#dev 2021-04-01

2021-04-01 UTC
alex11 and [scojjac] joined the channel
↩️ 今ならIndieAuth+Webmentionでもっと安全に実現できるんですけどプラットフォームに呑み込まれてしまってますね。
samwilson, jeremycherfas and sumner joined the channel
↩️ 少なくとも流行ってはないですねw Webmention対応していると記事内で他サイトの何かに言及すると勝手に言及元にWebmentionが飛んで言及されたことがわかるようにはなります。Twitter内でmentionされると分かるのに近いイメージ。
[tantek] joined the channel
↩️ We came up with a better replacement for those https://indieweb.org/Webmention
samwilson, [KevinMarks], strugee, [suze_shardlow1], [calumryan], [tantek], [scojjac], [schmarty], [jacky] and vilhalmer joined the channel
GWG: the thingiverse API has some major drawbacks
[schmarty]: Yes. I'm sure.
for one, it does not make original size images available for download
I'm just starting with where to document the idea of wanting to post these things.
I can create a category like my play posts, where I have a very basic presentation
What is Thingiverse?
Thingiverse is a popular silo for hosting 3D printable models https://indieweb.org/Thingiverse
i also kind of hit a wall with realizing i had no reason to map thingiverse's representations directly onto my site.
[snarfed] joined the channel
For me, my proto-make post build will be an image of what I built, link to build file on Thingiverse, and maybe a note of why I built it
so like a "make" post on my site has a photo an an in-reply-to as it if were a photo reply post. but i also added a "make-of" property just in case.
Yes, and that is what I wanted to make a wiki page for.
But not sure where on the wiki.
The /make and /build are something else.
Hmm.. construct?
the make => build redirect was made 3 years ago
I figure that this would be something artists and other sorts of people building physical objects might want.
unless there are objections, i think it's reasonable to replace the redirect at /make
!tell [tantek] You added the /make to /create redirect. Do you have any comments?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I checked and [tantek] added the redirect. Just wanted to see if he had an objection.
I think it makes sense.
Proposed definition - 'make' is a passive kind of post used to publish an item you have constructed, for example, a 3D printed item, work of art, etc.
tomlarkworthy joined the channel
wow this auth server is hardwork, nearly got the first flow to Github working
tomlarkworthy: As I told someone last night, any time I work with auth, I'm worried about compromising someone's site. Doing auth right can be hard, but it is often worth it for peace of mind.
GWG, make we redirected to create because of the desire to make that aspect of indieweb more accessible to different audiences
both "make" and "create" are more inclusive than "build"
if you're talking about something specific for 3D printing, "make" is too general a word for that and I'd advise against it.
[tantek]: So, where would you put the concept of the type of post identified?
[tantek]: I'm generalizing to any physical act of creation.
premature generalization is bad for any kind of standardization
I'd like to document and brainstorm on that. At the moment, specifically for 3D printing, but I may construct other things in the future I want to show off.
there's infinite possible things you may want to do "in the future"
it's kinda pointless hypothesizing that abstractly
so for the moment a 3D printing is a 3D printing
start with that
So, you are suggesting I collect examples under /3D-Printing on the wiki? Fine with me for now.
lower case printing but yeah
it's not a proper known AFAIK
What is 3D printing?
good to pick very direct specific names for things to start with
It looks like we don't have a page for "3D printing" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "3D printing is ____", a sentence describing the term)
premature abstraction tends to both confuse and be undiscoverable
3D printing is the construction of a physical three dimensional object from a digital model using a computer controlled printer.
Regardless of what happens in future, I'd like to have something there. We have at least 2 examples of people posting things they printed with a 3d printer
sounds like enough to start an Indieweb Examples section!
Which I am typing.
GWG has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (137 in all channels)
that'll be a good new page for this week 🙂
i have some examples to post there too :)
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG, I can also see a case for adding that as an example under /crafts as 3D printing and some of the examples on those pages may have things in common. There are also similarities with recipes as often these types of posts will have instructions that others can follow to create the same item/object/thing that you made.
nertzy joined the channel
nertzy joined the channel
[jacky] forgive me, but I forget what the consensus is around using `https://indieweb.org/a-page#link` to resolve the Microformats stored at the element #link on that page
FWIW all of my "old blog’s" posts were canonical by ID like that
within pages per Gregorian month
so I'm definitely interested in this discussion jacky
That seems to be a better term...crafting, then the generic make.
I may use that as my category
crafting also sounds very Portland 🙂
yeah, like a huge bulk of the content I have is reactionary (lol) like this
lol crafting reminds me of Minecraft (a happy place tbh)
[tantek]: Is that a good or a bad thing?
GWG, good for motivating the next in-person IWS 🙂
also I think IndieWeb attracts people who like to "craft" their website
re: coalescing reactions, I think doing this for things like likes et al would be ideal especially for those who use static sites (this could make that propagation a bit easier to manage)
Please don't start using artisinal
I'm always struck by how the words manufacture and manufacturing seem to have lost the semantic meaning of "make by hand" after the introduction of the Industrial Revolution.
GWG, is that a plea to use bespoke instead? 🙂
wow I really never knew that [chrisaldrich]
like I thought it was implicitly associated with machines
I think I like craft, because it won't get confused with our existing make use.
hah artisanal web
that would have been a great rebranding for today 😈
I can see the cursive typefaces
We've decided to recognize what we're really about and officially rebrand as the Artisanal Web Guild
aaronpk, [schmarty]: If you want to have at it, I put in a basic definition
jacky, indeed, with a fancy crest and secret symbols and everything
maybe even rings
That sarcastic website "selling" Twitter verification badges for one's house could be a good model? 😉
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
And then there’s manuscript ...
[tantek]: It could be a new indiewebring.
We do already have that manual until it hurts page. We'll have to modify it to get rid of the idea that anything should be automated, but otherwise we're well on our way. I can see the Robin Leach bumper already...
Someone get on this, I need a new symbol to put on hats and flags
chrisaldrich that joke house badges thing recently turned real
GWG, indeed, a physical IndieWeb ring
perhaps you could even ... 3D print it custom sized to the wearer
are there parameterized 3d print files like that? where you can enter a number and vary the size?
(at print time)
[tantek]: Not on my console, but you can do it in software and load different sized versions.
I'm still new at this though.
I'd defer
GWG, you realize if we had IndieWeb rings, we'd ask you to print them 😛
If I render the IWC logo in plastic, I'll tell you
Rings printed to fit based on a person's finger measurements you say? nickelforscale.com
>are there parameterized 3d print files like that? see https://www.openscad.org/
[cleverdevil], [tw2113_Slack_], [KevinMarks] and shoesNsocks1 joined the channel
This sounds like a good reason to have your ring sizes marked up properly in microformats on your h-card... 💍
that reminds me that I still owe Zegnat some ISO specs
[chrisaldrich] sounds like you should propose that as an experimental property for h-card https://github.com/microformats/h-card/issues (see the h-entry issues for examples of proposed properties)
hmmm. Ring sizes. I don't think I know mine.
I have worn rings for well over a decade, but never thought to write down size, haha
[chrisaldrich] in addition to the "want to use a 3D printing service to print me a ring" use-case, there's also the, "how do I subtly make that information available in case my partner is considering proposing and wants the info to buy a ring"
That was my problem too... My first thought was to see if Zegnat had done it yet. _Then and only then_ I thought, what exactly are my sizes...
[chrisaldrich] you can start https://microformats.org/wiki/ring-size and collect examples of existing formats (if any), people actually publishing their ring sizes on the web, etc.
feels the warm glow of /Tantek-ing :tantek::fire:
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
wait, we’re all making our “one ring” from LotR now?
gxt and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Kayaknya perlu juga dibuatkan tutorial untuk Blogspot. Temanku ada nanya soalnya Catatan menarik dari @dansvel https://dan.my.id/catatan/6-komentar-blog-statis-dengan-webmention
samwilson, KartikPrabhu and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
bridgy does webmention for blogspot, right? Indonesian translation for bridgy?
[snarfed] joined the channel
lol, yes blogspot (if they’re signed up), no translation. PRs welcome!