#dev 2021-04-12

2021-04-12 UTC
[snarfed], [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
Lots on Substack here, and a bunch on Ghost as well. Dropping this in dev because there's clearly a lot of $ in paid newsletters (somehow), it might be enough to motivate building better IndieWeb solutions for subscriber-only access to posts: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/11/business/media/substack-newsletter-competition.html
Substack << 2021-04-11 NYT: [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/11/business/media/substack-newsletter-competition.html Why We’re Freaking Out About Substack]
aaronpk, corollary: the only secure network is no network (h/t BSG / Cmdr Adama)
shoesNsocks joined the channel
“All code is liability.” (-Peter Norvig)
“Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.” — Don Knuth
jjuran_, bhavin192_, mattl, forest[m], Ethan[m], KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich], [Joshua_Sim], minoru_shiraeesh, [grantcodes] and tomlarkworthy joined the channel
@jacky I am builing a serverless one click to fork and deploy Indielogin service, but its hosted on @observable. Its still WIP but nearly there https://observablehq.com/@endpointservices/auth If you wanted a specific feature I could probably add it. demo of logging into it can be found here: https://observablehq.com/@tomlarkworthy/weblogin Ofc, I am new to this so I am not quite sure I have the idea totally right, but I welcome any feedback
costs about $0.10 a month to host, its incredibly cheap. Client sessions on Firebase free tier. Cost hosting on free observable. Only cost is the on-demand endpoints which are on Cloud Run
but it does leverage a log of monopoly tech so not sure if its interesting. Tokens are issues through Google IndentityKit for instance
the joy of Observable is you can jsut fork the implementation in one click though
[jacky] ^^ (?)
/msg jacky see above
[raph_l] joined the channel
I just posted a design outline of the personal social media system I'm working on (aws, event-driven, no instances): https://raphaelluckom.com/posts/system_notes_001.html .
[Rose], nertzy, shoesNsocks1, [KevinMarks], GWG_, oedmarap, [snarfed], minoru_shiraeesh and tomlarkworthy joined the channel
hey cool raph_I, I see you are thinking about makers and monetisation, I built a shop on Observable for $0 per month:- https://observablehq.com/@pauseandplay/shop for my wife's book.
minoru_shiraeesh joined the channel
↩️ WebHID, WebMonetization, Webmention.
[raph_l] joined the channel
cool! I'm trying to make sure my whole thing (UI, social media storage / publishing, user mgmt, DNS, etc) is deployable with only an AWS account.
I suspect I'll have to add a stripe account or similar for people who want payment processing, but I'm really focused on limiting deployment complexity
Sam1, KartikPrabhu, [Rose] and tomlarkworthy joined the channel
yeah this is why I built serverless-cell, you can build backend without leaving the web browser: https://observablehq.com/@endpointservices/serverless-cells
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
The biggest thing so far being a port of indeauth.com https://observablehq.com/@endpointservices/auth
[tantek] joined the channel
that looks cool [tomlarkworthy]
I'm looking for something I can self-host tbh in an agnostic fashion
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
what time is it for tomlarkworthy?
Sorry, I don't see tomlarkworthy on https://indieweb.org/irc-people
!tell tomlarkworthy you can leave messages for folks outside of your timezone using /Loqi and the tell command like this.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
ofc, that magnificent Loqi bot. @jacky ok yeah, makes sense. runtime is docker hsoted by at the moment source code has to go on observable
tomlarkworthy: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 14 minutes ago: you can leave messages for folks outside of your timezone using /Loqi and the tell command like this.
[snarfed] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
jamietanna has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
Thanks Chris, and thanks for joining! I'll be sharing the video at some point and will pop it onto the wiki
[schmarty] joined the channel
jamietanna[m]: I look forward to watching it
[Rose], __minoru__shirae, oedmarap, [manton], [tw2113_Slack_], [KevinMarks], KartikPrabhu, [frank] and [scojjac] joined the channel
this feels like it would have a lot of potential IndieWeb applications, e.g. extracting text from the reply-context of a photo meme etc.: https://www.theverge.com/2021/4/12/22380086/google-photos-desktop-ocr-images-copy-text-lens
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
That's been there for a while I think. I remember photographing a book page and Google both giving me the text and identifying the book from it
<[tantek] "this feels like it would have a "> You might me interested in https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract
[tesseract-ocr] tesseract: Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository)
shoesNsocks joined the channel
neat. is there a sample deployment somewhere we can try out manually? didn't see one in the README
I've run it locally without too much pain before
briefly was trying to use it to read receipts
it works pretty well, will get back to that eventually