#dev 2021-02-28

2021-02-28 UTC
ah right, and the number is the day of the year? I had assumed it was an incremental ID, because changing the year made content appear (I tried this on 3 different "blank" pages 😄)
yes, ordinal dates
nice, well in that case everything works great 😄 (whoops - it's late)
though perhaps I could some equivalent to "This page left intentionally blank"
It has made me consider whether I have a special 404-type message for dated pages, if I ever do that. I URL hack a lot (hence this happening) so I'm probably the person that's most likely to notice on my own site if I go to a date and there's nothing there; I might need to think of a message to effectively leave myself otherwise I'll just do this again 😄
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
I wonder if I should reproduce ordinals as an option in WordPress
gRegorLove joined the channel
[Murray] previously I was going to omit those pages but I'm now reconsidering the "left blank" option: https://indieweb.org/Falcon#archive_pages
gRegorLove, [cleverdevil], [scojjac] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
you could show the blank page and have a forward/back to next non-blank page button
[Rose] joined the channel
If you’re reading this, congratulations to me, because I have content from the Starship Changeling going to Twitter and Mastodon!!! https://brid.gy/publish/mastodon https://brid.gy/publish/twitter (https://wp.me/pagcFg-x0)
[spieper], maxwelljoslyn, [KevinMarks] and [Rose] joined the channel
↩️ The service is very much oriented around being able to publish on your own site first and use http://Micro.blog for comments/interactions. The http://Micro.blog client can be configured to publish directly to a WordPress site. (There’s Webmention support too).
[Rose], [KevinMarks], [scojjac], [snarfed], [cleverdevil] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
not quite sure what you mean by "url space" but each post needs to have a page with just that post on it
the actual URL doesn't matter what it is or how it's organized with everything else
when you send the webmention, you're basically saying "hey i linked to your post X from my post Y", then the receiver is going to check your post Y to see if it really is a post and whether it links to theirs
technically you don't even need Microformats, but that is the most used way to show context about the thing that mentions the page
@btrem I went with year month for all my permalinks, but am considering something like a “micro” category for all the short little stuff so I could separate it out later if I wanted. But right now I have everything commingled
well, you can still make a filter view
yeah i got rid of post type in the URL during my last site redesign because i found it too limiting
i have different feeds that show different combinations of post types, but the URLs are all the same pattern: /YYYY/MM/DD/n
I am still very happy about using aaronpk's URL format, even tho I don't post that often as he does.
aha yes you are now seeing all the edge cases you have to worry about when you try to have URLs map to post types
i had enough of that and said "everything is a post" so all posts use the same URL scheme
I sometimes wonder if this is a sort of 'duck-type vs strong types' debate.
My posts are also like "if it has a title, then it's an article"
"if it has a like-of url, then it's a like"
I post tweets to my site first and no they have no title / name
No that's what I say: they do not have a title, so they are not articles, they are notes.
though it subsequently made permalinks too
careful though, webmention receiver support for fragment URLs is unclear at best
ok! ideally your site would send wms for all posts, and you may eventually want to post likes, reposts, event RSVPs etc on your site too, which would need them, but totally up to you
in general, yes. bridgy uses twitter’s API, which needs you to auth and grant access
there are a lot of site-to-site mentions too
they do work
what do you want out of webmentions?
to me, a site-to-site mention is worth 10 silo-to-site mentions
it depends, not all my posts are syndicated to Twitter, so they will never get a mention via Twitter
it's the exact same effort on my part now that it's all set up, actually it takes more work for me to post to twitter cause i have to also check the "post to twitter" box :)
it shouldn't be
people shouldn't have to string together a static site setup to make this stuff work
plus micro.blog and pine.blog are webmention-native services where people don't have to know anything about the plumbing to make cross-site conversations "just work"
jamietanna joined the channel
hey aaronpk have you seen any issues reported with Telegraph? I've spotted this last week very few webmentions have sent, and my dashboard shows everything queued?
KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
getting there
It's March 365, 2020 (UTC)