rrixI haven't posted about it in this space much because it's barely working but the latest version of my org-mode publisher is slowly coming together and is recently "self-hosting": https://dev.arcology.garden/arcology/index.html .... just got page serving working w/o any of the fun indieweb stuff yet, but one of my dependencies is gonna force a pretty big overhaul before i can add in more features
Loqi[Tantek Çelik] Minor #OwnYourLinks #IndieWeb trick I setup a while ago:
Top level /github redirect to my profile so I can link to:
https://tantek.com/github/cassis instead of linking to @Github directly.
Enables eventual moving/selfhosting repos/issues without br...
@Saptak013↩️ I tried it that time locally, but not production. I might have to revisit again. Also, I would recommend checking webmentions. It's a different idea, but also something really exciting (twitter.com/_/status/1375402790177009668)
theshawe, [manton], [tw2113_Slack_], [Ana_Rodrigues], petermolnar_, KartikPrabhu, jjuran, shoesNsocks1 and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
@pakstech↩️ I would like to have the replies better integrated into the page, maybe that would make it more obvious that you can use it as a comment thread. One alternative could be to use Webmentions. (twitter.com/_/status/1375546805639864329)
sknebellive_streaming << https://openstreamingplatform.com/ "Open Streaming Platform (OSP) is an open-source, RTMP streamer software front-end for Arut's Nginx-RTMP Module. OSP was designed as a self-hosted alternative to services such as Twitch.tv, Ustream.tv, Mixer, and Youtube Live."
Loqiok, I added "https://openstreamingplatform.com/ "Open Streaming Platform (OSP) is an open-source, RTMP streamer software front-end for Arut's Nginx-RTMP Module. OSP was designed as a self-hosted alternative to services such as Twitch.tv, Ustream.tv, Mixer, and Youtube Live."" to the "See Also" section of /live_streaminghttps://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=75048&oldid=74069
jackyrandom: if you had a point with a mp-syndicate-to that's been successfully syndicated against, and you did it again to the same post - would you consider just running it again or just ignoring it