#dev 2021-02-27

2021-02-27 UTC
[scojjac], [tw2113_Slack_], benwerd and [cjw6k] joined the channel
i’m starting to get nervous about how many people are publishing examples of using webmention.io to handle webmention s for their site
i would at least like the code they are writing to be able to be reused with other webmention receiving services
who is up for documenting an api standard for retrieving webmention from a webmention endpoint?
[tantek] joined the channel
like a JSON API convention?
at least to start?
to reduce switching costs?
might even make sense for "all on one server" approaches, just to split up the building blocks to make maintenance easier
aaronpk: I am
I still want to improve webmentions.
[aaronpk] do you have in mind, those retrieved webmentions would be enriched with source content? I would love to participate in doing something like that
Yeah the pattern that's emerging is people like using a service that handles the webmention spec and microformats parsing part, and want a JSON API to retrieve the webmentions (responses) that are collected
either for rendering on the fly from JS or fetching at static site build time for example
every time I'm seeing these "how to add webmentions to your blog" posts it's the vast majority of the time delegating the actual webmention part to webmention.io and retrieving the data later
I wouldn't mind if I could run a processing service outside of WordPress that can send things into the database
aaronpk: Has anyone ever self hosted webmention.io?
I have no idea!
But that is also another solution to pursue in parallel... making it easier for people to spin up on their own
this sounds like fun! I commit to doing an independent implementation in parallel with the development (easier than learning all that ruby πŸ˜› )
well that's motivating
and I think through the process we can collab on something with a WP-rich implementation too
It doesn't need to be WP rich
Just an API or a hook to send the data once parsed
that's the beauty in a standard, it doesn't need to be WP-rich, yes, but the implementation that IS smart about the WP tie-in would pick-up the traffic from that community
implementation(s) πŸ˜‰
I'd love a webmention endpoint that did the heavy lifting and then just sent the results
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
maybe I'll do three implementations then - the WP versions: standard and PRO, and the cjw6k one!
the standardization is the motivator for me - count me in
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[aaronpk] a planned meetup for this? any after 6pm Atlantic or weekends is okay for me
We need a snazzy name
for the meetup or the standard?
For the theoretical application
And yes, I know names should come last.
I'll just call the whole thing webmention sandwiches until I hear something better
KartikPrabhu, benwerd, [schmarty] and Seirdy joined the channel
benwerd, Seirdy, KartikPrabhu and jamietanna joined the channel
Aaronpk I'd be interested help document a standard API for webmentions too!
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
With mention.tech I tried to copy webmention.io enough to let fluffy's js work
So I'm doe for that too.
Hosting your own webmention.herokuapp.com on Heroku should be fairly straightforward too.
[cjw6k] and [fluffy] joined the channel
I suppose I should finally get around to adding an endpoint congiguration, huh?
[tantek], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106] and [Rose] joined the channel
Ooh webmention analytics! What would be great at this course on Platform Co-Ops:
[tantek], [KevinMarks], [chrisaldrich], [fluffy], gRegorLove and [Rose] joined the channel
↩️ I don't worry about them stepping on each other, I simply make sure they're cross-linked so that if I go looking for something, I'll be able to find it. Webmention definitely helps in this respect. As an example you'll notice that my… http://stream.boffosocko.com/2021/cambridgeport90-i-dont-worry-about-them-stepping-on-each-other
from #indieweb-meta I feel the whole "old saw that letters written when you're mad should stay in the drawer for a week before sending. Then in the sober morning days later, you realize that you shouldn't send them." is something that could be built into a Micropub client
a multifactor heuristic, e.g. time of day (late evening hours, avoiding drunk tweets), perhaps sentiment analysis of the text (hmm, you sound angrier than normal, going to save this as a draft for you to review in the morning)
Putting "delete" on a button instead of "Tweet" would be fun in addition to the fact that they rhyme. πŸ™‚
And might work well for people who have pushing a button that says publish.
I feel like I've seen articles about third party services that do that sentiment analysis exist and have been shown to work.
sorry for the unfinished thought, should have been "who have trouble pushing...."
It's easier to implement because it's a check for an empty field, but there's also pre-existing UI examples of this in gmail which will ask you if you want to really send an email if you use the word attached or attachment in your email and there isn't anything attached.
I wonder how they avoided false positives when talking about emotional attachment or being attached to someone
The app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.bbc.ownit&hl=en_US&gl=US is also keyboard based, so potentially it could work when using with any other apps.
clever as well because it has other emojis and features people want to have which encourages it's use...
I'd try it out, but it's not compatible with any of my devices.
[schmarty], [tw2113_Slack_], jeremycherfas and gRegorLove joined the channel
[scojjac], [chrisaldrich], [fluffy] and [Murray] joined the channel
!tell tantek: more dev related so bringing here, but followed that /archive page link to your own implementation (very cool). Just happened to navigate through a few using the next/prev buttons, found that if you cross a year boundary it doesn't update the year in the slug, so you get stuck in a chain of blank pages. Just an FYI in case it helps/you weren't aware πŸ™‚ (e.g. http://tantek.com/2015/257 and go to previous, works fine, but go to ne
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
and that happens)
oh no it works fine [Murray] β€” those "chain of blank pages" are just days where I didn't post anything πŸ™ˆ
[tantek]: [Murray] left you a message 2 minutes ago: more dev related so bringing here, but followed that /archive page link to your own implementation (very cool). Just happened to navigate through a few using the next/prev buttons, found that if you cross a year boundary it doesn't update the year in the slug, so you get stuck in a chain of blank pages. Just an FYI in case it helps/you weren't aware πŸ™‚ (e.g. http://tantek.com/2015/257 and go to previous, works fine, but go to ne