#dev 2021-03-25

2021-03-25 UTC
shoesNsocks1, Seirdy, Ethan[m], maxwelljoslyn, [tantek], jacky and alex11 joined the channel
indieweb/wordpress-indieauth IndieAuth Endpoints and Authentication for WordPress https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieauth
dhanesh, Zenyattus, [KevinMarks], [kimberlyhirsh], [Rose] and [scojjac] joined the channel
bridgy webmention sending seems to hang. Stuff seems to pile up in a queue. Is that just me?
Zenyattus, [tantek], [scojjac], mxd, anon_CWEJRrIS, nolith3 and [snarfed] joined the channel; NinjaTrappeur left the channel
beko: thanks for the nudge, i’ll look
Finished 1st step building an #opensource IndieAuth authorization server on @observablehq. Oauth clients: https://observablehq.com/@tomlarkworthy/oauth-examples. Usable as-is but true purpose is providing "login with URL" for ZERO personal information disclosure on my OPEN and SAFE cloud. #buildinpublic
[KevinMarks], ShadowKyogre, [Ana_Rodrigues], [schmarty], kitt, Kaja, djmoch, sumner, dckc, tinfoil-hat_, timotimo, joshproehl, petermolnar, blueyed, micahrl, wagle, bhavin192, enpo, smacko, ben_thatmustbeme, petermolnar_, AkyRhO, omz13, leo60228 and kiero joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
↩️ You may be able to follow @CodeFoodPixels's article https://lukeb.co.uk/blog/2021/03/15/no-comment-adding-webmentions-to-my-site/ to get Webmentions sending automagically on builds of your site, which would integrate with https://brid.gy to publish a note - I'm using a different Webmention sending… https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2021/03/1jycx/
↩️ You may be able to follow @CodeFoodPixels's article https://lukeb.co.uk/blog/2021/03/15/no-comment-adding-webmentions-to-my-site/ to get Webmentions sending automagically on builds of your site, which would integrate with https://brid.gy to publish a note - I'm using a different Webmention sending… https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2021/03/1jycx/
Loqi, superkuh, sebbu, ben_thatmustbeme, strugee, oenone, nsh, Paul[m]1, oodani, voxpelli, willnorris, shakeel, unrelentingtech, rrix, j605, alex11, DanC, Seirdy, jbove, lanodan, genehack, ludovicchabant, peterrother, mattl, deathrow1, enpo, stevestreza, Zegnat, gbmor, [schmarty], nolith3, rhiaro, blueyed, jjuran, smacko, lahacker and [Rose] joined the channel
As soon as someone builds an alternative to @substack that lets me maintain my own list of subscribers, I'll leave the platform in a heartbeat. I left @Medium for @substack for that reason and I'm not married to the service platform at all.
sebsel, jbove, voxpelli, willnorris, mattl, Paul[m]1, shoesNsocks, jimpick, oenone, Loqi, themaxdavitt, dansup, ben_thatmustbeme, Paul[m]11, nekr0z, JackyAlcin[m], Salt[m], edsu, jamietanna[m], atj[m], reed, mindranger[m], fredcy_, astrojl_matrix, joshghent[m], forest[m], JohnConway[m], Ethan[m], batkin[m], bw3, smacko[m], solari[m] and wombelix joined the channel
The part of all of this that no one wants to talk about is that it used to be possible to just email a bunch of people and call that a newsletter until spammers ruined the entire concept of mass email. Hence why we need platforms in the first place.
aciccarello[m], Caleb[m], AkyRhO, geman, doosboox, [KevinMarks]1, tinfoil-hat_, djmoch, bhavin192, wagle, jacky, nekr0z, GWG, batkin[m], atj[m], superkuh, kiero, lahacker, mindranger[m], joshghent[m], astrojl_matrix, JackyAlcin[m], wombelix, reed, jamietanna[m], edsu, Salt[m], smacko[m], Paul[m]11, bw3, solari[m], fredcy_, JohnConway[m] and tomlarkworthy joined the channel
I want to try and reuse indielogin.com where possible. I look at the source code of "https://indieauth.com/auth" but I can't find that code in Github
e.g. this function is very core to indieauth "function verify_link_back(me, link, i, use_cached)"
[aaronpk] indielogin.com: Sign in with your domain name
I realise this but I got the impression indielogin was self hostable and the source code should be somewhere? Maybe I am confused...
the first link is the link to the indielogin source code?
Ethan[m] joined the channel
The source code is dependent on my attempting a genuine login, but when I do I see JS code for verifying the rel=me backlinks called things like "verify_link_back"
(also careful with the terms, the rel=me and link back logic is not the IndieAuth protocol (yes, that's somewhat confusing, one of the reasons indieauth.com is being replaced by something with a different name))
forest[m] joined the channel
which bit is indieauth then? The authorization_endpoint nomination by the homepage (and downstream Oauth machinery)
right, authorization_endpoint and how to talk to one
ahhh yeah, I see, yeah it never mentions the rel bit in that doc
What is RelMeAuth?
RelMeAuth is an authentication method that uses personal URL for identity that rel-me link to established OAuth provider(s) to perform the actual authentication https://indieweb.org/RelMeAuth
that's what we call that part usually
ok I am writing an autheorization server, which is the bit behoind the auth_endpoint so I guess I am really writing a RelMeAuth endpoint then
So indielogin is really a relmeauth provider then
[jacky] joined the channel
cool, I will try not to add to the confusion :)
cool, I will try not to add to the confusion :)
cool, I will try not to add to the confusion :)
indielogin.com can both do RelMeAuth and IndieAuth, depending on what it finds on the url someone tries to log in with
i.e. if the site declares an authorization_endpoint, it'll use indieauth against that. if the site has rel=me links to sites it understands, it'll over OAuth login against those
because indielogin wants to offer all options for "authenticate by providing your personal URL"
ok I see. Anyway, I assumed the source code for indielogin was here:- https://github.com/aaronpk/indielogin.com
[aaronpk] indielogin.com: Sign in with your domain name
but I can;t find the front end crawling logic like "verify_link_back"
> "I look at the source code of "https://indieauth.com/auth" bu"
so I guess it must be elsewhere does anybody know
thats indieauth.com, not indielogin.com
good one
i decided to do that verification check server-side and not on the front-end before the authentication happens in indielogin.com, which is definitely how i'd recommend it going forward
know that way to well... deep in to many things with similar names
in fact that's the reason twitter is broken on indieauth.com right now because they keep changing their HTML and doing bot detection stuff
I would *not* recommend doing the frontend crawling to look for backlinks anymore
the js code is also just asking the backend to go fetch it though, isn't it?
(kind of breaks down the literal concept of RelMeAuth but that's just the world we live in now. RelMeAuth still works in spirit)
yeah but it's fetching it from the HTML before it has authenticated the user at that provider so it's screen scraping
ah, nevermind, misunderstood what you mean
"on the frontend" confused me
yea sorry i should have made that clearer
ok but the interesting thing about serverless-cells is they are headless chrome backends :/
so I am definately doing it in chrome, perhaps not in the user browser though
(sorry, gotta leave - will read backlog in the morning and see if theres stuff I can still help with)
see ya, so the source code of that crawler might be helpful anyway... is that open source? Is it licenese MIT as well?
but it's a giant mess
Lol, I realize I could of sworn it was indielogin coz the page title is "login with indielogin.com" on indieauth.com URL, LOL
[aaronpk] IndieAuth.com: This service is being discontinued in favor of indielogin.com
but that just calls the backend
yeah it might be pointless but its good to follow anyway
ah yeah thats awesome
thanks a ton
If you want a clientside one that's the verify-me browser plugin
But as Aaron says, that's not much help for twitter or Facebook any more
[indieweb] verify-me: A plugin that checks all rel="me" links are reciprocal, doing distributed verification
or google 😂
rip google+
[fluffy] joined the channel
Hey, even in the year 2021 Google+ helped us to diagnose a problem with our link crawler at moz
shoesNsocks1, [tantek], petermolnar and [suze_shardlow1] joined the channel
↩️ I’ve wanted @mention/Webmention support on http://Hypothes.is for a long time. I had URL hacked my way into a solution a while back but never wrote about it. I was reminded today that one can subscribe to an RSS/ATOM feed of annotations on their… https://boffosocko.com/?p=55788983
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
consider abuse and safety as part of any new social feature/product MVP challenge
tomlarkworthy joined the channel
whats the technical issue with crawling twitter? If its CORS I don't have that problem
twitter doesn't like it
they actively prevent it from working
they'll return different HTML depending on whether they think you're a real person on a computer or not
it's not worth fighting it, trust me
[snarfed] joined the channel
scraping has -2 karma in this channel over the last year (-3 in all channels)
(not low enough)
maybe we should start some guidance on adversarial interoperability
oof. not sure i’d want to encourage us to spend much or any time on it
you could get the homepage link out the profile *after authenticating, but I guess thats a major refactor to all involved.
but anyway twitter is the least interesting for observable users who already auth with github
maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
snarfed, I mean both negative and positive guidance, i.e. what to not bother with as well as what to try/do "under the radar", or creatively (e.g. via a browser add-on 😄 )
what is adversarial interoperability
It looks like we don't have a page for "adversarial interoperability" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "adversarial interoperability is ____", a sentence describing the term)
adversarial interoperability is the practice of writing code to interoperate with a site or service that is explicitly not designed for interop, like scraping of a website, that has been sometimes necessary to synthesize IndieWeb compatible access.
adversarial interoperability << Example: don't bother trying to scrape Twitter profiles as they actively seek to recognize such behavior, sending different content and/or block such access.
ok, I added "Example: don't bother trying to scrape Twitter profiles as they actively seek to recognize such behavior, sending different content and/or block such access." to a brand new "See Also" section of /adversarial_interoperability https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=75019&oldid=75018
[scojjac] joined the channel
what is an add-on
It looks like we don't have a page for "add-on" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "add-on is ____", a sentence describing the term)
adversarial interoperability << Example: Browser [[add-on]]s can be designed and built for users to extract their own information from services they sign into, such as the [[Bridgy]] add-on.
ok, I added "Example: Browser [[add-on]]s can be designed and built for users to extract their own information from services they sign into, such as the [[Bridgy]] add-on." to the "See Also" section of /adversarial_interoperability https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=75021&oldid=75019
snarfed ^ make sense? Please feel free to add or edit!
thanks! definitely makes sense, thanks for starting them
tomlarkworthy: the way I do it now I get the links from the user's profile from the API response
adversarial interoperability << standards