#dev 2021-03-13

2021-03-13 UTC
[Murray], Seirdy, alex11, [Forest_Johnson], really2 and [scojjac] joined the channel
I was able to receive a Webmention at Initial Charge but the data was a bit light. Now trying with the Semantic Linkbacks plugin installed. https://initialcharge.net/2021/02/webmention/
Don’t mind me, I’m just testing Webmentions on Initial Charge. https://initialcharge.net/2021/02/webmention/
hoschi, [KevinMarks], IWSlackGateway1, dhanesh, anon_CWEJRrIS, hoschi-it, really2, ShadowKyogre, beko, wagle, stevestreza, Zegnat, vilhalmer, aaronpk, superkuh, Kaja, smacko, jamietanna and deathrow1 joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
Switching some of my automatic unit testing from Travis CI to GitHub Actions. Not sure why I decided to do that today.
ShadowKyogre, anon_CWEJRrIS, nickodd, hoschi, KartikPrabhu, hoschi-it and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
GWG: one always regrets CI changes, at least initially
ShadowKyogre and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
smacko[m]: I just try to release my inner [snarfed]
ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
[scojjac], [KevinMarks] and [schmarty] joined the channel
I suck at web with no images an l33t haxors here can help me?
  .     '     ,
 _ /_|_____|_\ _
   '. \   / .'
     '.\ /.'
This ascii doesn't render correctly when I parse it in a go template
tried using \b \n
still looks like crap
[Rose] and [Forest_Johnson] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
yes I can help you figure that out
When you are dealing with ascii art, step 1 would be to use a monspaced font. I believe almost all ascii art is designed to use a monospaced font
why? because otherwise it will be rendered differently depending on the font which is used. So it will look different on mac than it looks on windows for example
However, most monospaced fonts only treat the commonly used characters as monospaced... many special characters like whatever you are doing to make the line under the "gemmit" may not always render the same on all monospaced fonts
Also, you have not given us anything to work with to help you trouble shoot the issue, besides a picture. It's almost like asking for someone to do your homework for you, instead of asking for someone to help you understand
So, I would recommend pasting your full golang code + template into a gist or other paste service. (or an excerpt showing the template string and how its being evaluated). Then share the link, and we will have something to go on to help you
Fixed it using unicode: \u0020
I'll try to better structure my question next time.
strugee, alex11, [Murray], [chrisaldrich] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel