#dev 2021-04-15

2021-04-15 UTC
[tw2113_Slack_], deltab, [tantek], Kaja, saptaks, enpo, shoesNsocks, koddsson, jjuran, [snarfed], Seirdy, __minoru__shirae, KartikPrabhu and jeremy joined the channel
↩️ Well good that you ask, one thing that I would really like to see is webmentions! https://hashnode.com/post/web-mentions-support-for-blogs-ckcwxgmtt00fd7ss1fnv60nw6
[KevinMarks], KartikPrabhu, [tantek] and __minoru__shirae joined the channel
“How to Sign Users In with IndieAuth • Aaron Parecki” I really like IndieAuth as a tech (basically a more manageable profile of Oauth) but suspect that it has little appeal outside of indieblogger circles. https://aaronparecki.com/2021/04/13/26/indieauth
deathrow1 joined the channel
I am working on a MIT licensed federated auth server using this beautiful technology https://aaronparecki.com/2021/04/13/26/indieauth HOSTED ON @observablehq !!!!! it will issue Firebase compatible tokens so can be used as drop in replacement for Firebase Auth (which stores personal data in US).
deathrow1 and [schmarty] joined the channel
looks like felixplesoianu is felix-ing again 🙄
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
ah, he's blocked me now
[tw2113_Slack_], __minoru__shirae, JankyDoodle and tomlarkworthy joined the channel
I am trying to test by IndieAuth client I need an authorization_endpoint I can test against
ok https://micro.blog/ is possible
Start the clock 10 days to get it working on the free trial!
BTW, if anyone wants to see me livecode Firebase on Observable there is a Twitch in 45 mins https://www.meetup.com/observablehq/events/277449472
My overally goal is to deFAANG Firebase by swapping the Auth system with IndieAuth so Google never actually sees emails directly.
[Ana_Rodrigues], ShadowKyogre and [manton] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
I think IndieAuth will continue to work in Micro.blog even after the 10-day trial, it just won’t let you create a post. 🙂 But let me know and I’m happy to extend it.
tomlarkworthy: You could spin up a WordPress instance and use the IndieAuth plugin as well
thinking about adding a new HTTP header response to my sites today https://plausible.io/blog/google-floc
Good idea. Added. See, curl -I superkuh.com
Oh, two :, gotta fix that.
Okay, fixed.
koddsson, shoesNsocks1, shoesNsocks, sumner, [chrisaldrich], JankyDoodle, [jgmac1106], [tantek], KartikPrabhu, tru-is and ShadowKyogre joined the channel
this is what my consent screen for Sele looks like now blob:https://imgur.com/ac31ed9a-37bd-4b8c-badf-4de01c85b63c
ShadowKyogre left the channel
here's what it looks like on mobile https://i.imgur.com/hZY9r7t.png
I think I should move that info panel to the top on mobile
[schmarty] joined the channel
there are so many interesting concepts in this screenshot 😄
"This app is in a list you're watching" - what does it mean to watch a (list of) app(s)?
lol so that's something I've been thinking about in the back of my head
like pulling `generator` info from one's feeds to see what apps people tend to post with
it's like a personal thing for 'app discovery' that I wanted to do
[pfefferle] joined the channel
the one thing that's a bit annoying is that I can't comfortably _link_ scopes to a page to explain more about them
tbh, that should be up to the client to explain what they might do with their scopes
Jacky true, but also its up to the IndieAuth/authorization server to explain what the scopes mean to them as the server issuing them?
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
honestly the IndieAuth / authorization server is like the one place that doesn't necessarily need to know what scopes mean
jamietanna[m]: that's true (to a degree for me, I think unfamiliar / unrecognized ones should be either ignored silently or dropped [in a strict mode])
[schmarty]: I _think_ I agree b/c it doesn't actually _know_
but I think it's still okay for it to give a 'general' sense
scopes are an agreement between the client and the server that actually handles the authorized request
marinin[t] joined the channel
good evening everyone
bet - that's enough for me to punt that to the client to explain tbh
evening, mattl
marinin[t]: evening
my fault mattl lol
i don't think there's currently a way for an IndieAuth authorization or token server to actually know where an issued token can be expected to be used.
__minoru__shirae joined the channel
sounds like OAuth Resource Indicators
(like: does your IndieAuth endpoint know that you have a micropub endpoint? a micropub media endpoint? a microsub endpont? does it even need to?)
[tantek] joined the channel
as i'm going deeper into more of the OAuth specs, and also trying to rebuild everything in GNAP, i'm realizing that a lot of the problems and questions like this we have in IndieAuth have some overlap with other communities too, sometimes with already existing solutions
to be clear i am not advocating for "solving" this at an auth server at the moment. so far the answers to my questions above have been "human coordination" and implementations have done well with that, haha. 😂
looks up GNAP
[schmarty]: but this is a good line of questioning
lol this sentence "Concepts from OAuth 2, OIDC, PKCE, UMA, CIBA, OBUK, FAPI, [...]"
the NASCAR of authz/authn
tentatively looking at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8707 to learn about resource indicators for oauth 2.0
waits for the oauth.net link of that RFC
for now, I'll just not add this :)
because I'd love to link to something with more info (and maybe even sniff it out using MF2)
is glad oauth.net was the first result for GNAP :)
ShadowKyogre joined the channel
ha yeah I suffixed it with 'oauth2' and it came up
[KevinMarks] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
ok finished up. Resource Indicators is kind of neat from a "where should this token be accepted?" perspective. however this spec doesn't contain anything that would enable those resources to define what scopes are possible or allowed or what they mean.
needs to check out that spec
b/c now I wonder if it's possible to have some sort of descriptor link in a resource indicator
ooh this is like literally saying "I want to do $SCOPE[] with $RESOURCE[]"
tbh that can kinda address the thing you were mentioning [schmarty]
like if one of the resources is someone's micropub endpoint (and media) then it could be a stricter validation for things like `media` or `create|delete|update`
(as in using link-rel verification to confirm that those resources exist / are valid to the `me` associated with this token)
[chrisaldrich], ShadowKyogre, [aciccarello] and shoesNsocks joined the channel
jacky: it could! but that would be some new spec where the auth server is discovering the endpoints it is allowed to make tokens for and then further discovering what scopes they support, etc.
the resource indicators RFC supposes that all that is possible but doesn't give any mechanisms for doing it.
marinin[t] and [Rose] joined the channel
hoping that I had not spammed webmention.rocks too much
22/23 tests are passing 🎉
marinin[t]: congrats!!
aaand the last test requires quite a bit of refactoring :)
sebbu joined the channel
webmention.rocks is there to be spammed!
moving from the main channel...
that feed tricks post has a lot of things in common with issues i’ve run into with activitypub
[jacky] FYI, I found that article you added to RSS under https://indieweb.org/feed#Criticism
[tantek] and prof_milki joined the channel
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67117315/micropub-api-not-tied-to-specific-token-endpoint - Somewhat artifical question, since it's difficult to ask for basics when the spec covers most everything already. Also to create the tags on SO (indieauth/micropub somewhat underrepresented there).