#dev 2021-02-24

2021-02-24 UTC
I shamelessly stole Webmention implementation ideas from @cramforce, who has done an excellent integration on his blog. #sorrynotsorry :D
benwerd, [scojjac], sknebel, strugee and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
what are icons
An icon in the context of the indieweb typically refers to a home page icon for an indieweb site, or small decorative images to indicate types of posts https://indieweb.org/icons
icons << "Icons8 is a handy resources for free icons if you're building a IndieWeb app." https://icons8.com/icons/
ok, I added ""Icons8 is a handy resources for free icons if you're building a IndieWeb app." https://icons8.com/icons/" to the "See Also" section of /icon https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=74697&oldid=45337
sknebel joined the channel
jacky: You never saw those before?
nope, only just came across them now
at least I think I hav
they're new to me
I've worked with [pfefferle] on WordPress projects for so long, I know a lot about what he has done.
that's dope
kinda want to do more of that myself tbh
but I don't do a lot of PHP so that kinda closes me off to that
Python is mainly for work so I try not to go _back_ into it :P
that said, implementing IndieAuth-as-a-service wasn't going to be as hard as I thought
might be because of experience now but like this is fine
I'm trying not to get ahead of myself right now and add the mobile prompt flow but it'd be so simple
it'd stand in place of the consent screen (because that's essentially what it'd be)
is doing this _solely_ so he can use his phone to authorize requests
[snarfed], [tw2113_Slack_] and [schmarty] joined the channel
jacky has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (112 in all channels)
[tantek] joined the channel
jacky and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[KevinMarks], benwerd and [tantek] joined the channel
dang, Fry's has shut down. that's the end of an indie (hardware) dev era for sure, after earlier shut down by Radio Shack (and in Silicon Valley, Weird Stuff Warehouse)
miluni joined the channel
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[edent] SuperTinyIcons: Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite website and app logos
and Maplins in the UK
[tantek] joined the channel
^ good post
also accepts webmentions 😄
gRegorLove, [KevinMarks], [jeremycherfas] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
TIL re: this being for both the authorization endpoint _and_ the token https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#request
yeah that's the last major difference from oauth that i want to change
wait, does OAuth only require this on the authorization endpoint?
goes to oauth.net and sees aaronpk questioning why I didn't know this answer already :P
goes around breaking clients to confirm ideas
the authorization endpoint _is_ where it should be, it seems
it makes sense for it to be on the token endpoint as well - mainly to issue .. tokens
the different in indieauth is whether the client is asking for an access token or whether it's asking for the user's identity URL
it kind of grew out of the fact that access tokens weren't even part of the original use case for indieauth, so there was only one endpoint to start with
oh that's an interesting tidbit
okay basically got the endpoints down tbh
just need to go backwards and create a way for other people to sign in
aaronpk: Time for another IndieAuth session?
[fluffy] joined the channel
alex11: thanks :3
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
yeah the indieweb is a great example of an open platform that addresses pretty much everything except usability in that article and its predecessor, "Whatsapp and the domestication of users"
jeremycherfas and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Here is my work-in-progress for my HealthKit data sync service, which I am calling ‘health lake’
[cleverdevil] healthlake: Web service for ingesting Apple HealthKit data into an S3-backed data lake and making it accessible.
Lots of detail in the README about status, how one might use it, etc.
[schmarty] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] ++ this is super cool!
[cleverdevil] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
Its super fun! It also helps me understand how much of a slacker I’ve been since quarantine started.
Motivation to exercise more :) I have a new bike arriving in two weeks.
the pointer to the health auto export was worth the price of admission :D
I was looking at this same sort of thing recently and was considering just doing the manual zip export periodically
I am sure that many folks here will be able to replicate what I’ve done potentially in alternative implementations / approaches.
I had started playing with https://github.com/dogsheep/healthkit-to-sqlite and was cranky about the first step (generate and manage a dump file of my entire HealthKit history)
[dogsheep] healthkit-to-sqlite: Convert an Apple Healthkit export zip to a SQLite database
yeah the zip export is super slow
and not incremental, which is a pain too
it's cool that they offer it though, I discovered it by accident
Pretty excited for the auto-export setup for sure
oh nice, an auto-export app for ios?
is it actually automatic? like you don't need to launch the app every day or something
Linked in [cleverdevil] 's project README
i saw it, but "automatic" means different things to different people, especially on iOS ;-)
Its automatic!
At least, its been working like that for me for a few days.
You can also do manual syncs at different granularity and different intervals.
Its pretty great.
i'm so glad someone built that
yeah this is fantastic
not attempting to be a cloud service
might encourage me to actually use apps that write stuff to healthkit now
Same. I actually got a few weeks into attempting to build it myself last year, and then lost interest after I remembered that I am not a Swift programmer :)
for $2 I will buy it on the chance I end up getting around to it
[cleverdevil]: lol me too. except i got as far as looking up API docs for healthkit 😂
Heh, I even had it pulling some of the metrics, but the API for HealthKit is sort of hard to understand, at least for my feeble little brain :P
This is is *perfect.*
This *app*
totally worth $2 too
i'd pay a lot more than that tbh
The thing I like about my approach is that all of the data is stored in flat JSON files in S3.,
yeah i'm gonna see what it looks like to store mine as files next to my posts
It could just as easily be done on-disk, but you lose the ability to query it with SQL unless you ingest into something like SQLite or MySQL, which starts to get to be a PITA.
i started doing some of that already to show the little productivity graphs on my site
I am pretty delighted with the design I came up with on my /health page.
I need to link it from the site now that I am happy with it.
The animated activity rings are :chefs-kiss:
(I found those on some random website, and can’t find it anymore).
I don’t currently record workouts, but I’m gonna start.
Then I can create visualizations for that too.
Potentially auto posts as well.
I have basically zero microformats on my health page now.
I need to figure that out.
I really just want a little bike icon on the days I spin the bike 😂
No need for microformats until there's a consuming use case
^ I need to remember that more.
Its an easy trap to fall into.
yep I have made that mistake a few times
but it would be pretty cool to for example show me a list of all my friends step counts in my reader :-)
Ooh that’s a fun idea.
that'd be the final bridge imo for fitness stuff
my partner gets to follow friends w.r.t their rings and what not
jeremycherfas joined the channel
and I'm like the only person in the group chat that doesn't have any Apple products so I'm always left out :(
silos has -1 karma over the last year
I don't have any Apple products
Yeah, its definitely a challenge. Apple has the advantage of this highly integrated platform, which granted is a bit of a walled garden, but I will give them credit that basically everything you need to own your own data has an API that you can use.
it's definitely a walled garden, lol
That said, I am happy in said garden :)
but yeah, I have a friend that's like the iOS queen as far as I know and she's mentioned that it's kinda hard to see out once you're in and that a lot of what you want can be grabbed quickly
I guess you get what you pay for
[snarfed]: I'm noticing that if I have a instance in AP that's down, it marks the whole thing as failed: https://telegraph.p3k.io/webmention/15AQljWsuyWnfs205V/details
I'm guessing there's no explicit way to tell Bridgy to stop sending to a instance
hm I wonder if this is ticket-worthy
[snarfed] joined the channel
jacky: hmm it actually uses the last AP’s result; it doesn’t require all to succeed. it’s suspicious that telegraph doesn’t show an HTTP status. it took 25s, i suspect telegraph just timed out
ahh that makes sense
it does send dupes though, i should de-dupe the target instances
i can also manually remove followers on dead instances. (playvicious.social is dead?)
it is
(I knew it was happening but I didn't get a date so lost all of my data there)
ugh, sorry. k, de-duping is done, and i’ll remove those followers. hopefully that will help avoid sender timeouts
[tantek] joined the channel
it did!
thank you
let's see...
looks like it's not laravel, so just the basic composer stuff should work