2021-03-10 UTC
samwilson, ShadowKyogre and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 00:56 [KevinMarks] jacky, you could start one and then see if other show up to add themselves
ShadowKyogre left the channel
# 01:20 samwilson Does anyone know of a Symfony bundle for webmentions?
jeremycherfas, [fluffy], anon_jasrjfbq, dckc- and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
khimaros[m] joined the channel
# 01:47 Loqi [Astrotomic] laravel-webmentions: A simple client to retrieve webmentions for your pages.
[tantek] joined the channel
# 01:49 samwilson jacky: that sounds interesting, thanks
# 01:49 samwilson I might tinker with a flex recipe for installing it
astrojl_matrix, Paul[m]2, smacko[m] and alex11 joined the channel
# 03:40 [tantek] ok that HN thread was reasonably entertaining. even got a Xanadu mention at the end lol
[schmarty] joined the channel
ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
# 04:41 jacky I'm like 70% of the way to getting passwordless IndieAuth for people
# 04:44 Loqi jacky has 34 karma in this channel over the last year (113 in all channels)
# 04:45 jacky tbf, a bit of the idea for this came from there!
# 04:47 jacky yeah and it reminds me so much of how Clef works
# 04:47 jacky the logic, of which, isn't too different from being a CA of sorts
# 04:47 jacky I kinda hate that SMS setup is easier but I really don't want my phone number on the Web
# 04:48 jacky this approach is so much lighter in a way
# 04:48 jacky like having the key be also visible on the site allows for it to work independently of whatever upstream provider is needed for keys
# 04:49 jacky as long as it understands the algorithm used, it can handle it on the device
# 04:49 jacky ha, that's effectively a federated form of Clef tbh
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 04:51 jacky but the way Fortress handles keys would be doing message signature checking
# 04:51 jacky I'm very interested in adding rel=pgpkey support tho!
# 04:51 jacky I'm using NativeScript so it'll target Android and iOS
# 04:52 jacky I think my only concern is doing proper key detection but that's really not that big of a deal IIRC
# 04:52 jacky like the header of a unencoded key tells you that info
# 04:53 Ruxton it could probably prettyh easily support physical FIDO2/FIDO keys too?
# 04:53 jacky actually my phone supports my Yubikey NEO
# 04:53 jacky notes that this is getting _way_ into the weeds
# 04:55 aaronpk it's a little different with hardware keys and webauthn stuff since those credentials are tied to a domain
# 04:55 aaronpk which is good, but it means the public key can't just be published on your website because there isn't just one
# 04:56 aaronpk the takeaway is that each domain you use a webauthn key with gets its own credential and isn't shared across domains. it's the reason those aren't phishable
# 04:58 jacky that reinforces this service as a third party working on behalf of a domain
# 04:58 jacky but IIRC that'd only work in that browser (I'd have to re-register if I had it in my Web browser on my phone)
# 04:58 aaronpk yes and you can't publish the public key on your site like in my kirby sketch
nertzy, [fluffy], nertzy_, hoschi and hoschi-it joined the channel
djmoch, jeremych_, hoschi and fredcy_ joined the channel
nekr0z, astrojl_matrix, atj[m], Salt[m], antonio[m], reed, wombelix[m], Caleb[m]1, khimaros[m], jamietanna[m], aciccarello[m], JackyAlcin[m], joshghent[m], forest[m], bw3, batkin[m], smacko[m], Paul[m]4, JohnConway[m] and solari[m] joined the channel
omz13, treora, gxt, willnorris, shoesNsocks, voxpelli, deltab, [snarfed], hoschi-it, KartikPrabhu, [scojjac], [KevinMarks], [tantek], [fluffy] and [jeremyfelt] joined the channel
hoschi-it, jeremycherfas, shoesNsocks1, [tantek]1, nolith3 and ben_thatmust joined the channel
micahrl and genehack joined the channel
# 21:58 micahrl Hello. Is there any guidance or list of best practices for how RSS feeds ought to work? I have recently started using SVGs intermixed with text, and it has some problems in some RSS readers, curious to know what other people are doing.
# 22:00 micahrl I found I got the best results by applying `style="..."` attributes to the <span> containing the SVG, but at least one RSS reader I'm aware of strips out my SVG entirely and I'm not sure how to fix that or if I need to fall back to PNG or something.
# 22:01 jacky I was going to suggest potentially falling back to PNGs
# 22:01 jacky or if using something like <picture> would help
# 22:02 micahrl Hmm yeah. I think I can write some kind of automation that generates PNGs for any SVGs I use, will have to do some research on that though.
# 22:02 micahrl Tell me more about <picture> - what difference do you think that might make?
NinjaTrappeur joined the channel
# 22:05 jacky IIRC you can specify multiple sources in a <picture> tag
# 22:06 jacky so if it gets stripped, the PNG option will be still be there
# 22:06 micahrl Ahh, I see, nice. I'll look into that, thanks.
# 22:10 micahrl still curious if there's a list of rss best practices, in general... seems like the wild west out there in some ways, would be nice to have a prescriptive "do this not that" at least as a starting point.
[tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[fluffy] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel