site just now. Got a 'syntax error, unexpected token ";", expecting "{"'. Turns out to be tantek's Cassis library. Do I want to debug that? :P
sebselopened an issue but I'm afraid it's going to need more comment-hacks to get around it, since something.match() is just part of Javascript (and now invalid PHP 8)
btremI tried to clone the repo and fix it myself, but the README.md of the wementions.io repo is not the same as the docs on the website. :/ Or I just can't find my way around.
btremWell, that was a comedy of mishaps. Didn't fork it, made the correction. Whoops, start again. Didn't create a branch, pushed to main. Whoops, start again. I don't think I've ever done so much work for one bloody comma. Gah. PR done. Obviously, you should make sure I'm not off my rocker about the missing comma.