#dev 2021-03-17

2021-03-17 UTC
[KevinMarks], alex11, NinjaTrappeur, [scojjac], [tw2113_Slack_] and anon_CWEJRrIS joined the channel
↩️ Lost my page files section after re-adding webmentions, they got eaten by the indent monster.
treora, GWG, Zenyattus, jjuran and GWG_ joined the channel
jacky: how's the rewrite going? :D What tools were you using before and what are you going for now?
shoesNsocks1, [schmarty] and jeremych_ joined the channel
↩️ Do you have an opinion on WebID vs. IndieAuth?
↩️ Yes. They aren't the same thing :) #WebID is a globally unique identifier that scales to the #Web. IndieAuth is an authentication protocol.
"scales to the web" lol
Know what else scales to the web? The web
the web? pff, are you living in the 90s? the only thing that scales to the web these days is blochain on k8s on public cloud.
(oh. sorry. not -chat. nevermind :) )
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
@kidehen @tomlarkworthy IndieAuth uses domains, which are globally unique identifiers that demonstrably scale to the web. WebID is a url with fragment on the end for arbitrary reasons, and a fragile way of connecting certificates
↩️ IndieAuth uses domains, which are globally unique identifiers that demonstrably scale to the web. WebID is a url with fragment on the end for arbitrary reasons, and a fragile way of connecting certificates
i will agree with the "they are different" part of that opinion 😂
↩️ Yeah I am thinking IndieAuth my be the perfect authentication mechanism for user hosted @observablehq notebooks. Just checking I have not missed any other ideas. OpenID is too heavy for individuals
nertzy, Zenyattus, nertzy_ and alex11 joined the channel
sends back strongly worded reply to that tweet with some editing
doosboox: my current stack is at https://git.jacky.wtf/indieweb/koype - mostly a Elixir/Phoenix setup
the new build is going to be a bit leaner - still doing some prelim tests right now with Rust and PHP for some bits
goes to #-chat
↩️ WebID has to use certificates - you’d be fighting for provider support. It also ignores other clients like phones, CLI tools, etc. IndieAuth’s an extension of OAuth2 - used everywhere. You used it to post this tweet on your phone or sync your e-mail to… https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/bf50f47a-afb5-4824-a60f-8597e96fb330
bhavin192 joined the channel
↩️ If you want something you can give to people tomorrow and keep using as long as the Web is around, use IndieAuth. If you want to yak-shave and use it with three people, WebID’s ideal for that! (https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/32cfbd45-384a-4d8f-bad7-a79a4dfdbd2a)
has not yet had his cup of morning tea
WebID got the tea
I think I'm just going to end up doing that a wee bit more
because not only is it _not_ wrong, there's live examples
building on what works > building on an idea that works for a few
ObservableHQ is pretty neat. I need to play with it more, but a self-hosted version would be very cool
it's like a hybrid of Jupyter and CodePen - you can share code snippets that run in the page https://observablehq.com/@mourner/simple-web-map
↩️ No. A #WebID is a #Hyperlink that identifies an Agent. That's it. It has nothing to do with #TLS or any other protocol. Which is why WebID vs IndieAuth isn't an Apples vs Apples comparison. #Identity #NetID
WebID is like ogres, it has layers
and IndieAuth would literally be just the smallest first ring - a URL
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/_/status/1372221277902143501" to the "See Also" section of /HTTPRange-14 https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=74906&oldid=24929
↩️ Have you read over the IndieAuth spec? I did read the WebID spec some time ago, back when people were toying to expose it in Mastodon and it never went through because it’s not friendly to portability (people change names, identities [think trans… https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/a66997c8-13ac-428e-b239-7a4fbd05a33d
bhavin192_, [Aaron_Klemm] and alex11 joined the channel
tomlarkworthy joined the channel
wow how is this weaved with Twitter!
ok I have a meeting now but this looks very cool
We have bots that look for indieweb keywords
nickodd, [Rose], marinin[t], bhavin192_, [schmarty], [KevinMarks], [tantek] and tomlarkworthy joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
cool, this is awesome. Erm, anyway, I am extending ObservableHQ to the backend with a dynamic serverless environment
a constant annoyance is its hard to do auth on that platform
every user has their own <username>.static.usercontent.... subdomain
but also the whole environment supports forking notebooks like github
and its ideally aimed at community based code improvement
but its hard to build a service on it, because a code fork and the origin changes
so I made a federated login system that kinda works in user space https://observablehq.com/@endpointservices/login
mxd joined the channel
but ultimately it ends up using 3rd party open ID providers
its got problems coz I still have to figure out which user owns which domain which requires a second step
anyway, I kind of think IndieAuth would be perfect
users could self host their own identity in a notebook
I can even provide auth endpoints using https://observablehq.com/@endpointservices/serverless-cells
then users can log into 3rd party services using their notebook URL
3rd party being other notebooks on the platform
though I am only jsut exposed to indie. atuh so I am not entirely sure how it would work
When a post is syndicated to twitter, Should users like/respond to the tweet or to the original post on the website (comment system) via webactions?
Assuming both options are possible
one problem with user notebooks is they are loaded into an iframe with Javascript, so if IndieAuth assumes static HTML I might have problems though its all workable around.
mxd: I opt to react on my site and let my site syndicate
best to work with the source of truth
[snarfed] joined the channel
tomlarkworthy: welcome! IndieAuth definitely sounds like it could fit indeed
you do need the auth endpoint in the static HTML, but you can probably find a way to get the user/notebook out of the URL or me param, or something similar. others here like aaronpk Zegnat fluffy jacky etc will be able to vet more in detail
tell Mike Bostock hi for us, btw! he has friends here from way back at Google, and before
jacky: 👍 so it shall be. i will try to make likes created on my site 'webmention compliant'
"if IndieAuth assumes static HTML I might have problems" - IndieAuth requires that there is some way to find the authorization endpoint from the URL the user writes in the login form. Either through an HTTP Link header or an HTML link element. (https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#discovery-by-clients)
marinin[t] joined the channel
ok, I will figure something out. Gonna start messing around tomorrow so I will probably have clearer questions soon.
alex11 joined the channel
there is an assumption that pages are curlable in a lot of the indieweb building blocks, especially if we're looking for rel links or microformats. Your serverless pages look like they work with fetch so is that equivalent?
[scojjac], jeremycherfas and samwilson joined the channel