#dev 2021-03-16

2021-03-16 UTC
Seich_, GWG_, leo60228- and Seirdy joined the channel
[jacky] In the past, I really only updated the colophon when I made major changes. I haven't included those details on the current iteration of my site.
(re your #indieweb-chat question)
hmm okay
or, #indieweb lol
lol yeah
What are you thinking of doing?
strugee joined the channel
I'm revisiting how my site's built tbh - mainly tearing out the micropub aspect of it so it's a bit of a 'bridge' to how things are stored so the actual website can just focus on rendering stuff
for example, I keep _everything_ in object storage using https://min.io and it works great for me tbh
aaronpk, might want to update the image in the top right of https://indieauth.com/setup listing various services (some of which are offline πŸ˜‰ )
especially because I can keep things automatically versioned (haven't fully leveraged that yet tho)
what is a colophon
A colophon is a page or section, like a footer, of a site that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies https://indieweb.org/colophon
oh gosh
part of me (okay most of me) is stubbornly refusing to make minor fixes to indieauth.com because the plan is to replace it entirely
fair. is it on github?
happy to do minor fixes like remove the image
[aaronpk] IndieAuth.com: This service is being discontinued in favor of indielogin.com
shoesNsocks joined the channel
filed pull request with image removal
on another topic, I'm experimenting with manual responses/comments markup, e.g. https://tantek.com/2021/051/b1/life-happens#lh-responses
still not sure what I want exactly so I'm experimenting manually with posts like that occasionally
[snarfed] joined the channel
ooh πŸ‘€
also πŸ‘ manual until it hurts
wow i didn't realize there are three JSON RFCs at IETF
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
it's the IETF way - you have to read the 'obsoletes' stuff carefully
the original blockchain - IETF RFCs lol
might have finally figured out how to build a proper 'bridge' for IndieWeb sites into IPFS
I've been pouring over the specs because I remember when I was speaking to someone at a HWC in SF
and they mentioned having their site on their phone and other people being able to access it over the LAN
I think [tantek] and https://werd.io (I didn't want to butcher his last name >_<) was there too
the biggest issue was being able to prevent some peers from being able to replicate or see info
oof not IPFS, Hypercore lol
[substack] hypercore-authenticate-session-extension: hypercore extension to verify the identity of peers by signing the noise key with another key
what is Hypercore
It looks like we don't have a page for "Hypercore" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Hypercore is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Hypercore is /Dat
Dat << A method for implementing a sort of ACL for content https://github.com/substack/hypercore-authenticate-session-extension
ok, I added "A method for implementing a sort of ACL for content https://github.com/substack/hypercore-authenticate-session-extension" to the "See Also" section of /Dat https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=74900&oldid=74899
treora, [tw2113_Slack_], [tantek], jacky, nolith3, hoschi, doosboox, [KevinMarks], rrix and Zenyattus joined the channel
Noticed an issue with the database on https://webmention.herokuapp.com/, I'm looking into it
↩️ Fixed by doing: heroku config:set PGSSLMODE=require This was a change from Heroku that I hadn't realized I needed to fix, so http://webmention.herokuapp.com was without a database for roughly 12 hours
[scojjac], Zenyattus, [KevinMarks] and [schmarty] joined the channel
A cool article by @CodeFoodPixels about adding webmentions to a site in general, and one built with @eleven_ty in particular. I'll be doing the same next week! https://lukeb.co.uk/blog/2021/03/15/no-comment-adding-webmentions-to-my-site/
So I added h-card to my website last night, mostly because it was fun πŸ˜„ Can someone give me an example of when it’s actually used?
doosboox: it's used as profile information on this IndieWeb webring! <https://πŸ•Έ.ws/>
[schmarty]: that URL is awesome!
But it says it’s been deleted :(
haha wait. what says what's been deleted?
Ah! πŸ•ΈπŸ’
edsu joined the channel
Trying to setup webmentions on https://japorized.ink now. This shall serve as a tweet for my tests.
[jgmac1106], nickodd, [tantek], [Ana_Rodrigues], djmoch_, [scojjac], [chrisaldrich], rrix, [fluffy], [tw2113_Slack_], [KevinMarks] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
doosboox, h-cards are probably most often used in displaying webmentions from one site to another. If you replied to one of my posts, my site (and many others) would parse your page, find your card and be able to display the information you provided (name, URL, avatar typically) along with your reply.
[jacky], [scojjac]1, [tantek]1 and doosboox1 joined the channel
lol I'm really about to rewrite my _entire_ site from scratch
needs to be stopped
[fluffy] joined the channel
do you really want to go to a ... v4 subdomain?
If you ever get nostalgic about pingbacks, get ready to be happy. @aaronpk built something for you. https://siliconflorist.com/2021/03/16/remember-pingbacks-theyre-back/
[tantek] joined the channel
wait aaronpk don't you know Rick
sknebel: lol at this rate, I'm going to just pull the bandage off and just take it live
yes i do, but i haven't talked to him in a while!