#dev 2021-03-01

2021-03-01 UTC
It's March 366, 2020 (UTC)… March. March never changes …
Happy still March everyone! :D
I am totally in the wrong channel nvm 😓
[schmarty] joined the channel
Still March in here! sebsel++
sebsel has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Добавил поддержку протокола WebMention на свой сайт (пока только серверную часть). Ещё один шаг к #indieweb сделан! http://dlvr.it/RthfcV
[schmarty], [tantek], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
!tell aaronpk not sure if you saw my message re Telegraph?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
i did not
aaronpk: jamietanna[m] left you a message 12 minutes ago: not sure if you saw my message re Telegraph?
Loqi: Loqi
ooh i think it shut off a week ago when i had that drive fill up
oh boy here go a week's worth of webmentions
↩️ Definitely. My own blog has a blade component utilizing this package to show external "comments" and likes. Have to update this post to use the package. https://gummibeer.dev/blog/2020/blade-component-webmentions
jamietanna joined the channel
ah no worries, thanks for looking!
[amy] joined the channel
↩️ thank you! 🙂
jamietanna[m]: are you aware that every post of yours sends a webmention to your home page?
Yes, it's cause I've got my profile information in each post, and by default I mention everything in the h-entry
it's fine, it's just a significant number of the jobs telegraph is processing right now :)
Sorry! If you're/I can cancel them easily lemme know, I'd be ok with that
i can hard-code a skip to get through this backlog faster
[Murray] joined the channel
If you don't mind, go for it. I can look at removing it later on my side, just to avoid it, cause I don't really care about those mentions
yeah already done
[snarfed] joined the channel
lol yeah jamietanna i’m seeing it in bridgy too, ~7qps total to the bridgy publish wm endpoints. funny!
pretty much all are 400ing since they were already published
heh yeah sorry
no worries!
i think this is sending a whole bunch of repeat webmentions
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
not entirely sure why, but i keep seeing the same URLs flying by
Oh no sorry!
alright i think we're through the thick of it now
interesting too, i saw two clear phases, firsrt one ~2qps for ~30m, and then 6-8qps for another ~30m. https://snarfed.org/jvt-wms.png
no matter though
might have been when i added the check to skip sending to the home page to get through the backlog faster
ah sure
benwerd, jeremycherfas, [cleverdevil], [tantek], [Rose], [Jacob_Hall], [scojjac] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I was playing with URL design after the conversation earlier about it...and why do people like day of year over day and month?
i don't :)
GWG math, it's shorter, more linear through the year, eliminates weird inconsistent sense of Gregorian months as well as inaccurate conveyance of months towards progress of the year (e.g. June 30th is not halfway through the year)
ordinal dates roc
i prefer month/day because it's easier to get a sense of in my head
that's just default western society conditioning 😛
considering i live in western society i think that's acceptable for me
acceptable sure, it's only "easy" by the accident of your upbringing. not a reason not to question it 🙂
basically Gregorian months is just buggy old code that folks "live with" because they grew up with it
bad reason not to fix the code
"choose your battles" and all
nah, fix all the bugs
Does anyone support both?
As in...your permalink is one but you redirect the other?
I just retooled WordPress to support ordinal dates as an option, just because
GWG I've considered redirecting Gregorian format for legacy backcompat
But it still supports Gregorian
So if you go to either it will work
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
I've been playing with time this weekend
I wanted to assemble all my time related tweaks and improve them
Maybe think of some more
These are things like my On This Day Feature, sorting my date archives from oldest to newest, implementing a /updated url to show my site based on last updated order instead of publish date
Looking for more fun day and time tweaks
Are you going to support bims too?
I think that's not the acronym I think it is
GWG you may ask what is
What is bims?
It looks like we don't have a page for "bims" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "bims is ____", a sentence describing the term)
You could probably support the Hebrew and Chinese calendars as the date ranges are different enough, but the Orthodox (Julian) one is harder as it overlaps with Gregorian
try the singular
What is bim?
bim is short for newcal bi-month, or 61 day period (except for the last 60 days of a non-leap-year) https://indieweb.org/bim
I thought you didn't mean the dementia test
Hebrew I seriously considered as I use it
sounds useful!
It's been on my list since I started the sunrise sunset code
Chinese calendar would also be popular I bet
I have to see if there is a Zmanim plugin already for WordPress. I think there is
Islamic calendar too, the year difference is also big.
Yes, I might wait for someone else to work with me on something I might not use. But the Hebrew calendar is a rabbit hole of time stuff
For example, Twilight has 5 different interpretations
They're based on use cases though - are you trying to see people, ships or stars?
[KevinMarks]: Religious interpretations
Just as an example
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
It makes it a problem to express due differing opinions on what is appropriate
Either way, I was thinking maybe might work on date based navigation
Who has links on a month archive to next and previous months, for example?
yo dawg I hear you like packages so here's a few thousand to get you to use my site: https://twitter.com/DataNerdery/status/1366263351685226499
Hi friends, be careful pip installing packages - someone's just uploaded three and a half thousand packages to @PyPI that point to a malicious URL. A lot of the names are things like "numpyDjango" or other common typos
for the Python users out there (KartikPrabhu, snarfed, [KevinMarks], anyone else?)
Ah lovely
👋 Greetings, friends! I have a question for you: If you are building a web application using Python, what tools do you reach for first? And if you aren't using Django or Flask, what Python tool *are* you using? (RTs for reach appreciated!)
Welp, backlog of webmentions from http://telegraph.p3k.io means you may see some poorly timed interactions from me… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1366428780919742465
hmm, what about the timing is it that makes them "poor"?
presumably his replies were syndicated to twitter up to a week late
Yeah they were, it's cool though, don't think there was anything that important
oh included in that were webmentions to Bridgy to POSSE to Twitter?
[fluffy] joined the channel
interesting, I realize I'm using a hybrid approach to avoid that. I POSSE text (including replies) directly to Twitter, rather than use Bridgy. I do still use Bridgy to POSSE photo posts
[snarfed] joined the channel
for bridgy publish users, we could evangelize a best practice of, when you grab the published silo post’s URL from bridgy’s response (eg for u-syndication), you’d also remove the bridgy publish trigger link from the post
it never occurred to me that people wouldn't do that
but that's a different issue anyway, cause these were just never sent out in the first place cause the first webmention wasn't sent for the post until way late
hmm, all of the bridgy publish wms i spot checked were repeats (and thus returned 400)
the vast majority were, but there were a couple new ones
jamietanna joined the channel
I do that on mine snarfed, but only once my site's got the response
i'm still confused about all the repeated webmention attempts for the same URLs
unfortunately in this case, the WMs are queued in Telegraph, so my site doesn't know about them (it does mark them as failed so shouldn't retry them)
but I need to go back and update the syndications to remove the Bridgy publish links
snarfed, my bridgy publish trigger links expire after 24h
easier than tracking stuff
were those repeated wms for my stuff Aaron, or others?
hard to tell exactly, but as i was watching the logs fly by i was seeing the same 5-6 URLs of yours a whole bunch
Interesting. Could have been pre-/post-syndication where the h-entry was different?
yours is a static site right? does your build step send out webmentions for every post every build?
yeah I think you'll remember it used to send a wm to every link on every page every time D: now it only sends to posts that have updated in the last few hours, but only when it's not already gone through
so deduplicates a fair bit, although still not super perfect
ah yea
i might just need to build some better smarts into telegraph for handling this case where the worker has stopped for a while. there's no reason it should be trying to send out the same webmention again within like 5 minutes
technically there is a reason, if the post changed, but i think i'm okay with failing on that edge case
yeah that makes sense
The front-end team was like: Did you try to: yarny guply webpacky something something -----f --s with cli X using cli Y at version (NOT are you CRAZY??) Me: No I did not. I did not try that. I wrote: install But it did not install.
[Murray] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
oops I meant that for #indieweb-chat, oh well
I tweeted about it this the other day but I'm still feeling smug. If you're into the #indieweb and have a static site deployed to @Netlify, you can use a build plugin to dispatch Webmentions for new posts. https://qubyte.codes/blog/dispatching-webmentions-with-a-netlify-build-plugin
Seirdy, KartikPrabhu and [scojjac] joined the channel