#dev 2021-03-15

2021-03-15 UTC
anon_CWEJRrIS joined the channel
Aha I figured it out, there was a bad setting deep in the config :zany_face:
That's why nginx is nice with showing all of the config ^^
Yeah I might migrate to nginx over the summer...
nertzy, [chrisaldrich] and [scojjac] joined the channel
I don’t remember why I switched from nginx to Apache (prob because WP) … but man nginx felt easier to use and understand in comparison
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
my general take has generally been apache is a bit easier to configure and set up, but if you put in the work, nginx has the longer benefits
[tantek], [KevinMarks] and [fluffy] joined the channel
Last October I had to rebuild my server and in doing so finally got around to switching to nginx. It is SO much nicer than Apache.
Setting up PHP is a little more annoying but it’s also a lot easier to keep it secure.
The lack of .htaccess is a bit of a bummer but it’s for a good cause. And of course as a reverse-proxying fronting server it’s kind of in a different “marketplace” than what .htaccess is meant for. If you really need .htaccess for a site you can always have that site served by a userspace Apache process and then reverse-proxy into it.
(which is, again, way more secure, especially where PHP and CGI is involved)
[chrisaldrich], ShadowKyogre, treora and doosboox joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
I'm trying to understand what h-card is and how it works. The examples on the wiki use <a class="h-card">, but in the wild I see <span class="h-card"> and others
what's the recommended approach, and is there a specific way data within the h-card should be structured?
ShadowKyogre and [Murray] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
Hi doosboox 👋 `h-card` is a way of marking up identifying information. So that could be a section of code which contains _your_ details (name, profile image, website url etc.) or it might be for a bit of code that's referencing someone else, such as a link to a person (think Twitter-style @ mention). The HTML tag you use doesn't really matter, so will depend on what that section of code is doing. Often, if you're referencing someone else,
you'll be linking to their website or profile somewhere, so you'd likely put the `h-card` on an `<a>` element. If it's for your own `h-card` then a `<span>`, `<section>`, or just about anything might be more semantically relevant 🙂
All the `h-card` does is point machines where you want them to look. So if a microformats parser is checking out the page, they can easily find out which people are involved or tagged.
Hope that makes sense
what is h-card
h-card is the microformats2 vocabulary for marking up people, organizations, and venues on web sites https://indieweb.org/h-card
^ Also not sure which Wiki you were looking at, so just in ase that's the IndieWeb one 😉
[Murray]: ty 🙂 I was talking about h-card info on my own index site. When will a machine need to find that? There’s no common parsable way to present it either way
(My index site, for reference: https://warmedal.se/~bjorn/ )
So, looking at the source I'd say you could wrap the entire site in a `<main>` and stick the `h-card` on that *but* if you're not doing this in order for the site to be machine parsable, perhaps you don't need microformats? 😊 A common use-case around here is for auto-populating profile information when logging in to servies that use IndieAuth. I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons too
Ultimately, though, the purpose of microformats are for helping machines understand the context/content of HTML. If that's not a use-case your working for, you can probably safely skip them
what are microformats
microformats are extensions to HTML for marking up people, organizations, events, locations, blog posts, products, reviews, resumés, recipes etc https://indieweb.org/microformats
^ might be useful
ShadowKyogre joined the channel
I was thinking of setting class="h-card" on the <ul> with contact info :) But if h-card is made for machine parseability I should probably figure out how it's supposed to be parsed. Will read that article about microformats :)
Honestly, the parsers themselves will figure that stuff out for you 😉 You can test a page to see how it would commonly be read at a few places. https://indiewebify.me/ has a good `h-card` checker specifically, https://xray.p3k.io/ works a bit differently, and then there's https://microformats.io/
that last one is particularly useful for explaining how the whole concept fits together
ShadowKyogre left the channel
@doosbox: also, you could definitely mark up the `ul`. That would probably be what I would end up doing myself. The reason I suggested the whole thing is that your current `<h1>` is obviously useful to include as well, but you can always repeat that info within the `ul` too 🙂
sorry, @doosboox 😬
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Oh, right! I don't have my name anywhere else 😅
treora and ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
↩️ As part of this, I made a Netlify build plugin to send Webmentions. It's a wrapper around @rem's http://Webmention.app command line so props mainly go to him! https://github.com/CodeFoodPixels/netlify-plugin-webmentions
ShadowKyogre, [KevinMarks], [scojjac], Zenyattus and jamietanna joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
comparing indieweb to OStatus and ActivityPub - we make ti a lot simpler by using URLs rather than email-like IDs, so we don't need the whole WebFinger lookup complications
shoesNsocks and treora joined the channel
[KevinMarks]: yeah, similar to how twtxt uses URLs as identifiers :)
What is twtxt?
twtxt is a decentralised, minimalist microblogging service https://indieweb.org/twtxt
[Rose] joined the channel
Seems like some convergence between that and autolink
What is autolink?
An autolink is a hyperlink that was automatically added to some text to link that text to an obvious or useful destination, like hyperlinking a URL in plaintext to the URL itself, linking hashtags to search results, and @-names to their profile pages https://indieweb.org/autolink
jjuran joined the channel
also maybe twtxt connects to https://indieweb.org/file-storage too
[tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Oooh this looks very cool and something that we should consider in our own implementations: https://twitter.com/erondu/status/1370207492240777217
Love this small, yet super inclusive iteration from @SlackHQ When people react with the same emoji but different skin tones, it groups them and shows one count https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwP0c99WgAkcOWh.jpg
Who has reacji on their posts?
reed, [chrisaldrich], oodani_, Salt[m]3, mattl_, jamietanna[m] and [snarfed] joined the channel
totally, great idea!
arguably everyone who displays webmentions has reacji. afaik special handling (like you’re probably asking) is rare though
what I mean by "has reacji" is folks that are doing the reacji count thing
not just reacji comments
jamietanna[m], kitt, nickodd, fredcy_, Seirdy, [schmarty], wombelix[m], Salt[m], nekr0z, aciccarello[m], JackyAlcin[m], Caleb[m]1, reed, batkin[m], astrojl_matrix, bw3, atj[m], joshghent[m], smacko[m], forest[m], JohnConway[m], Paul[m]5, solari[m], jjuran_, globbot, saptaks, jacky-, enpo, [scojjac], [chrisaldrich] and mxd joined the channel
implemented it once but then removed it because i was just too much in my opinion with webmentions, comments and reactions
https://sld.codes/articles/Site-Rebuild for example has some nice "page reactions"
[KevinMarks], [scojjac]1 and [fluffy] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
cool will take a look
[fluffy]1 joined the channel
on another topic, does anyone have experience with "parsing" microformats2 from an already parsed HTML->DOM tree data structure?
e.g. in clientside JS
or even serverside JS, via two phases (use existing HTML5 parser, then do an mf2 parsing pass on the result of that)
won't the JS mf2 parser be doing that?
it does
"the"? are we talking about Glenn's old Node parser?
that is what I had in mind
JS/node, yes
not sure how up-to-date that is though
the python parser also relies on a tree generated by an HTML(5) parser. I think the PHP one does too, but not 100% on that. - but those probably are just "right" in structure, not DOMs API wise
someone (forgot who...) had a typescript parser last year (?), I didn't look into how that worked
right, I'm a little worried about how out of date the Node parser is
yeah, its lagging a lot
since it hasn't been touched the longest
[aimee-gm] microformats-parser: A JavaScript microformats parser for the browser and node.js
(doesn't take an existing DOM though, but that could likely be added)
micahrl, treora, bhavin192, geman, superkuh and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
oh yeah that was the more recent one I was thinking of
[tw2113_Slack_], superkuh, KartikPrabhu and micahrl- joined the channel
treora joined the channel
what is a ticket
It looks like we don't have a page for "ticket" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ticket is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I remember that word being used with AutoAuth
what is AutoAuth
AutoAuth is the working title of an extension to IndieAuth that allows clients to authorize to other servers in the name of their user, without the user being present to confirm each individual authorization flow https://indieweb.org/AutoAuth
that diagram always first confuses me but then I get it immediately :)
[snarfed] joined the channel
diagrams has 1 karma over the last year
not enough karma, imo
wagle, nolith3, KartikPrabhu and [scojjac] joined the channel