GWGI've discovered an interesting problem. I test my site periodically in an RSS reader. The one I'm using, when there is no explicit title, such as a note, displays the GUID as the title. Wondering what if anything I should do.
tomlarkworthyAwesome my relmeaith server can get a github access_token. I don;t actually want these potentially PII things in my system, so I want to exchange a 3rd party token for one that just has the username/URL data in it
aaronpkyou shouldn't need to store the github access token, but you do need it in order to verify that the right user logged in. then you can fetch their info from github and discard the access token
tomlarkworthyseems like have a ton of design liberties with how I make the token, so I am going to create my tokens using the Firebase CustomToken scheme
tomlarkworthyor more accurately, a service accepting relme, uses the links to know that github is an acceptable form of identification for a person identified as a URL
aaronpkso the user types in their website, you find a github URL, your goal is to confirm that the person at the computer actually controls that github profile
aaronpkin order to do that you need an oauth client registered at github, you do the oauth flow, then you find out who logged in, which is done by sending the access token to their "userinfo" endpoint to return their github username
tomlarkworthyyeah, so at the end of its dance it has an access_token which is can use on the /me endpoint for Github to confirm the newly authed profile is indeed the person at the beginning
jboveQuestion about microformats and birth places; the h-card has the dt-bday property - how do I set the birth place and birth country and distinguish it from h-adr?
jboveThanks aaronpk - if a birth date is an h-event, then that would solve my current problem where I need to keep the date and the location together. Is that acceptable?
aaronpkthe use case for the u-translation-of was to be able to write a translation of something, add that markup, send a webmention, and provide the webmention receiver with more information about the link other than a generic link
[tantek]I think vCard4 may have added something about birth location. Though the longer answer is, research & document existing publishing examples and existing formats for representing that information (for adding a new property or format)
btremIn any case, if timestamps are a convention in urls, should I regard that as a good reason to use `10:37` as part of an html page url? Or a reason to avoid it?
LoqiURL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content
btremI've read that, but apparently not well enough to recall the section on time in urls. Which indicate that colons in time are ok (and preferable to no seperaters, even!).
btremI'm probably going to omit seconds. That way I can regret it for the one time two months from now when I create two brief items in the same minute of a day. ;-)
aaronpkwhich might sound far fetched until you realize that if you schedule two cron jobs for the top of the hour, they will likely post at the same time
aaronpkor if you are importing posts from another system that doesn't have second-level precision, you have to pick some default artificial value for seconds
btremHmm, I wonder if that is possible in 11ty. I haven't come across anything like that in my searches (and I have been searching for a few weeks now). I gotta think on that.
sknebelhm, for flat files there is the argument that not all operating systems like colons in file names, if that ever is a concern regarding moving the files around
btremsknebel: in fact, osx seems to not like them. I can't create a file with a colon in the name. But for reasons that escape me, 11ty writes files and substitutes a solidus for the colon, but then serves them up correctly. It's actually kinda weird, and I haven't poked around to see what exactly is happening.
sknebeli.e. I wouldn't be surprised if something got confused by i.e. <a href="lorem-ipsum-10:37"> and thought it was supposed to access host lorem-impsum-10 on port 37 :D
btrem[KevinMarks]: I have 11ty write files like `26-17:56`, and what I see in my directory is `26-17/56`. But I can then open that in Firefox and the url shows `2021/01/26-17:56`. I don't know what voodoo is going on, but it seems to work.
btremOk, there's some voodoo magic happening with the colons. 11ty write a file `02-17:56`. In the os, the file appears as `02-17/56`. When I upload it to a Linux server, it's `02-17:56`. So the solidus substitution is perhaps only a display thing?
[KevinMarks]When we were building OS X compatibility with older macos was key, and Carbon used : everywhere, the apps concatenated paths with strings etc so the finder preserved that
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