Jaybear, alex_, [chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks], samwilson, [tantek], chrisaldrich and tomlarkworthy joined the channel
#tomlarkworthybut the indieauth.com server is ALSO an oauth provider, with its own set of client_id etc. right.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#bekoHuh… got a Bridgy job hanging in the queue again. This time publishing to Mastodon. It seems to have made it to the media post 36m ago and nothing ever since.
#aaronpktomlarkworthy: IndieAuth.com (but not indielogin.com) is an IndieAuth provider and can issue access tokens
#aaronpkthats why I split out the indielogin.com part into its own project that is only the relmeauth and IndieAuth client part
shoesNsocks1, dhanesh, [chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu and [snarfed] joined the channel
#[snarfed]hrm, sorry beko! that publish request died, not sure why, i’ll look into it. feel free to retry though!
#[snarfed](it’s not still running. bridgy publish requests don’t run in the background, ie not longer than the HTTP requests that trigger them)
#[snarfed]and in general retrying bridgy publish requests is safe and idempotent and won’t duplicate posts in silos
[scojjac], shoesNsocks, [tantek], [fluffy] and alex11 joined the channel
#beko!tell [snarfed] I see. Was confused because it [still] says "Processing"
#prof_milkiIs there an attribution license/requirement to the IndieAuth logo? I made a little auth_endpoint extension for my repositories (https://fossil.include-once.org/fossil-skins/ext/auth) with a semi-lookalike img.
#[tantek]good q prof_milki. I'm not seeing the IndieAuth logo on the wiki at all (e.g. https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth ) nor do I see the answer in the FAQ on that page. Perhaps we can nudge aaronpk to add them to that page 🙂
#[tantek]there was an informal discussion about TLS and older devices / software in #indieweb-chat that reminded me of some of my reasons for keeping both http: and https: support on my site
#[tantek]restating here in case there are others who may agree (or disagree!)
#[tantek]the problem of old(er) devices is not just TLS support (or lack thereof) but of lack of support for new certs
#[tantek](it's literally one of the reasons why I'm fairly strongly on the side of allow both http: and https: access to my site)
#[tantek]IMO this is both an environmental (keep devices out of landfills) and a global equity (allow cheap/free devices to keep working) issue
#[tantek]the trade-offs with "login" based features are more complicated (and I don't have a good answer to that yet; personally all the "login" like features on my site do require https)
#[tantek]should these (environmental & equity) concerns be documented on https://indieweb.org/HTTPS#Level_3_security, or is this more of a personal opinion and I should do a blog post instead (or at least first)? what do people think?
#aaronpkso it is very likely a rogue microformat around your author info in the independent publisher theme
#ppintoyeah, it must be. I find IW26 a better aesthetic choce, so it won't be a problem anymore
#ppintoSenPress is also nice but syndication icons do not appear correctly
#[tantek]ppinto you may also be interested in the #indieweb-wordpress channel where there's more frequent discussion of these and related problems specific to WordPress
#ppintoyes tantek. I was trying to join via web interface but it isn't working for me. I will switch to indieweb-wordpress. Thanks.
ppinto left the channel
#[tantek]great, no worries, and hopefully the problems have been resolved for now!
[scojjac], [KevinMarks] and Seirdy joined the channel