#dev 2021-04-11

2021-04-11 UTC
[chrisaldrich], [tw2113_Slack_], KartikPrabhu, [scojjac], __minoru__shirae, [jeremycherfas], lahacker, dhanesh and alex2 joined the channel
[Rose], [chrisaldrich], alex2, [kimberlyhirsh], [jeremycherfas], oedmarap, rrix, jamietanna and [scojjac] joined the channel
jacky vilhalmer I've used Okta's Factor's API (as aaronpk's blog about it convinced me to do it) to use their API as a way to make sure only my registered devices can auth, which works nicely, and a bit better than just pushover
[manton] joined the channel
yeah I should probably use a real security tool
I don't even leave the server running except when I want to auth at the moment though lol
once I need it for more stuff that will become too annoying
oedmarap, __minoru__shirae, shoesNsocks and PauloPinto joined the channel
that's a good way to keep it secure :D
__minoru__shirae and rrix joined the channel
the only secure code is no code
shoesNsocks, oedmarap, minoru_shiraeesh, [chrisaldrich], [schmarty], [jeremycherfas], [kimberlyhirsh], Seirdy, KartikPrabhu and Seich joined the channel