[Forest_Johnson]the point was I wanted to use a special code so I could tell the difference between a service worker fetch rejection and a bona-fide server error
[Forest_Johnson]video shows me deleting the local cache and watching it repopulate. It even handles errors when the happen (rarely now that its rate-limited to 4 at a time) and re-tries
[Forest_Johnson]the verbaige on the welcome screen needs to be updated now that im using backblaze instead of S3 and the key derivation is way better so shorter passphrases are safer
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[KevinMarks]I find that async tends to make the error case less visible than using then/catch as there is not as natural a place to put it - you queue up async things and catch at the bottom, so dealing with one async failing is less clear
[KevinMarks]Otoh I also like Promise.all() which has a similar problem but waits in parallel rather than sequentially. The deeper problem is that expressing these kinds of branching and recombinant execution chains in linear text is a poor fit.
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jeremycherfasHas anyone noticed changes in their Instagram feed? In the past two days, the caption I receive from Bibliogram now contains the HTML code for `img src` that it didn't contain before.
[tantek]hmm did someone here build yunaru.com ? it looks like interesting work in progress. I tried the follow option and put in my own domain and it found my latest blog post, but used the name of the second h-feed on the page. curious
[schmarty]thanks for the heads-up, [scojjac]. [eddie] is the creator and maintainer of Indigenous and may be able to get the callback URL server back up and running for authentication!
[schmarty][scojjac] all of those things happened, yes! [eddie] has also been around in the chat intermittently to resolve issues like this in the time since then.
[schmarty]when the client is an app running on your phone, not really. part of the authentication flow requires the auth server to redirect a browser to the app's callback URL. in theory that could be a URL on your phone that the app has registered to handle. in practice i think this server-redirect was chosen instead.
[schmarty]from my limited understanding of iOS, most app URL handlers are for app-proprietary "protocols" like "myapp://somethingsomethingsomething" (though i am aware that some apps seem to be able to "catch" full URLs, like the YouTube app will catch youtube.com URLs... usually).
[schmarty]the indieauth spec makes it difficult or impossible for a client to ask an auth server to redirect back to a URL with a protocol other than http/https.
[scojjac]Yeah, my light reading suggested that you *might* be able to use x-callback-url which I think is the same as a custom URL scheme, to handle this, but that it is the less preferred way
[scojjac]there was a commented line like that ... indigenous://auth/callback and at that point I had more questions than answers and felt out of my depth
[tantek]where were we having the discussion about better UX for warning you when you were writing something ("angry" | late at night | as a reaction | etc.) ?