aaronpkMaybe? I feel like we would have heard more about it in the early days and seen it in the spec examples and I definitely don't remember seeing that URL before
[tantek]the right answer IMO is to drop @context everywhere because the claim of JSON-LD advocates is that you can have compatibility without it. any incompatbilities should be pushed back onto the JSON-LD processing model crowd
[Rose], [KevinMarks], baslow and sumner joined the channel
[KevinMarks]Ah, I thought that I could delegate micropub to known.kevinmarks.com from kevinmarks.com but they have different indieauth endpoints, and that gets rejected. I'll have to try something craftier to get the full social reader experience
aaronpkyeah the claim/justification for keeping JSON-LD in activitypub was that all complexity would be pushed onto people who care about it and others would be able to treat it as "just JSON"
[tantek]I'm just waiting for schema-org to declare a canonical ns for this stuff that then everyone RDFy that cares uses which of course will the obviate any need for it in the first place
[snarfed][tantek] thanks for the nudges. any chance you have a link for that compatibility claim for JSON-LD advocates? i can try pushing back with that
sknebelI kinda guess nobody really considered the extra-contexts case and what exactly that means. I.e. from my outside perspective it read pretty much as "lets agree on a form that's valid JSON-LD and easy to handle without JSON-LD (i.e. dont require any weird resolving etc)", and perception of the latter focussed mostly on *consuming*, not "it's actually a bit more than just copying the same template around everything once you leave the
[tantek]wow I'm getting a "503 Service Unavailable" in a completely unexpected part of my personal site UI and I'm really curious how that's possible in PHP (no iframes obv)
[tantek](and I thought I'd coded this part of my site *very* defensively, so it's a pretty big surprise that a. that would happen, and b. that such an "error message" would actually make it through from the backend and leak into the frontend)
mxdhow should i markup comments to a post which are created one the same page to receive/send webmentions for the post? With "h-entry" and "u-in-reply-to" and then send a webmention with the same url for target and source?
[tantek]pages is a place on your website where you list and link to individual (typically top level) [[page]] URLs on your own site, sometimes part of top level [[navigation]] or a list of links on a [[homepage]].
[chrisaldrich]I've seen people do a variation on that pattern before tantek. There were many in the days of Google+ who would either redirect their entire personal domain to Google+ or do it with an example.com/google+ link. I'll see if I can find examples. Don't remember anyone having a name for the broader pattern other than just a vanilla redirect.
[chrisaldrich]I almost want to say there was maybe a reason to do the /google+ pattern from Googles side, but don't recall it now. I want to say I may have done it at the time, but must have gotten rid of it when G+ died??
sknebelI see it occasionally for project pages of open source projects. i.e. "<project>.<tld>" or "<project>.<tld>/code" being the URL shared and a redirect to the repo location