#dev 2021-04-16

2021-04-16 UTC
Seirdy, __minoru__shirae and prof_milki joined the channel
commit for that one last test: [master 14acfe1] webmention: 23/23 webmention.rocks 15 files changed, 510 insertions(+), 347 deletions(-)
[snarfed] joined the channel
you earned it
I think there is a spec for that
like vaguely
it's like something where you could visit `/.well-known/oauth2` or something
prof_milki: I've encountered this same issue with the Microsub endpoint in Aperture. Basically I give each user a unique endpoint so that I know where I need to validate the token
oh this is interesting
I kind of need something for this with Sele (to be able to properly handle what authentication method a particular site wants to use)
I think I have this easy because of the `me` param
but it _has_ to be valid / recognizable to Sele
https://jaybear.ca/14670/ Why do comments on my blog show up as "This Status was mentioned on ..." rather than actual comments? I've been using the Webmention plugin for WordPress. I don't think I had this problem years back.
[tw2113_Slack_] and Kaja joined the channel
↩️ The Webmention plugin only does notifications. You also need the semantic linkbacks plugin for the parser which will give you the richer data you're looking for. https://wordpress.org/plugins/semantic-linkbacks/
[chrisaldrich], jacky, tomlarkworthy and __minoru__shirae joined the channel
↩️ Thank you so much, Chris. I installed that plugin, but have deactivated it since last migration. Will it automatically parse existing Webmentions and render them into 'natural' comments if I re-activate it?
__minoru__shirae joined the channel
[Rose], ben_thatmustbeme, shoesNsocks, shoesNsocks1 and [manton] joined the channel
I’ve been improving various bit of IndieWeb-related code in Micro.blog this week. Kind of on a roll, so if anyone has Micro.blog gripes or suggestions, let me know. 🙂
[snarfed] joined the channel
[manton] awesome! are inbound and outbound webmentions fully working yet? we’d love to remove the caveats around recommending m.b on https://indieweb.org/web_hosting#Custom_domain_silos !
[snarfed] Yep, should be fully working now. I made some outbound improvements this week, and I know we get inbound Webmentions… I might send some more from my test WordPress blog.
[manton]: I haven't gotten a webmention from micro.blog in a while, so unsure if I have anything right now
awesome! i’ll remove those caveats
@GWG Last week I had some server problems that prevented some notifications from going out, so maybe that was it? If you have a post I can try replying to, I can test it.
[manton]: I just figured no one was interested
Pretty generic
[David Shanske] Just began a major reorganize at of my apartment, as I’ve been here very little in the last year. This will take weeks to complete. Anyone have any advice?
@GWG Replied. Let me know if you get a Webmention.
I don’t see anything as a comment on your site, but maybe it needs approval…
It's in my moderation queue
I need to teach moderation about multiuser sites
Right now I can only auto approve by domian
Approved now
Great, looks like it worked then!
I really need to enhance my webmention implementation
[schmarty] joined the channel
manton has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (23 in all channels)
[tw2113_Slack_] and __minoru__shirae joined the channel
↩️ About the talk: Webmentions are an exciting standard which help enable the IndieWeb. We can own our own content, hosted on our own domains, without sacrificing social connection and replies with other people! Eleventy is JavaScript-based static site generator that requires...
MagnoliaJS 2021 presents @TheGreenGreek! Join the Indie Web with Eleventy and Webmentions Register today! https://ti.to/magnoliajs/2021
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[manton], speaking of webmentions, comments, and micro.blog, it would be nice to see some movement in the area of external replies to posts on micro.blog stripping out any reply contexts when they appear in the home stream. I'm pretty sure they're still showing (repeating) the context before showing the reply (or worse, concatenating the actual reply).
↩️ Alas no. You can resend them manually by putting the URL links into the "Ping Me" box on your original posts. If you're using http://Brid.gy, there's a resend functionality there as well which might speed things up.
[schmarty], [KevinMarks], [tantek], [fluffy], jjuran, Seirdy and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
looking for a loader for my consent screen and wow https://loading.io/animation
like Kirby gets twisted lol
oooooh even more interesting https://loading.io/background/
this gives me "Discord sign-in page" or "Discord paying for Nitro" animation vibes https://loading.io/background/m-fluid/
I _really_ love the feel of Discord
[manton] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Thanks, I’d like to improve that. One thing I could do is ignore replies in a feed if there has already been a Webmention for that reply sent to Micro.blog. Would that mostly solve what you’re talking about? Separately I think Micro.blog could pay more attention to u-in-reply-to in HTML in a feed post.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I suspect things work properly for the notification side on people's stand alone sites. The bigger presentational issue is how they appear in the micro.blog timeline (or conversation pages). Things may be trickier if folks are sending threaded replies between their site and micro.blog, in which case you may need/want to watch out on that first part.
[jeremycherfas], [fluffy] and minoru_shiraeesh joined the channel
does anyone have tips and ideas for presenting threaded comments (just got reminded about the above)
like in a semi-tree structure a bit similar to Disqus/Reddit
well any thread has the potential to be infinitely nested so watch out for that :P
you can restrict to any n-level nesting
and so you can choose n = 0 ;)
oh I'm definitely capping the nesting to be around 3
I forget what the WordPress default is, but I can't say it is informed
on wide screens nesting can be done by having some relative indentation
[Rose] joined the channel
but on small/mobile screens it becomes weird
yeah I'm thinking about collapsing comment threads by default and giving them a "more focused" as it goes down
like a sideway slide kind of click through
god knows how the CSS for that will work, lol
switching gears again, this is probably super flashy but https://imgur.com/qzhVsiy
I was thinking about adding a hint about PKCE verification without mentioning PKCE but eh
adds it
[aciccarello] joined the channel
That looks clean 👏
jacky has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (112 in all channels)
thank you!
wanted it to be something 'fresh' but also not too overwhelming
the report function is a bit loaded b/c right now, that's mainly placebo and would ideally go to something I'd host to help keep a index of apps (tbh, I'd love to have it backed by the Wiki so by joining the Wiki, you can help moderate said list _and_ we can get reasons as part of the diff)
[schmarty] joined the channel
jacky: dang those loading backgrounds are very exciting to me for some reason.
[schmarty]: right? lol I don't know what it is
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Things I love: witchcraft, activity books, and planners. Things "You're Out of this World" has: all of those, plus self-care help! ctrlaltcassie outdid herself with this one. #selfhelp #bookstagram #workbook #activitybook #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #indiebooks #indieauth
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
BossWitches++ :female_mage::skin-tone-2:🗓
BossWitches has 1 karma over the last year
KartikPrabhu joined the channel