#microformats 2021-04-01

2021-04-01 UTC
[scojjac], jeremycherfas, [tantek], hendursa1, [KevinMarks], strugee, [suze_shardlow1], [calumryan], [schmarty], [jacky], [snarfed] and tomlarkworthy joined the channel
forgive me, but I forget what the consensus is around using `https://indieweb.org/a-page#link` to resolve the Microformats stored at the element #link on that page
it's a strongly recommended additional API for parsers to support
I'm very interested in this use-case because I want to coalesce 'small' entries (like a like, bookmark, etc) to a 'daily' page and I'd like them to still be canonical
so clients of parsers can ask for subtrees like that
ahh okay
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
ooh interesting
so like (just making sure I understand) a user of a library would have to do that resolution on their own
that "coalescing" approach is worth discussing in #indieweb-dev
versus expecting it to be a 'library' functional
okay perfect
right that's where we landed IIRC. GWG was also in that discussion
[jeremycherfas], [cleverdevil], [tw2113_Slack_] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ 10/N. Or, like grouping activities ("portals", "projects"), and some microformats/more organized parts of pages (infoboxes, navboxes, timelines, etc.)
KartikPrabhu, indy, [KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel