[Murray]ah right, and the number is the day of the year? I had assumed it was an incremental ID, because changing the year made content appear (I tried this on 3 different "blank" pages 😄)
[Murray]It has made me consider whether I have a special 404-type message for dated pages, if I ever do that. I URL hack a lot (hence this happening) so I'm probably the person that's most likely to notice on my own site if I go to a date and there's nothing there; I might need to think of a message to effectively leave myself otherwise I'll just do this again 😄
aaronpkwhen you send the webmention, you're basically saying "hey i linked to your post X from my post Y", then the receiver is going to check your post Y to see if it really is a post and whether it links to theirs
[scojjac]@btrem I went with year month for all my permalinks, but am considering something like a “micro” category for all the short little stuff so I could separate it out later if I wanted. But right now I have everything commingled
[snarfed]ok! ideally your site would send wms for all posts, and you may eventually want to post likes, reposts, event RSVPs etc on your site too, which would need them, but totally up to you
aaronpkit's the exact same effort on my part now that it's all set up, actually it takes more work for me to post to twitter cause i have to also check the "post to twitter" box :)
aaronpkplus micro.blog and pine.blog are webmention-native services where people don't have to know anything about the plumbing to make cross-site conversations "just work"
jamietannahey aaronpk have you seen any issues reported with Telegraph? I've spotted this last week very few webmentions have sent, and my dashboard shows everything queued?