[chrisaldrich]https://projectnaptha.com/ is another fun tool that will allow you to cut and paste text from within images. I believe it's an open source project for those who want pieces for their own sites.
paramdeo, Seirdy, __minoru__shirae, [chrisaldrich], [jeremycherfas], KartikPrabhu, jacky, [KevinMarks], alex11, deltab, shoesNsocks1, [schmarty], [tantek], [manton], [tw2113_Slack_], [Rose], leo60228, tru-is, sumner and lahacker joined the channel
[tantek]Oooh, that would be a very good user flow to document as an example on /follow like with Monocle screenshots that walk through the process of following someone on Mastodon
jackyI really _don't_ want to write any UI-facing code for this (like I want it to provide endpoints but the bit for confirming identity is blocking me)
[raph_l]I have a question about a security design I'm thinking of using for a website plugin architecture, but it's not explicitly indieweb-specific. Does anyone know of a community where that kind of question is appropriate? I tried security stack overflow but no answers so far.
[raph_l]Thanks, those links are helpful, I'll go through those and see if what I'm thinking of fits any. I wrote up my idea here, in an i-think-this-should-work-therefore-I'm-suspicious kind of way: https://raphaelluckom.com/posts/isolation_proposal_001.html
[raph_l]When you say "really don't want to write any UI code" does that mean "don't want any ui code" or ui code is ok as long as someone else writes it?
Loqiconsent screen is the page you see during an OAuth flow that asks whether you want to allow the application you're logging in to to be able to access the data it's requesting https://indieweb.org/consent_screen