#microformats 2021-04-02

2021-04-02 UTC
btrem joined the channel
I just learned that Firefox does not parse the author correctly in reader mode, causing other names to show up in articles that I wrote.
It seems to find the first element with "author" in an attribute -- any attribute, afaict -- and uses the content of that element for the byline.
It breaks when the post is "in-reply-to" and I include the author of the replied-to piece in a nested h-cite.
What's worse is that it gets it wrong when the post is *not* in-reply-to, that is, when there's no other author elements, and it shouldn't get confused. On those pages, where the only p-author element is my h-card in the footer, it shows no author. Shame.
Firefox parses things?
Well, it does find author text. Just not the right one.
Safari doesn't show author on my pages. Presumably the same problem: the author is in the footer of the page. Which is slightly annoying, since the footer is a child of the body, and the body is an h-entry. Another words, I'm doing it right -- I think -- but the browsers are not.
hendursaga joined the channel
Yep, I just copied the address element from my footer up near the top of the page, after the first article. And FF reader view shows the byline. So it doesn't like the author to be the footer.
might be ideal to place a bug report there about this!
[mozilla] readability: A standalone version of the readability lib
[tantek] joined the channel
I feel like I've filed a related bug in Bugzilla on this, specifically asking for h-entry support
address alone is too ambiguous in not great ways
btrem, would h-entry support solving your authorship problem?
The pages in question do use h-entry, with p-author in the footer address element.
is it still being tracked here?
no activity for 5 years :eyes:
I did an additional test. I put an author element in the body, but outside the footer and outside the main element, as a direct child of body (and between the main and footer elements). Again, FF picked up the author byline. So it's just in the footer that it fails.
jacky, I might have filed the bug too soon 😂
[cleverdevil], hendursa1, KartikPrabhu, [Rose], [KevinMarks], [tantek], [snarfed], [chrisaldrich], [tw2113_Slack_], [schmarty], hendursaga, tomlarkworthy and btrem joined the channel
Microformats are a set of defined HTML classes that allow software to process the information reliably by having set classes refer to a specific type of data rather than being arbitrary (i.e., contact information, geographic coordinates, events, blog posts, products, recipes).
[KevinMarks], KartikPrabhu, [fluffy] and [tantek] joined the channel