#dev 2021-02-21

2021-02-21 UTC
[chrisaldrich] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Once again, need to fix the rendering of my Webmention feed on my site. It’s doing it manually right now until I have Lwa acting as a Webmention service. (https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/e97267c2-1592-4dfd-8eab-c05376a0b1c7)
Just added Webmentions and Web Monetization to my personal site. Both don't seem ready for general adoption by web creators (mostly due to onboarding required), but..overall pretty excited about both!
[tantek], ccchapman, nickodd, dhanesh and ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
tantek++ thanks for the quick fix!
tantek has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (85 in all channels)
ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
Ma connexion adsl qui se bride à 10Mbits, mon débit en téléchargement qui ne dépasse pas les 850Ko/s. Un reboot de la freebox (V6) et une mise à jours du firmware, je retrouve un débit … normal, soit env 15Mbits.Aussi sur http://brid.gy (https://mabulledu.net/t/5ST)
ShadowKyogre, alex11, silo and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
silo and ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
↩️ Thanks to this the webmention component will only be imported once/if the reader reaches the bottom of the page This kind of optimization helped me a LOT to reduce the size of some pages of my blog
silo and ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
↩️ On the other side of the spectrum, there's https://indieweb.org/comments and I think there's a hosted version you can point your server at to receive WebMentions and then you can render them on the blog using JavaScript.
↩️ Momentan keine Kommentare. Irgendwann™ wenn ich die Zeit dafür habe: Webmentions. (Stimmt, Webmentions sind kein 1:1-Ersatz für Kommentare. Brauche – und will – ich aber auch nicht mehr.)
↩️ I don't have a commenting system anymore. What I have is support for webmentions. I'm using bridgy to capture mentions from social networks such as twitter and mastodon. It is working well for me. The engagement looks weaker when you look at the numbers, but it is better quality.
silo joined the channel
↩️ Ah various hosted options for webmentions on https://webmention.net/implementations/ There are also https://brid.gy/ so that if people comment on the post by linking it on twitter or facebook, that shows up too.
↩️ Ah various hosted options for webmentions on https://webmention.net/implementations/ There are also https://brid.gy/ so that if people comment on the post by linking it on twitter or facebook, that shows up too.
↩️ oh, I don't mean it is low via comments. What I mean is that it decreased when I switched from disqus to webmentions, but to be honest, I prefer webmentions.
btrem, [KevinMarks], ShadowKyogre, [tantek] and silo joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
Thanks to petermolnar's reminder of the 2016 Brighton session on Webmentions and Email, I've added a new section to the "spam" page accordingly: https://indieweb.org/spam#Related_Sessions
ccchapman, jeremycherfas, ShadowKyogre, KartikPrabhu and [fluffy] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre and nickodd left the channel
↩️ Is your webmention component public?
ShadowKyogre, themaxdavitt and jeremy joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
ShadowKyogre, ben_thatmustbeme and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel