[tantek]how "safe" is it to have a self-editing PHP file? or is this one of those things where no don't even go down that path because there's no way to actually contain the potential mess
[tantek]self-editing as in it's a PHP file that generates a form with itself as the submission handling script, then as part of running, it takes the form input and rewrites itself accordingly
[chrisaldrich]I'll have to check but I wonder if the https://html5up.net/ set ups have proper microformats embedded? That could be a fun little project for people who want their own linktree-like card sites as a starter site entry into the IndieWeb.
[tantek]this means either it's VERY HARD to get right and make it work, or it's a VERY BAD IDEA from a security perspective, or perhaps both. because it has that feel of a "fun programming problem that someone must have solved purely for the cool factor"
[ccozkan]hey everybody👋 so i recently developed auto generated weekly newsletter web app for the projects on hackernews. it is a ruby on rails app. it checks for new projects everyhour and later on wednesday it sends a newsletter to subscribers with a confirmed email.
[ccozkan]i thought it might be useful in some way in indieweb community too by changing the current source. i think source can be an api or an rss feed. if it can be useful, i would love to help. you can check the source at