#dev 2021-03-05

2021-03-05 UTC
[scojjac], [tw2113_Slack_], [snarfed], nekr0z and [fluffy] joined the channel
Wow, adding a full-text search index to my site sure slows down the indexing a lot. Go figure.
fredcy_, nekr0z and [tantek] joined the channel
Fleets are accessible via API after their 24-hour "expiration", and it doesn't trigger a read receipt. So... apparently privacy and security teams also didn't get to do a basic 101-level audit before this shipped? https://twitter.com/donk_enby/status/1329935540049817600
just in case any of y'all were posting fleets
the web client doesn't support them…
Also lol OAuth 1
reminder this is why we don't use client secrets in mobile apps
jeremycherfas joined the channel
I've been curious about having self-hosted search myself
right now, I've "outsourced" that to DuckDuckGo
jacky joined the channel; jacky left the channel
I switched to Ecosia when google started fighting with Aus, problem is, the localised results aren't good enough, always going back to google for timely things or techy things
[jeremycherfas] and [Nuno_Donato] joined the channel
morning folks!
finally got my webmentions to work.... more or less πŸ™‚
but something looks a bit strange
take a look at the test I did using webrocks
[Webmention Rocks!] Discovery Test #1
its displaying the entire post content... I'm not sure if this is something on the webmentionrocks side
I tried placing class e-content in the link, in order for the text to show the link text, but it doesnt work. it grabs the first e-content and ignores the rest, so I guess I am misunderstanding how to use this
I was looking to make something like this work:
<a href="link1.com">link 1 text</a>
<a href="link2.com">link 2 text</a>
showing the entire content of a post is expected
and then the webmentions would show "link 1 text" and "link 2 text" respectively. Is this possible?
no, thats not a thing
ok! so I guess its on the client side to them trim the webmention content?
its on the receiver to decide how they want to show it, yes
ok, thanks
and e.g. for replies showing the full content isn't unusual (well, typically with some length limit, but "implementation detail" ;))
one more thing, I added a <time class="dt-published" datetime="xxx"></time> somewhere inside the h-entry tag, but it doesnt seem to be picking it up
it also says "The post did not provide a URL, using source instead", so I guess I'm missing some microformat... not sure which one πŸ™‚
i have p-url, but that's for the author
you put the dt-publihed into the author h-card
it is, but not as a direct child
the u-url and u-photo are being detected
same level
as properties of the author, yes
but nothing looks for a publishing date on the author
[Nuno Donato] And this is a first test 😎 This is webrocks test 1 test 2 is cool. https://webmention.rocks/test/3 https://webmention.rocks/test/4 with text https://webmention.rocks/test/6 test 7 test 8 test 9 test 10 hmmm so I was wondering what would happen i...
[Nuno Donato] And this is a first test 😎 This is webrocks test 1 test 2 is cool. https://webmention.rocks/test/3 https://webmention.rocks/test/4 with text https://webmention.rocks/test/6 test 7 test 8 test 9 test 10 hmmm so I was wondering what would happen i...
lol loqi stop
anyway, see the parser output: published property is on the author h-card object, not on the post where itd be expected
well I moved it out, but it seems to have disappeared from the parser output πŸ™ƒ
just placed it under h-entry
oh no, the templating engine is messing things up
need to look at this more carefully πŸ™‚ thanks
so, there's nothing that prevents webmentions to be send from withing the same website, right?
like, from one post to another
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
yes, that's fine. You could choose to display them differently, but they should work
[Murray] joined the channel
FYI, some services seem to restrict this and ignore same-site webmentions; others don't. It appears to be an implementation choice πŸ™‚ If you're building your own, up to you. Personally, I use it as a way of automating cross-links and related post discovery
in my case, being a social network, its expected same-site webmentions
each post can have a different author
first step done in implementing webmentions in Kalaksi! now the receiving part...
😳 stalker
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ Don't have to say completely goodbye to IndieWeb though, I use this webmentions plugin that works quite well: https://wordpress.org/plugins/webmention/
what is static site?
A static site is a website that is served by a web server directly from the file system https://indieweb.org/static_site
ok, I added "https://rusingh.com/2021/03/05/waving-thankful-goodbye-to-static-websites-and-more/" to the "See Also" section of /static_site https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=74791&oldid=69900
[Murray] joined the channel
heh, was just about to do that πŸ˜„ good article, fair points (as someone deep in Jamstack-land both personally and at work)
[Nuno_Donato] joined the channel
that's an interesting article
I never got into SSG due to some of those reasons. Tried once and went nah very fast
i do understand why its famous in geekland
but he could still install webmention plugins in wordpress πŸ™‚
[tantek] joined the channel
> I’ve gone from Middleman, to Jekyll, to Eleventy in the last… six years. - Yeah, no wonder they have problems with "static" sites.
I started with a static site. I went from .html to .css and stuck with both
[Nuno_Donato]: I made a near full circle from FrontPage to Dreamweaver, to a PHP4 based CMS to WordPress to my a python script and a few templates that creates my site from markdown files. Now I have a reasonable media layout (every post has it's own directory, with it's own files), and a completely portable site: if one opens the local html file and can navigate the site offline if they have a c
The problem is that once I got here, I had to write content that didn't involve "moving from X to Y" :)
opy of the full home directory.
two new non-indieweb projects: hummingbard is a forum and cactus.chat is a commenting system, and both are built on Matrix. I've floated the idea of microformats and lobste.rs-style submission webmentions up with the hummingbard dev and he seemed receptive to the idea.
would be cool if somone from brid.gy could keep an eye on them.
[Murray] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Chat.indieweb.org has good microformats markup for a chat app if you want something to compare to
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I have to remember that one's representative h-card != the URL that they enter
kinda messes things up for me with Web sign-in but an edgecase to handle
that may be worth tightening up as we get more experience with representative h-card
also a "representative h-card" means "representative h-card *for that page*"
it does not mean "representative h-card for that person" or "representative h-card for that site" (though if the URL is top level i.e. path "/" then yes it is)
strugee and [fluffy] joined the channel
↩️ Hm … I'd rather see more WebMention being supported. Ever heard of it?
↩️ I agree with Pit. Said being said, WebMention and @bridgy would allow to pull in tweet replies as comments on a blog post
oh that's true
hm then I'm setting some bad expectations
[fluffy] and [tantek] joined the channel
GWG, since you're investigating dates & times & calendars, perhaps you might find this as much of a rabbithole as I did: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/year-at-a-glance/ (use-case: possible Micropub client prompt to write something about whatever day(s) of the year it happens to be)
Use the FORWARD (>) or BACKWORD (<) buttons to move to the MONTH and YEAR on the CALENDAR BELOW to find the dates of the National Days you want to research. Current Month march, 2021 ...
[Rose], [Adnan_Onart], shoesNsocks and [KevinMarks] joined the channel