#dev 2021-03-14

2021-03-14 UTC
really2, [tantek], anon_CWEJRrIS and nertzy joined the channel
curious - and this might expose some bits of the flow for my site (which is okay)
but anytime something hits my Micropub endpoint, I verify the token against the set token endpoint, regardless if it's like internal or external (as in I'd hit that endpoint and verify it before continuing anything)
[tw2113_Slack_], lahacker, [tantek], dhanesh, superkuh, nickodd, raucao, KartikPrabhu, oodani, [scojjac], [KevinMarks], deathrow1|absnt, [jeremycherfas], hoschi and really2 joined the channel
http://webmention.io를 보다가 > At first, I didn't get it. Pingbacks, isn't that from the 90s? 라는 댓글에 뜨끔!
people do forget that the 2000s was a decade, don't they?
now I'm wondering how common it might be - "wasn't X from the 90s?" - which in reality is well after 2k.
KartikPrabhu and [fluffy] joined the channel
petermolnar: I was _just_ saying this
goes into #indieweb-chat
hoschi, [chrisaldrich], [tw2113_Slack_] and jamietanna joined the channel
jacky not sure if there was more to your question earlier - can't see it on chat.indieweb but that sounds reasonable?
[schmarty], [scojjac], [Rose], [KevinMarks] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
How does wemention verification of linking from the mentioner to the mentionee checking it work when the mentioner's websites is a JS application with no text until execution?
Are there webmention implementations that have JS engines?
the hope is that the mentioning site is curlable
Yeah, I suppose. I hadn't thought about it till today when discussing webmention with someone who had such a "site".
anon_CWEJRrIS joined the channel
The tooling is getting better for running js server side too
It really is quite unreasonable to ask webmention receivers to use a JS engine!
[Jacob_Hall] joined the channel
Does anyone have experience with Apache rewrite rules and could talk me through how to write some for my site? I am confused!