#dev 2021-03-28

2021-03-28 UTC
KartikPrabhu, alex__ and anon_CWEJRrIS joined the channel
catatan pertama di blog svelte public beta,, - menggunakan hooks - import markdown di vite sekalian nyoba webmention * I'll try to translate it to my English, please do not expect too much,, @dansvel @sveltejs https://dan.my.id/catatan/5-beginilah-bagaimana-aku-membuat-blog-dengan-sveltekit
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Some say bug, I say feature (apparently if you install a "web app" like a person site setup to Share Target for everything, it may override all the default silo share targets, and even after "uninstalling", the defaults don't come back). Raising the barrier to directly sharing on silos? SGTM 😂 https://twitter.com/mxbck/status/1375806857932124161
@JonathanDHolden Hm ok - sorry thats a new one for me. Not familiar with chrome OS... Maybe there's an option somewhere in the browser settings to add twitter & co back?
Seirdy, KartikPrabhu and [scojjac] joined the channel
Seirdy, deathrow1, nickodd, [chrisaldrich], anon_CWEJRrIS, dhanesh, gxt, KartikPrabhu, dhanesh95 and hoschi joined the channel
hoschi joined the channel
hoschi and [snarfed] joined the channel
hey jacky, just fyi granary has been seeing your feed pages (eg https://v2.jacky.wtf/stream/all, https://v2.jacky.wtf/stream/responses) consistently time out for the last day or two
just a heads up!
(its timeout is 15s)
KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
thinking more on using micropub for syndicaton (as compared to Webmention syndication), how do people think surfacing a "status" page would work? To show the process of said syndication?
because the only way seems to be eventually polling the remote page provided in the 202 response until it's available
(this might be helpful for static sites as well, come to think of it)
[tantek] joined the channel
what is silopub
silo.pub is a self-hostable Micropub endpoint for hosted blogs like Tumblr, WordPress.com, Blogger, and Twitter https://indieweb.org/silopub
jacky ^ that was a service (and is an OSS project) that allows you to use Micropub to post (thus POSSE) to silos
jacky: good question. right now mp seems to assume the location is known when sending the request, even with a 202
so not 100% fit for returning a status page there, at least without additional conventions. extra header? mp- command to request a callback?
lol whoops
I'm thinking about using another header here
I do see something though that could be more reusable here - https://indieweb.org/Webmention-brainstorming#Asynchronous_status_notification
sending a `callback` value and sending a response for that
the header approach felt a bit easier to do because we already fetch the final location from there
[tantek]: glancing at silo.pub's code - it'd be a blocking operation until it finishes this silo syndication operation
I think aaronpk uses a self-hosted version of silopub for his syndication
[snarfed] #796 micropub API for bridgy publish
hoschi joined the channel
so for now, the community answer seems to be "status polling doesn't exist"
for micropub requests
that's fine(-ish) but I think I'll try using the flow from the Webmention one above to make it more opt-in
[dshanske] #45 Add location property to structure of single post
I'm thinking of implementing the requirement of location being a string and any time it isn't moving latitude and longitude out to single properties
[scojjac] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
↩️ Do it. I've added webmentions so I can see Twitter likes and replies which I love. I also added GitHub comments but careful not to use the login system that requires too many permissions, just link to it instead.
↩️ This site gives you an API to pull down your likes/replies etc. You do need to add some markup to the home page of your site for it to work. https://webmention.io/ This site pulls Twitter/Reddit/Others messages and pushes them to webmentions API. https://brid.gy/
↩️ This site gives you an API to pull down your likes/replies etc. You do need to add some markup to the home page of your site for it to work. https://webmention.io/ This site pulls Twitter/Reddit/Others messages and pushes them to webmentions API. https://brid.gy/
[snarfed] joined the channel
jacky: you could poll a micropub content query or h-feed and look for the syndication property to show up?
↩️ Finally, I have a GitHub action step that sends outgoing webmentions to other sites (these show in the links section). This is optional but is easy enough that it's worth doing. https://github.com/RehanSaeed/rehansaeed.github.io/blob/f25b0b122162325675602fde615d83009129f78b/.github/workflows/build.yml#L59
↩️ I wrote my blog from scratch in Vue, so here is my webmentions.vue file that pulls from the API and renders likes, links (other webmention enabled sites linking to you) and replies (retweets). https://github.com/RehanSaeed/rehansaeed.github.io/blob/main/src/components/webmentions.vue
↩️ Final point about http://brid.gy. Although you can enable pushing from sites other that Twitter, I found that the quality of comments wasn't great. When I added Reddit for example, there were posts only tangentially mentioning my post that were showing up in my feed.
[tw2113_Slack_] and [tantek] joined the channel
[snarfed]: oh that's very clever
GWG, why is that a Microsub issue? location property stuff on a post would be more of an h-entry question right?
[tantek]: It's already handled for Microformats h-entry in practice
Microsub uses a limited vocabulary which doesn't include location
So, for example, the structure of the jf2 in Microsub isn't exactly as described in the proposed standard
If I remember correctly, jf2 is a bit ambigious about additional properties? i.e. it has a list of "these are post properties", but also says that other e.g. h-entry properties can be added? and so your question is what that looks like, espeically with location being a nested object?
For example checkin has to be a card object, bookmark-of must be an array...
The point of Microsub as aaronpk described in this matter was so that the Microsub endpoint, not the client, would output this, and the client didn't have to be full of type checks for each property
So, Microsub needs to define the default state of location properties
I am proposing what I think makes sense.
Namely that latitude and longitude be used as post properties and location is a string only
shoesNsocks1 joined the channel
if we have to re-discuss how each property works in Microsub vs in h-entry, that's a pretty bad interop failure
there shouldn't have to be custom design per property like that
[tantek]: I will defer to the larger group on that
But what would you call jf2 if not a simplified version of mf2 json with specific rules for properties
not sure. I'm still convinced jf2 is maintainable/sustainable longterm with having to invent per-property specific rules
still *not* convinced
I *am* convinced mf2 json is not viable as a vocabulary/transport protocol for app developers, but maybe there is something in between
yeah mf2-json is quite verbose
but it's like a light schema
why isn't mf2-json not viable?
too many things can be anywhere
which is acceptable when parsing external content from HTML, but not acceptable from an app developer's perspective
I just want to output results a Microsub client can handle
[schmarty] joined the channel
authorship is a bizarre exception mostly due to legacy publishing behaviors
I wouldn't expect that to apply to other properties like "location"
[snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk’s point may not be about properties but objects
my logic to to find the “main” object/feed on a page (in both bridgy and granary) is definitely more complicated than i’d like
[snarfed]: I have commented on same.
I like the simplicity and flexibility of Microformats, but it does lead to a lot of massaging if you want to normalize the output
yeah very true
That's where I think aaronpk went with Microsub...that it imposes some limitations not on the input of Microformats, but on what an endpoint will output to a client.
[suze_shardlow1] joined the channel
↩️ Ini Mas @WijayArts kalau mau nyoba webmention kayak di blogku
↩️ Tapi nggak terkirim ke Twitter kayak webmention?
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel